Tom Moore Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Heartbreaking Division of Two Sisters in Christ

INTRODUCTION: Philippians 4:1-3

A. I hope I will not shock you when I tell you that Christians – even good Christians – do not always get along.

1. Where is light there will be bugs. Where there are dogs there will be fleas.

2. Where there are humans, there will be misunderstandings and differences of opinion – even if those humans are Christians, even if they are good Christians

3. Acts 15:36-40

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The True Meaning to Life #11. A Study in Ecclesiastes

INTRODUCTION: A. It was mentioned last week that there are two things we can count on for sure in this life ““ and that is death and taxes. 1. In our last lesson we discussed the government and it is God ordained, and how that giving honor to government is giving honor to God 2. […]

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Sermon on Judgment – Things Worth Remembering

Sermon on Judgment — Sermon outline by Tom Moore. He continues his exposition of the book of Jude giving us things worth remembering.

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The Beauty of the Forgiveness of Sin


A. For several Sundays we have been discussing sin. We have studied:

1. The origin of sin

2. What sin is

3. Kinds of sin

4. What sin will do to you

5. Improper attitudes toward sin

6. Proper attitudes toward sin

7. Helps in overcoming sin

B. In our lesson of this hour we will be discussing the “The Beauty of the Forgiveness of Sin,” notice first that …

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Sermon on the Mind of Christ – The Mind of Christ

Sermon on the Mind of Christ –. Sermon outline on having a mind of sacrifice, humility and obedience. By Tom Moore

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Sermon on Influence – The Power of Influence


A. The power of influence is staggering.

1. Astronomers, watching the peculiar behavior of the planet Uranus, deducted that it must be under the influence of another planet.

2. Thus convinced, they pointed their great telescope in the correct direction and discovered the planet Neptune.

B. What is influence?

1. Influence is that moral or spiritual force, power or capacity by which we have an EFFECT upon a person, condition, or development.

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Diagnosing and Treating Your Spiritual Heart Symptoms


A. The spiritual heart is widely misunderstood in our day, and of our major problem with regard to being sound and faithful has to do with heart problems.

1. Many are dying spiritually each day because of moral heart disease.

2. Great process, though, has been made in understanding the disorders of the physical heart

3. Yet while great leaps and bounds have brought us to a point to where bypass surgery has about the same risk as an appendectomy, the moral center of man’s being has been shrouded in myth and fiction.

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Sermon on Ingratitude – Overcoming Ingratitude*


A. Every day should be a day of thanksgiving on the Christian’s calendar.

1. The Bible teaches us by direct command to be grateful

a. “Giving thanks always for all things to God” (Eph 5:20)

b. Paul said, “abound with thanksgiving” (Col. 2:7)

c. It is God’s will that we be thankful – “in everything give thanks” (1 The. 5:18), and we must do the will of God to go to heaven (Mat. 7:21).

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Sermon on the Prodigal Son | The Failure and Success of the Lost Son

Luke 15:11-24


1. To any student of the Bible the parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most familiar.

1) Its sentiment, its scope, its message of a son’s rebellion, a wasted life, and a father’s love has been the source of inspiration for many lessons through the centuries.

2) The Theme: God’s Attitude Toward the Lost.

3) The Main Lesson: God not only accepts penitent sinners, He earnestly seeks their salvation.

2. The Background to the Parable.

1) There are many precious words in our English language – “home” is one of them. Many this very hour are thinking of home:

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The True Meaning to Life #6*. A Study in Ecclesiastes

INTRODUCTION: A. Solomon has been explaining why he reached his conclusion that life “under the sun” is vanity: 1. Based upon his personal experience (1:1-2:26) 2. Based upon his personal observations (3:1-6:12) B. In chapters 3 and 4, we saw where he discussed: 1. The inexplicable purpose of God 2. The injustice and oppression of […]

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Concern for Lost Souls


A. A while back the news media focused our attention to the tragedy in Midland, where 18 month old Jessica McClure fell down an abandoned well in the backyard of their home. The whole community, the whole nation, and some from around the world showed their interest and concern for this little girl and her parents. On Friday evening, the news media began televising the entire rescue operation. After being in the well some 58 hours, young Jessica was brought out alive. It was a dramatic moment for those present, as they began to shout and clap. Emotion was high in homes that were watching the rescue, and I dare say there was not a dry eye anywhere among those that were watching. It was heart-breaking to think of such a small child in a dark well, but a joyous moment when she was rescued.

