Tom Moore Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Sermon On Commitment and Dedication – Total Commitment!


A. Illustration

In the 1976 Summer Olympics, Shun Fujimoto competed in the team gymnastics competition for Japan. In a quest for the gold metal, Fujimoto suffered a broken right knee in the floor exercise. But this injury did not stop him, for during the next week he competed in his strongest event, the rings. His routine was excellent, but he astounded everyone by squarely dismounting with a triple somersault twist on a broken right knee. When asked concerning his feat, he said, “Yes, the pain shot through me like a knife. It brought tears to my eyes. But now I have the gold metal and the pain is gone.”

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Do Not Worry About Tomorrow

Matthew 6:24-34


A. In His sermon on the mount, Jesus exhorted His disciples to…

1. Lay up treasure in heaven (by helping others)

2. Keep your eye good (guard what you allow to influence your inner man)

3. Make God your Master (and you will not be able to serve another Master)

4. We examined this in our last lesson – “Gaining Mastery Over Mammon” (Mt 6:19-24)

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Sermon on Memorials – What Mean These Stones?

Sermon on Memorials – What Mean These Stones? — Sermon outline by Tom Moore applying the lessons of an Old Testament memorial to today.

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Sermon on The Wise and the Foolish Builders, From Matthew 7:24-27

Sermon on Matthew 7:24-27 — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the wise and the foolish builders.

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The True Meaning to Life #3. A Study in Ecclesiastes


A. The book of Ecclesiastes shows in a very powerful way that there is more to life than just existing, and there is more to death than dying (there is a judgment).

B. In our previous lesson we learned how Solomon began a search for “The True Meaning To Life”

1. He observed the futility of this life as revealed in the “weariness of repetition” (1:4-11)

2. Solomon also came to know the folly of “human wisdom” (1:12-18)

3. Solomon realized that this is not where “The True Meaning To Life” is found – for these only brought grief and sorrow

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Blessed Are The Merciful | Sermon

Blessed are the Merciful Sermon — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on Jesus’ teaching in the Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount.

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Way of Cain Sermon | The Way of Cain

Way of Cain Sermon — Sermon outline on the sins of Cain by Tom Moore.

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Noah Sermon – A Man Who Walked With God


A. Almost 11 centuries after the creation of Adam and Eve, Lamech had a son whom he called “Noah”

1. Lamech was 182 year old when Noah was born

2. Methuselah was Noah’s grandfather and was a contemporary with Adam for 243 years.

3. Methuselah knew first hand the events of the garden of Eden … creation, provisions, the fall

4. Lamech, again – the father of Noah, was 56 when Adam died and clearly understood the fall of man and the curse of God – Genesis 5:28-29

5. Methuselah and Lamech heard Enoch preach and saw the example of his noble life … of him it was said – Genesis 5:24

6. All of this must have made a deep impression on Noah

B. But something terrible happened, man refused to obey God

1. Genesis 6:5-6

a. Man did only evil continually

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Sermon on Attitude | The Church Moving Forward #5 – Attitudes To Develop


A. Philippians 3:12-14

B. This is the last of a series of sermons on the church moving forward into the future

1. The fact is that we will move into the future regardless of how we prepare for it

2. The question is actually one of what we will be able to do with the future when it arrives

3. So far we have looked at:

a. Challenges we must accept

b. Enemies we must defeat

c. Dangers we must avoid

d. Opportunities to take

4. There is one more essential ingredient in Moving the Church Forward – ATTITUDE

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The Work of the Eldership #1


A. The concept of spiritual shepherds over the flock of God did not originate in the New Testament

1. That was a role the priests and prophets played in the Mosaic age, and some of them did not take their work seriously

2. Jeremiah 23:1-4

3. Ezekiel 34:1-10

4. Jesus alluded to this work and its abuse during His earthly ministry, when, in speaking of the shepherd, He said – John 10:3-5, 11-12

5. From these passages, we learn that the Lord expected His shepherds to do the following:

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The Hand of the Lord Was Upon Me Sermon | Ezra 7

Sermon on Ezra — Sermon Outline by Tom Moore explaining how and why God was able to use Ezra.

