Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Modes of Baptism – The Proper Mode of Baptism

SUBJECT: Baptism, Salvation

TITLE: The Proper Mode of Baptism

PROPOSITION: The mode of baptism makes a difference in salvation because 1) Doctrinally, there is only ONE baptism, 2) Historically, baptism was immersion, and 3) Theologically, baptism is a burial.

OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to state why the mode of baptism makes a difference and discuss which mode is correct for Christian baptism.

AIM: To aid each one in their study with others regarding the mode of baptism.


1. Read: Matthew 28:18-20

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Jesus is the Way Sermon – I Am The Way The Truth and The Life

I Am The Way The Truth And The Life – This sermon explores the meaning of Jesus’ statement, “I am the way the truth and the life” (John 14:6).

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Healing at the Pool of Bethesda Sermon – Wondrous Miracle at the Pool

PROPOSITION: In this sermon we see an 1) unrealized cure, 2) unabashed command, 3) unjustified criticism, 4) unapologetic confirmation.

Objectives: That each would understand the events that occurred at the pool of Bethesda and learn the lessons of appropriate compassion and sinful apathy.

Aim: That each would have a better understanding of this event in the life of Christ.


1. Read: John 5:1-17

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Sermon on the Birth of Jesus | Lessons from the Birth of Jesus

SUBJECT: Life of Christ

TITLE: Lessons from the Birth of Christ

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will set forth three significant lessons from Matthew’s account of the birth of Christ, namely: 1) God keeps his promises, 2) Obedience leads to salvation, 3) Jesus is the Messiah.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to state why these lessons are taught from the birth of Christ and give examples.

AIM: To show that God’s will cannot be thwarted as long as men are willing to do their part in the process of salvation.

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Principles For Resolving Church Conflict

SUBJECT: Church, Conflicts, Peace, Unity

TITLE: Principles for Resolving Church Conflicts

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at six principles for resolving church conflicts as illustrated by a recent mission trip.

Objectives: That each member be informed regarding the mission trip and understand what was done to resolve conflicts and what lessons were learned.

Aim: To teach six fundamental principles for resolving church conflicts.


1. Read: Romans 12:8 “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”

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Be Ye Reconciled!

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: Reconciliation (3)–“Be Ye Reconciled!”

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study God’s plan for man’s reconciliation– What God has done, what man must do, and what man must continue to do to be reconciled to God.

OBJECTIVE: That all who are not reconciled to God in the hearing of this sermon will become reconciled to him.


1. Read: 2 Cor. 5:20 “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.”

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Year of the Lord

Date written: January 4th, 2004

Scripture ref: Isaiah 61:1-3

SUBJECT: Attitudes

TITLE: Year of the Lord

PROPOSITION: In this study we will look at Isaiah 61:1-3 as understood through the person of Jesus and applied in the work of the church. We can make this year the year of the Lord by 1) Preaching the gospel to the lost. 2) Warning those who are erring. 3) Exhorting those who are faithful.

OBJECTIVES:Each hearer should be able to explain the significance of Isaiah 61:1-3 in relationship to the fulfillment in the messiah and the implementation of the church.

AIM:To encourage everyone to make this year, a year that is dedicated to the Lord by practicing the things we know will dedicate that year to the Lord.


1. Read: Isaiah 61:1-3

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Why Should I Change My Religion?

Date written: August 11th, 2007 Scripture ref: Acts 17:22-31 SUBJECT: Religion TITLE: Why Should I Change My Religion? PROPOSITION: I should change my religion if my religion 1) Preaches a different morality than the Bible, 2) Practices a different worship than the church of the New Testament, 3) Presents a different plan of salvation than […]

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How To Be More Evangelistic | 4 Practical Ways

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study four ways we can answer the question, how to be more evangelistic.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to take these four points and go out and use them to evangelize this community.

AIM: I want to encourage each member to get out and be evangelistic.


