Let There Be No Partiality
A Christian man once attended a congregation regularly for several months, but he was always ignored. Because no one knew who he was, and he looked out-of-place with his old
A Christian man once attended a congregation regularly for several months, but he was always ignored. Because no one knew who he was, and he looked out-of-place with his old
When I first started gardening many years ago, I soon learned that uncultivated soil is resistant to seed planting and growth. However, when I planted good seeds in
The story is told of a man whose oldest brother had died. When the local preacher expressed surprise that he had not heard the news already, the man said, “We never had
The story is told of a preacher who was growing weary in his ministry. One night, he had a dream of seeing himself pounding away at a huge chunk of granite with a pick-axe. It
The story is told of some young children who were talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up. When it was Johnny’s turn to speak, he didn’t mention one of the
Recently, I overheard an elderly woman speaking to a friend about the current obsession with dieting. “These days,” she mused, “I’m more concerned with what comes out of my mouth than what goes into it.”
Sometimes the shortest statements are the most profound. If you’ve read scripture you know this to be true. Preacher Pages offers these rules for reading scripture: 1. God is always good. 2. God is always right. 3. God’s Word is always right. 4. God’s way is always best. Excellent thoughts!
Temperament varies from individual to individual. Some of us have upbeat dispositions, while others exhibit very negative ones. Yet how we respond to life’s trials also affects our overall disposition.
A querist asks, “In 2 Corinthians 5:21, in what way was Christ made to be sin? I’ve heard the teaching that when Christ was on the cross, He literally took the world’s sins upon
Shameful behavior is indeed being displayed in magazines, movies, and on television. Immorality is even joked about on sitcoms. The world is seeking to convince everyone
We’ve all experienced the blues and times of dark discouragement. During these times, we can think about and act upon the following thoughts from the “light” of God’s Word (Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 6:23):
Let’s be honest. Are we always able to trust ourselves in everything? Even the apostle Paul said emphatically about himself, “But I discipline my body and bring it into
History records that as the army of Alexander the Great was advancing on Persia, it appeared that his troops might be defeated. The soldiers had taken so much plunder from
In today’s religious world, many people are growing disenchanted with man-made religious organizations which originated during the middle ages and have since become
The story is told of a woman who woke her husband to tell him she was in labor and needed to go to the hospital. He jumped out of bed, dropped to his knees, and said,
One of Grimm’s fairy tales is about a rather dimwitted young man who didn’t understand what it meant to shudder in fear. People attempted to shock him by putting him in all
We may readily agree with the statement that “all men are created equal.” But we don’t have to live long before discovering that life treats some people better than others. This is
Once there was a mild-mannered man who was reading a book on being self-assertive. Wanting to put the teachings of the book into practice, he decided to start at home. So
Isaiah’s words about patiently waiting for the Lord in Isaiah 40:27-31, anticipate the future with confident hope. From our place of trial, we wait for an inheritance that is certain to come (1 Peter 1:3-8).
Are we so rushed during the day that we find it hard to take even a few minutes to spend with God? Many people set aside time in the early morning before they get caught up in the hectic pace of the day.