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The Savage Cross of Calvary | The Nails of the Cross

Sermon outline by Tom Moore on all that the vicious nails of the Cross of Calvary accomplished. From John 20:24-29 INTRODUCTION: A. John 20:24-29 B. While nails are mentioned at least nine times in the Bible, John 20:25 is the only reference to them in the life of Christ 1. Growing up around a carpenter’s […]

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Fruit of the Spirit Love Sermon – Galatians 5:22


1. Having considered the manifold works of the flesh, we now focus our attention to “the fruit of the Spirit”

1) Have you noticed that the word fruit is singular, while works is plural?

2) This suggests that the individual works of the flesh are varied and not necessarily related

3) But the fruit of the Spirit, though possessing various characteristics, is, in reality, one, made possible by the combination of all nine characteristics in these verses

4) A person may be guilty of the works of the flesh when only committing one of the works

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Sermon on Giving to the Lord – Better Attitudes Toward Giving


A. Psalm 96:8-9

B. It should be the desire of every child of God to want to know the whole truth on any subject.

1. What is important to realize in this regard is that “the reception of any truth depends upon the attitude that one has toward it.”

2. We often tell our friends and neighbors that they do not understand God’s truth on baptism or grace because they do not manifest the right attitude toward God’s word of these subjects.

3. Sadly, there are thousands upon thousands of Christians who have closed their ears to what God has said on the subject of giving.

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The Unshakeable Kingdom – A Breathtaking Vision of the Church


A. Hebrews 12:18-22, 27-28

1. Inspiration says:

a. You have not come to Mount Sinai (or to any other similar mountain), but you have come to Mount Zion

b. The “Mount Zion” is the Lord’s church

c. The church is a kingdom which cannot be shaken

2. “Cannot be moved” (shaken – ASV) is translated from asaleutos (asaleutos)

a. It means not liable to disorder or overthrow; firm, stable.

b. Luke 6:48

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Sermon on Stewardship – Custodians of the Truth


A. Romans 2:11-16

B. Now and then we hear of someone falling heir to some priceless treasure without having any concept of the importance or value of what he has, and then proceeding to be irresponsible in his custodianship of the thing.

C. Or, we may be in someone’s home who beams with pride as he shows off his expensive library of books — all of which are evidently unused! Acts 19:35

D. The people of Ephesus apparently were proud of their custodianship of the temple and the image of Diana.

E. The Jews were proud of their “custodianship” of the oracles of God.

1. Romans 3:1-2

2. Deuteronomy 4:5-8

3. Romans 9:4-5

4. The Jews did not do with the word of God what they should have … Romans 2:17-24

F. Do we have this same problem of seeing ourselves as “the custodians of the truth” without acceptance of the attendant responsibilities?

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Sermon on Spiritual Growth – Goals for Spiritual Growth

Sermon on Spiritual Growth – Sermon outline by Tom Moore listing goals for continued sustained spiritual growth.

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The True Meaning to Life #7. A Study in Ecclesiastes


A. It has been said, “Happiness is neither within us only, or without us; it is the union of ourselves with God.”

B. “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.”

C. These are some of the things that Solomon will be addressing in Ecclesiastes 6.

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The Christian Connection


A. In our last lesson we noticed how we as God people are to be active in Christian service

1. We are obligated – it is our duty – Luke 17:10

2. We will be lost if we are not involved in good works – Matthew 7:21

B. Among the activities we are to be involved in is “together work” with other Christians

1. Our working together as a collective body is essential to the well-being of the church as a whole – and individually

2. We all need to understand the importance of this collective work

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Sermon – Rejoice in the Lord

Philippians 3:1-3


A. Have you ever heard a preacher in his sermon say, “Now in conclusion”

1. So you reach for the song book … but he continues on and on and on

2. Paul begins this chapter with the words “Finally, my brethren” – and continues on for two more chapters

B. Greek scholars suggest that the word “finally” (loipon) can be a transition word, a word that introduces a new thought

C. This section of scripture has a very important message: “Rejoice in the Lord, always…”

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