Afraid To Die?
Afraid to die? Of what? To fear the spirit’s sweet release,
Afraid to die? Of what? To fear the spirit’s sweet release,
As an authorized library substitute for one of our local school districts, I am frequently called to substitute for any one of approximately one hundred school librarians within the district.
With today’s amazing technology, the amount of knowledge we can acquire is seemingly limitless. Using the marvel of the Internet, we are able to tap into incredible sources of information.
Dear Reader, This is my prayer for you this day: This morning when I awakened
Earlier this month, the “Fellows” in The Fellowship Room, were asked the question, “In what way does Christianity upset the apple cart?“
The following are more humorous stories that I recently received via email, that reveals to us the innocence, the imagination, and straightforwardness of a little child (Matthew 18:1-3; Matthew 19:13-14):
The story is told that once at a White House dinner, a churchman offered a benediction and closed with this pious affirmation: “The Lord is on our side.”
Some folks say that the Bible is not relevant to our society today, but if we look at Isaiah 1, we see the same mirrored image of our society today as was found in Judah. It’s like reading today’s newspaper.
While I was working in one of our local high school libraries this past week, I listened to a presentation by the principal of the school to freshmen and sophomore students. In the presentation, he was encouraging the students to (1) stay in school; (2) don’t be late for class; and (3) study, study, study.
Walking in the Truth by Larry Miles The Christian life is portrayed in the New Testament in a variety of ways. The writers of the New Testament use word pictures to help us…
From all of the drug advertisements on television, one would think that almost everyone is running to their doctor in order to acquire the “latest and the greatest” drug that supposedly will cure any ill
Brother Neil Richey, preacher for the Piedmont Road congregation in Marietta, Georgia, has produced an excellent video series of short devotional topics entitled, “Thinking Out Loud.”
In Fanny J. Crosby’s beautiful hymn, “Tell Me the Story of Jesus,” Ms. Crosby describes the Savior in terms of Isaiah 53: “He was despised and afflicted,” and then adds, “homeless, rejected, and poor.”
Native American Indians used to give their children names they earned. Thus, some girl might be named “Laughing Water, Sunshine, or Timid One.” A boy might be named “Running Feet,
The following article was written by David Padfield, preacher for the Zion church of Christ in Zion, Illinois. In his article, Brother Padfield lists five beneficial truths found in the genealogy of Christ (Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38):
During the Labor Day holiday, this writer had to call 911 in order for emergency medical technicians to transport my wife to the hospital because of a prescription drug overdose. After spending four days in the hospital, she is now successfully recuperating at home,
From his blog entitled, “The Morning Drive,” Brother Scott McCown, preacher for the Parrish congregation in Parrish, Alabama, lists the following six steps to effective soul winning that he received from
It is said that Charles Spurgeon once found an old worm-eaten Bible on the table at a Scottish wayside inn. Carefully holding it up to the light, he noticed only one hole through which the light shone.
Several times in my life, querists have asked me, “If an individual dies on their way to the baptistry, will they be lost?” If we were to say to the querist, “the individual is lost,” we often play into the
The Associated Press reported today that “Battle-weary members of Congress are coming soon to neighborhoods near you to press for re-election.” (Also note this article).