Sermon on Life Worth Living | Is Life Worth Living?
Sermon on a Life Worth Living INTRODUCTION: A. Is life worth living? 1. This question has been asked by millions through the years, and it is sad that many have answered “no!”
Sermon on a Life Worth Living INTRODUCTION: A. Is life worth living? 1. This question has been asked by millions through the years, and it is sad that many have answered “no!”
A. Probably one of the most familiar stories in the Bible is the one of David and Goliath.
1. It is a story of a shepherd’s bravery and trust in God
2. It is a story about a young man being prepared
B. The Battle Scene (1 Sam. 17:1-3)
1. Envision in your mind two mountains with a large valley running between them
2. On the one mountain you have the Israelites and on the other you have the Philistines — both come to battle
Sermon outline by Tom Moore explaining 4 of God’s means for drawing people to Him. Sermon on evangelism and God’s purposes.
A. In our series of lessons on “Studying Sin Seriously” we have so far discussed:
1. The Origin of Sin
2. What Sin Is
3. Kinds of Sin
4. What Sin Will Do To You
5. Improper Attitudes Toward Sin
B. In this lesson, it is only natural that we now study “Proper Attitudes Toward Sin”
How To Be Saved — Sermon outline by Tom Moore with the topic, “What Must I Do To Be Saved.” Part 7 in the series, “Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ.” Why I Am A Member of the Church of Christ 7 INTRODUCTION: A. Today I want to share with you […]
A. Why are you a member of the church of Christ?
1. If you are not a member of the church of Christ, why are you a member of the religious organization that you are?
2. Is it because that was the one your Dad and Mom were members of?
3. Is it because that is the one closest to your home, or has the nicest building in town?
4. Is it because it because you think that one church is as good as another?
How Should a Husband Treat His Wife? – Sermon outline by Tom Moore describing the God-given duties of husbands and their responsibilities to their wives. I. Introduction A. What Jeremiah said of his day is also true of our’s, “An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land” (Jeremiah 5:30). 1. Let me […]
Should Christians Fast Today?
Matthew 6:16-18
A. You don’t hear much about fasting these days
1. In a culture where the landscape is dotted with shrines to the “Golden Arches” and an assortment of “Pizza Temples”
2. Fasting seems out of place, out of step with the times
B. But the Scriptures have much to say about fasting…
A. The first mention of burial in the Bible is in Genesis 15:15 where it seems to have already been an established custom – God promised Abram he would be buried at a good old age.
B. Throughout history, respect for the deceased has included the proper disposal of the body.
C. Burial might seem to be […]
Lord’s Supper Sermon — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the meaning and purpose of the Lord’s supper.
INTRODUCTION: A. It was a great day when Dr. Salk discovered his polio-preventing vaccine, resulting in the near complete annihilation of that dreaded disease. B. But, what is even greater than this is to discover and apply the preventatives to sinning C. This lesson presupposes: 1. The recognition that we are sinners (Rom. 3:23) 2. […]
A. Teachers are some of our most unforgettable characters.
1. I remember my high school football coach, who instilled within me a love for competition and the need for teamwork.
2. I remember one of my history teachers – he always took a special interest in his students individually
3. I remember one of my Bible class teachers…
B. When Jesus walked this earth, He was called […]
Sermon on Music Pleasing to God INTRODUCTION: 1. Psalm 96:8-9 2. Worship is an attitude, but it is more. It is demonstrated and expressed by actions – Divinely Appointed. 1) The actions of worship have always been divinely mandated. 2) This is true of the Old Testament as well as the New… 3. Praising God […]
INTRODUCTION: 1. Worship is a topic that we all should be vitally interested in. 1) In the beginning, on the sixth day of creation, God reached down and made man from the dust of the earth. 2) Ever since then man has been reaching upward to God in worship. 3) The Greeks had a name […]
A. In the very familiar story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32, Jesus made a very interesting statement when He said that, having wasted his inheritance, the young man “came to himself” (Luke 15:17) and decided to go back home.
B. The Prodigal Son changed his course of action for the better when he changed his thinking about himself – that is, when he learned to see the truth about who he really was.
A. A person may be faithful church-goer and live a morally good life, and yet harbor enough “envy” in his heart to damn his soul
1. “Envy” is a common sin, with almost every person having some problem with this green-eyed monster at some time or another.
2. Yet, it is a seldom confessed sin!
B. “Envy” has been pictured as a devilish thing with wide ears for catching slander, with a tongue that is a serpent, and with feet standing in fire as a symbol of the wretchedness that always dogs its steps.
C. Socrates said, “Envy is the daughter of pride, the author of murder and revenge, the begetter of secret sedition, the perpetual tormenter of virtue. Envy is the filthy slime of the soul; a venom, a poison, a quicksilver, which consumeth the flesh and drieth up the bones.”
A. This is a very crucial time for the church in Port Lavaca.
1. The well-being of the church in the future depends on our actions today – the picking of qualified men to lead us as elders
2. Be prayerful and study seriously the qualifications
B. Read
1. 1 Timothy 3:1-7
2. Titus 1:5-9
C. We need to be careful not to:
1. Add qualifications
2. Take away qualification
3. That these qualifications must be had to perfection
1 Timothy 2:8-15
A. There is an important need in our day and time to discuss the role of women in the church.
1. The denominational world has thrown off the limitation of biblical authority and have gone head-long into error concerning the proper role of women.
2. I have been in the Lord’s church long enough to know that whatever the denominationalists do will sooner or later appeal to some of our brethren.
3. I know of several “Churches of Christ” who have allowed women to occupy positions of authority over men in the church…
A. Review – I am a member of the church of Christ because…
B. I am a member of the Church of Christ because it teaches that the miraculous gifts of the Spirit have ceased
C. The charismatic movement is one that is very prevalent in the world today…
1. We are saturated with it on religious channels
2. Benny Hin, and the like, are leading millions astray
D. In the lesson of this hour we are going to look carefully at 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 to answer the question: “Do miraculous gifts exist in the church today?”
INTRODUCTION: A. The book of Ephesians has been called the “great church epistle” 1. It is a tremendous treatise relative to the church of Christ, and Paul affirms that the church is a manifestation of God’s wisdom. 2. Ephesians 3:10-11 3. Since the church is a manifestation of divine wisdom, then the specific aspects which […]