Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

The Lamb’s Book of Life – Revelation’s Eternal List

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: The Book of Life

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study what the Bible has to say about the book of life. 1) What is this book? 2) Who does the writing? 3) Who are written in it? 4) Who are not written in it?

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should desire to have their name in the book of life and to do what it takes to keep it there.

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Sermon on Tongue | A Word Fitly Spoken

Sermon on Tongue – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on the tongue. The obedient tongue will be a tongue that 1) speaks truth, 2) utters praise, 3) reflects good judgment, 4) edifies. SUBJECT: Character/Tongue TITLE: A Word Fitly Spoken PROPOSITION: To teach the things which the obedient tongue will utter before God–namely, it will be […]

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Irrefutable Facts of Life

Date written: December 9th, 2005
Scripture ref: Proverbs 3:13-22


TITLE: Irrefutable Facts of Life

PROPOSITION: To set forth some practical truths in life that will aid each of us in our daily walk as Christians.

Objectives: That each would understand these tried and true words of wisdom and apply them appropriately.

Aim: To supply these nuggets of wisdom to those who don’t have it and affirm it for those who do.


1. Read: Proverbs 3:13-22

2. About the Text:

1) The proverb writer tells us several things about the one who gains wisdom.

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Sermon on Repentance | Repentance Requires a Changed Mind

Sermon on Repentance. Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on the biblical doctrine of repentance. Repentance requires a changed mind.

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Sermon on God’s Presence – The Comfort of God’s Presence


TITLE: The Comfort of God’s Presence

PROPOSITION: From Hebrews 13:5-6 we learn that God’s presence brings some wonderful blessings: 1) Contentment, 2) Help, and 3) Fearlessness.

OBJECTIVE: I hope that each listener will understand that God’s presence brings great blessings.


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Resurrection Sermon | In The Resurrection – 1 John 3:3

SUBJECT: Resurrection

TITLE: In the Resurrection

PROPOSITION: Being In the Resurrection means 1) We must have a resurrected life, 2) We will have a resurrected body, 3) We will live forever in heaven.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to understand the importance of the resurrected life as it relates to eternal resurrection and life in heaven with God and Christ.

AIM: I hope to exhort those living a resurrected life to continue to do so and encourage those who are not to start.

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Worship – Part 5 – Bible Study as Worship

Date written: July 3rd, 2002Scripture ref: Psalm 1:1-3 Bible Study as Worship (Listen) Subject: Worship Title: Bible Study as Worship Proposition: A study of worship in the Bible. In this lesson we will look at Bible Study as Worship. Bible Study is worshiping God because we are 1) Reciting God’s Will. 2) Respecting and Honoring […]

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Salvation Sermon | What It Is And Why We Need It

SUBJECT: Gospel Meeting: Back to the Bible Pattern

TITLE: Pattern for Salvation

PROPOSITION: We need to go back to the Bible pattern for the 1) Purpose of Salvation, 2) The Place of Salvation, and 3) The Plan of Salvation.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to understand why salvation is necessary, where salvation is located, and how to obtain salvation.

AIM: I wish to impress upon the hearer the need for salvation and the need to teach salvation.

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The Work of Preaching

Date written: April 16th, 2005 Scripture ref: 2 Timothy 4:1-5 SUBJECT: The Work of the Preacher TITLE: The Work of Preaching PROPOSITION: The work of preaching involves: 1) Study 2) Teaching 3) Exhortation. Objectives: That each would know what work is involved in preaching the gospel. Aim: To educate the brethren on what work to […]

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Issues Of Life

SUBJECT: Morality

TITLE: Issues of Life

PROPOSITION: To examine Bible teaching on the questions of 1) Abortion, 2) Euthanasia, and 3) Suicide in reference to current events.

Objectives: That each would know what the Bible teaches on these subjects.

Aim: That each would understand that these actions are not options for the Christian.


1. Read: Proverbs 4:23 “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”

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Peace Sermon | The Perfection of Peace

Peace Sermon – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on the lessons learned from the end of Saul’s persecution in the book of Acts. Sermon taken from Acts 9:31. Date written: October 12, 1994 Scripture ref: Acts 9:31 SUBJECT: Growth TITLE: The Perfection of Peace PROPOSITION: To study the edification, endurance, and expansion–the results of the […]

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Sermon on Faith – Great Bible Verses on Faith

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: Great Statements about Faith

PROPOSITION: In this lesson, we will notice four lessons about faith from the Bible.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to state the four point regarding Bible faith.

AIM: To increase each person’s knowledge of Bible faith and what the Bible says about faith.

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Sermon | “I Am The Light of the World”

I Am The Light Of The World – Meaning


TITLE: I am the Light of the World

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the statement from Jesus, “I am the light of the world.” Within that statement we find the character of light, the action of light, and the extension of light.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to understand the thoughts involved in this statement and also recognize their responsibility to that light to either allow it to dispel the darkness in ones life to it or to reflect it.

AIM: To further educate concerning the statements of Jesus and His claims upon divinity.

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Sermon on Good Deeds – Do What You Can!

SUBJECT: Ability

TITLE: Do What You Can!

PROPOSITION: How do we do what we can? How do we know that we have done what we could?

Objectives: That each would understand what God expects in regard to our abilities.

Aim: To encourage everyone to use what abilities they have not fret over the ones they don’t have. To focus upon what we can do, not upon what we can’t do.


1. Read: Mark 14:3-11

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Saved By Grace

Date written: September 6th, 2003

Scripture ref: Ephesians 2:8-10

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: Saved by Grace

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will discuss Ephesians 2:8-10. We will note: 1) The source of salvation. 2) The substance of salvation. 3) The selflessness of salvation. 4) The state of salvation.

OBJECTIVES:Each person should be able to discuss the meaning of Ephesians 2:8-10 with supporting scriptures.

AIM: To educate the brethren regarding Ephesians 2:8-10 so that they can discuss it with others.


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Jonah Sermon – Great Lessons from the Life of Jonah

SUBJECT: Biography

TITLE: Jonah Sermon – Lessons from the Life of Jonah

PROPOSITION: In this sermon we will study the book of Jonah and glean some general lessons from the book.

Objectives: To further familiarize all with the book of Jonah and the lessons it teaches.


1. Read: Jonah 1:1-3

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“Who At The Door Is Standing?”

SUBJECT: Jesus, Evangelism, Invitation, Salvation

TITLE: “Who At The Door Is Standing?”

PROPOSITION: To answer the question, “Who at the door is standing?” 1) Jesus is standing at the door. 2) The world is standing at the door. 3) You are standing at the door.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to state who is standing at the door and for what reasons.

AIM: To help each understand their relationship to Jesus while he stands at the door.


1. Read: Revelation 3:20-22.

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The Heart of the Backslider

SERMON ON BACKSLIDING SUBJECT: Sin and Sinners TITLE: The Heart of the Backslider PROPOSITION: In this sermon we will notice three reasons a person backslides: he/she has no realization of the word, rudiments in the faith, nor restraint from evil in their heart. OBJECTIVE: To set forth an expository study of the parable of the […]

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Lord’s Supper Sermon | Reflections on the Lord’s Supper

Lord’s Supper Sermon SUBJECT: Worship TITLE: Reflections on the Lord’s Supper PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will examine the (1) theme the (2) thankfulness and the (3) thought involved in the Lord’s supper. OBJECTIVE: To help the brethren pray and think about the Lord’s supper. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 “For I have received […]

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Sermon on the Holy Spirit – Who Is The Holy Spirit?

Sermon on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is divine. The Holy Spirit is a unique person of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit has a unique role in the Godhead.

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