
A lot of what we accomplish in life depends upon our focus. The story is told of the golfer Arnold Palmer, who, in the 1961 Master’s finals was approached by a friend and congratulated on his victory a few shots prior to his finish. Palmer is on record as saying that in that moment he […]

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Do We Have A Song To Sing?

As a history buff, I recently read about an incident that occurred during World War II, involving students and teachers of a school for missionary children in China who were imprisoned by occupying

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Obedience From The Heart

A few years back, I read about a Colorado Springs woman who sat in her car in front of an elementary school, pointing a hair dryer out her window at passing vehicles. Many

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The God Of Great And Small

While recently looking at a NASA website, I read where astronomers have discovered what they call “the largest structure in the observable universe.” It occupies an area in the night sky about 40 times that of the full moon as seen from earth. This supercluster includes at

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles, uncategorized

Let's Keep Our Word!

In 1989, CBS presented a dramatic television miniseries called “Lonesome Dove.” It’s a gripping story about two former Texas Rangers in the Old West who face many perils as they drive a

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The Bible – God's Book Of Hope

One of the exciting occurrences on my grandparent’s farm in the 1940’s, was the arrival of the Montgomery Ward catalog. Often called the “Wish Book,” its pages were filled with

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

“Will You Not Revive Us Again?”

When it rains, most people go inside to avoid getting wet. But I can remember many a summer day here in Texas when folks would run outside their homes to stand in a

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Let's Ask For Wisdom!

Solomon was a young man charged with the responsibility of governing one of the most prosperous kingdoms in the ancient Near East. Israel’s domain extended from the

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

God's Vengeance – Not Ours!

The infamous 19th-century feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys started with a fight over a razorback hog. It turned into a vendetta that continued unabated for several

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Daddy’s Rules For Dating

Like everyone else in today’s “information age,” I recently received an unsolicited e-mail which was full of truth and wisdom. The e-mail heading was entitled, “Daddy’s Rules For Dating.” With humor and sarcasm, it lists ten rules for any boy who hopes to date a

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

God Hears Us!

For over 40 years, my father was a TV repairman. He had an unusual ability for correctly diagnosing where the trouble was in any television set, and could fix the problem in short order.

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Our Place In Time

While recently surfing the Internet, I came across the Henry Ford Museum, located in Dearborn, Michigan. In their “online exhibits” section, there is a fascinating exhibit entitled, “Your Place In Time” (click on “The Exhibit” at bottom of page).

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The Beauty Of Unconditional Love

The story is told of a surgeon who had to sever a nerve that controlled the muscles of a young woman’s mouth in order to remove a tumor.

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Three Principles Of Memorizing Scripture

In today’s world of cell phones and speed dialing, our inability to remember may be caused by our reliance on these technological “gadgets.” Before the days of these

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles, uncategorized

Testing All Preachers And Teachers

At one time or another, many of us have been exposed to self-promoting preachers and teachers who claim to have had a special “revelation” or “word” from God. If so, we need to be careful. Unless what a person proclaims as truth can be verified by the clear teaching of the

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles, uncategorized

The Sand In Our Shoes

Imagine the obstacles a person would have to overcome to walk from New York City to San Francisco. A man who once accomplished this feat, was asked about his biggesthurdle. He said that the toughest part of his trip wasn’t walking up the mountains or crossing hot, dry, barren

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles, uncategorized

Do We Have A Good Name?

Memorial Day is a day in which thousands of people visit cemeteries and monuments to remember and honor their loved ones. They ponder a name carved in stone and recall the life of the person for whom it stands.

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles, uncategorized

Let There Be No Partiality

A Christian man once attended a congregation regularly for several months, but he was always ignored. Because no one knew who he was, and he looked out-of-place with his old

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Let's Plant Good Seeds!

When I first started gardening many years ago, I soon learned that uncultivated soil is resistant to seed planting and growth. However, when I planted good seeds in

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles, uncategorized

Will We Be Missed?

The story is told of a man whose oldest brother had died. When the local preacher expressed surprise that he had not heard the news already, the man said, “We never had

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