B. Now, if we can be that interested in the welfare of a little girl’s physical life, WHY can’t we be just half as concerned about the spiritual life of our friends and neighbors who are lost in the darkness of sin???

C. Let us take a look at the Christian’s concern for lost souls.


A. Who are the lost?

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Sermon on Jesus’ Crucifixion | The Crucifixion of Christ


A. The crucifixion of our Lord took place at a location known as “The Place of the Skull”- Greek, Hebrew, Latin

B. Crucifixion was probably the most horrible form of capital punishment ever devised by man. It appears to have originated with the Persians (c. 522 B.C.).

1. Later, it was employed by the Greeks. Following the destruction of Tyre, Alexander the Great crucified 2,000 men of military age.

2. The Jews even used crucifixion on occasion. In the inter-biblical age, Alexander Jannaeus (103-76 B.C.) crucified 800 Pharisees who had been involved in a revolt.

3. But the Romans were most noted for the practice. In 71 B.C., following a slave revolt in Rome, 6,000 recaptured slaves were crucified on the Appian Way leading to the city

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Are We Really Dealing With False Teachers in the Church Today

Dealing With False Teachers in the Church Today – Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the Biblical method of dealing with false prophets. What should our attitude be? Must we deal with them? INTRODUCTION: A. It cannot be truthfully denied that there are teachers of false doctrine among us – the Bible warns of such: […]

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Sermon on Spiritual Warfare – The Spiritual Patriot Must Fight


A. Patriots are people who passionately love their country and are willing to support and defend it with their very live

1. The word “patriot” awakens memories of great heroes from America’s military history

2. “Give me liberty, or give me death” (Patrick Henry)

3. “I only regret that I have only one life to lose for my country” (Nathan Hale)

B. The same kind of devotion can be seen in the lives of the first century Christians

1. Peter and John were beaten for preaching Jesus — but never shied away from their responsibilities

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The Change Movement – The Fuel For Change (2)


A. A third key item that is being used to fuel change in the church is the unfortunate and misplaced emphasis upon church growth and the desire to be relevant

1. It seems there is no end to the lengths that some will go for church growth

2. Many are like those of Samuel’s days who want to be like the nations around them (1 Sam. 8:20) — many are trying to copy the denominations in evangelism

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Sermon on Procrastination – Overcoming Procrastination


A. There are numerous problems that need to be corrected in the Lord’s church today, but perhaps none more than the problem of procrastination.

1. So often, the resources are available, the fields are white unto harvest, and the opportunities abound – but the laborers are few (Mat. 9:37-38)

2. WHY?

a. Is it because so many are unaware of their responsibility to serve

b. Or is it because those who are aware of their responsibility, lack the ability to serve?

c. Or could it be that the majority of folks know their responsibility, have the necessary abilities to render effective service unto God, but just never get around to using those talents?

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The Authority of the Bible: Sermon Outline

Authority of the Bible — Sermon outline by Tom Moore explaining the authority of the word of God and the folly of refusing to obey it. I.   Introduction A. We are living in a time when a great many people have little or no respect for authority. 1. Our jails are full of those who […]

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The Folly and Tragedy of Subjectivism

INTRODUCTION A. The Old Testament books of history are prophetic 1. These books are numbered among what are called the “Former Prophets” 2. They were called prophecies because the histories they recorded were considered exemplary. 3. These books showed God’s principles in action, and formed prophetic warnings to God’s people. 4. Among these is the […]

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Doing Good


A. There are few in the religious world today who fail to realize the need for involvement in good works.

1. Jesus who is our example in all things (1 Peter 2:21), was declared to be one “who went about doing good” (Acts

2. We know that we are to be involved in good works for this is a sign of Christian maturity.

3. Paul says that the man of God needs to be “perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:17).

B. It is important that we not only understand the need to be involved in good works, but that they are to also be done by
the authority of Christ.

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Sermon on the New Birth – A Person Reborn

Sermon on the New Birth THE SIGNIFICANCE OF BEING A CHRISTIAN #1 “A PERSON REBORN” INTRODUCTION: A. When it comes right down to it, what does it really mean to be a Christian? 1. There are many different views in our world today 2. But, of course, the Bible view is the only correct view

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