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The Christian and Politics

Date written: October 14th, 2006Scripture ref: 1 Peter 2:13-17 SUBJECT: Government TITLE: The Christian and Politics PROPOSITION: The Christian’s involvement in politics must be 1) peaceful, lawful, and honorable 2) respectful of other people’s opinions, 3) Concerned for promoting righteousness. Objectives: That the Christian would understand the biblical principles involved in each individual’s involvement in […]

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The Ninth Hour

Date written: 10/8/08
Scripture ref: Matthew 27:45-50

SUBJECT: Death of Jesus

TITLE: The Ninth Hour

PROPOSITION: The ninth hour is the hour of endurance, darkness, and death.

Objectives: To learn that Jesus endured these things so that we could overcome.


1. Read: Matthew 27:[…]

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Attitude of Worship – Studying Our Attitude in Worshiping God

SUBJECT: Worship

TITLE: Worship Part 2 — Studying Our Attitude in Worshiping God

PROPOSITION: We want to study our attitude in worshiping God. In order to worship God correctly there are certain things that must be broken-1) Our preconceptions, 2) Our worldliness, 3) Our Hearts.

OBJECTIVES: Everyone should be able to understand that attitude in worshipping God is equally important to God as action..

AIM: To impress upon the hearer the need to have to correct attitude in worshiping God.

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Who is God?

Date written: July 23rd, 2005 Scripture ref: Exodus 3:13-15 SUBJECT: God TITLE: Who is God? PROPOSITION: To look at the identity of God as revealed in scripture. He is 1) The Eternal One, 2) The Creator, 3) The Redeemer. Objectives: Each should understand who God is in relationship to the creation and our salvation. Aim: […]

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The Beginning of the Church of Christ

Date written: January 14th, 2005 Scripture ref: Acts 2:14-24 SUBJECT: Church TITLE: The Beginning of the Church of Christ PROPOSITION: In this study we will look at Acts 2 in relationship to the beginning of the church of Christ. Objectives: To teach what happened when the church of Christ began. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Acts 2:14-24 […]

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Lawlessness – Part 3

The gospel provides salvation from a lawless world. How? First, by providing forgiveness of man’s lawless deeds through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. And second, by providing a law of love (Romans 13:10, Galatians 5:14) by which we can live lawful lives in service to God. The gospel is, therefore, God’s perfect law of liberty (James 1:25), the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus that frees us from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2).

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The Golden Rule

SUBJECT: Attitudes

TITLE: The Golden Rule

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will examine the golden rule. It’s optimism; its reflection of God; its practical love toward other men; its proactive nature.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should have a better understanding of what the golden rule means and how to apply it.

AIM: To cause us to consider, reflect, and think more often about the golden rule.


1. Read: Matthew 7:12

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Sermon on Noah | Lessons From the Life of Noah

PROPOSITION: This life of Noah sermon shows that Noah’s salvation mirrors our own salvation today in that Noah was saved 1) By Grace, 2) By Faith, 3) By Obedience, 4) From Destruction.

OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able to explain how Noah was saved.

AIM: All should understand that God worked in the days of Noah just as he does today. God’s principles are the save though his methods are different.


1. Read: Genesis 6:8-10

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Lawlessness – Part 2

In 1 John 3:4, the ASV reads, “Every one that doeth sin doeth also lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.” That one verse tells us why we live in a lawless world today, because we live in a sinful world today. The world doesn’t have to have cattle rustlers, corrupt sheriffs, or saloon bosses to be lawless (though it often does). Sin, in and of itself, does the job. Truth be told, we probably don’t think of people’s sins as being lawlessness, but they are.

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Music In The Church — Its History

SUBJECT: Worship

TITLE: Music in the Church–Its History

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will examine music as historically used in the church. We will look both at sacred history, and secular history.

OBJECTIVES: Each member should be able to understand what kind of music was used in the church until modern times.

AIM: To educate every member on the history of music within the church.

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The Joy of Worship

Date written: March 27th, 2005 Scripture ref: Psalm 100 SUBJECT: Worship TITLE: The Joy of Worship PROPOSITION: Worship should be joyful because 1) The Christian has every reason to rejoice, 2) Worship itself is designed to be joyful, 3) I can do something about being more joyful in worship! Objectives: Each should understand why we […]

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