G. E. Watkins Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Fathers and Their Daughters


1. What can be more precious in the eyes of a father than his daughter?

1) Daughters are indeed a blessing from the Father.

2) They are a mirror of the beauty of the mother.

2. To watch a daughter grow is a rare privilege.

1) A father can have an effect on many generations through that daughter. “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”

2) She can bring you a lifetime of joy.

3. On the other hand…

1) She can make choices that may bring you and your house to utter ruin.

2) Many runaways run from good families.

3) If she makes the wrong choices she may ruin generation in the future. “The hand…”

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The Facts of Life


1. Sometimes it’s necessary to put things in a very basic, plain way.

2. Some won’t understand the importance of eternal matters without some plainness.

3. Once a famous football coach was upset with the performance of his team and decided to explain things from the very simplest matters. He began his speech, “This is a football.”

4. So, with this idea in mind let’s note some basic facts of life that we must know.


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What Happened When Jesus Died on the Cross?

Introduction: John 19:16-30

1. 2000 years ago an event occurred shocking to the sensibilities…

2. An innocent man allowed Himself to be put to death.

3. That event and subsequent resurrection raises questions that demand answers.

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Sermon on Infant Baptism | We Don’t Practice Infant Baptism


1. A mother comes to worship with deep concern for her baby. She can’t bear the thought of her child being lost. She wants him to be baptized.

2. This morning we are going to assure that mother and be instructed ourselves as to why we don’t practice infant baptism on those precious little ones.

1) It’s not because we don’t value them.

2) It’s not because of lack of concern for their souls.

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Sermon on Abraham | Abraham Commanded His Children

SUBJECT: Family – Fathers

TITLE: Sermon on Abraham | Abraham Commanded His Children

PROPOSITION: To teach about the characteristics of Abraham as a father.

OBJECTIVE: That fathers might improve their fatherhood.

TEXT: Genesis 18:17-19


1. Two things come to mind as we look at the background of this passage.

1) The cities of the plain were set for destruction. Their sin was egregious, vv. 20-21.

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Sermon | Apostolic Authority

INTRODUCTION: Read 1 Cor. 2:4-5.

1. The world is full of smart men:

1) with higher degrees,

2) with proven track records,

3) that present their ideas well.

2. Men of proven qualities are sought out, desired for leadership positions.

3. The same was true in Corinth. There were:

1) men who spoke words of wisdom,

2) men that communicated,

3) men that “made sense.”

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Death and Judgment

TITLE: Sermon on Death | Death and Judgment

PROPOSITION: To teach on the certainty of death and judgment and to remind the hearer of how men ought to live with this in view.

OBJECTIVE:That the hearer might be informed of the certainty of death and judgment and prepare for them by means of obedience to God, forgiveness of sins, and patience in tribulation.

INTRODUCTION: Read Hebrews 9:27

1. Concerning the text.

1) The Hebrews writer is in the midst of a discussion about the tabernacle being a shadow of things to come.

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Lying Lips are Abomination to the Lord


1. Men may have trouble finding the truth as Pilate did. John 18:38

2. Everything God says is truth.

1) “Thy word is truth.” John 17:17

2) It is impossible for God to lie. Hebrews 6:18

3. Knowing this, not surprising to find that God hates a lying tongue. Proverbs 12:22. A lying tongue is opposed to truth.

4. We should shun lying, no matter its apparent advantage.

5. NOTE: What lying is not. 1 Samuel 16:2.

1) Concealment is not lying.

2) Some would have us believe that their every question must be answered fully or we must be liars.

3) Withholding information is not lying.

4) Having two purposes and only revealing one is not lying.

6. QUESTION: Why shouldn’t we lie if it’s to our advantage?

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Sermon on the Authority of the Bible | Do Not Go Beyond What Is Written!

INTRODUCTION: Read 1 Corinthians 4:6

1. In dealing with the Corinthian brethren’s tendency to render judgment upon one another based on the wisdom of men Paul gives a basic principle that needs to be heeded today as much as ever.

2. The need for this principle is seen in the great division in the religious world today.

3. The principle implies this:

1) God’s written word is FINAL on any matter it teaches. John 17:17

2) The wisdom of man is insufficient. Jeremiah 10:23

4. To understand why we must not go beyond what is written we must understand:

1) The nature of what is written.

2) The effects of going beyond what is written.

3) The rewards of not going beyond what is written.

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The Support and Encouragement of Preachers


1. A few weeks ago I preached a sermon to Those Who Would Be Preachers. I encouraged them to:

1) Count the Cost of taking on the challenge of Gospel preaching.

a. 2 Timothy 4:5

b. 2 Corinthians 11:23-26. see also: Rev. 1:9; Hebrews 11:32-40.

c. You will pay for the privilege of being a preacher. The currency will be:

a) Sleep, wages, family.

b) Friends, wives, persecution.

c) Labor, watching family pay, pride.

d) Illusions of ‘saintly’ brethren.

2) Consider Your Qualifications for Gospel preaching (other than character, aptitude, voice.)

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Who Is Jesus Christ?

INTRODUCTION: Who is Jesus Christ? 1. We all have to start somewhere when we want to learn about someone. 2. We can learn about Jesus the same way we’d learn about anyone else. 3. We will answer the question, “Who is Jesus Christ” by asking his friends and family, by inquiring of competent authority, and […]

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Sermon on Temptation – A Way of Escape

Introduction: 1 Cor. 10:13

1. What do we say to those who cry, “I don’t know if I can live the Christian life.”

1) They’ve seen others fold under temptations.

2) They’ve not been able to conquer certain habits.

2. Here the apostle Paul gives a promise from a faithful God. You can trust Him.

1) No uncommon temptations.

2) No temptation beyond your ability.

3) No temptation without a way of escape.

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Sermon on Encouragement | How To Encourage One Another

INTRODUCTION: Read Acts 4:36.

1. Apostles naming of Barnabas shows the importance of encouragement.

2. How can we encourage one another like Barnabas?

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The Absolute Necessity of Hearing God’s Word to be Saved

PROPOSITION: To teach the necessity of hearing God’s Word in order to salvation.

OBJECTIVE: That the hearer might understand that it is necessary to hear God’s Word for salvation.

INTRODUCTION: Read Romans 10:17 and Hebrews 11:6

1. Romans 10:17 stresses that faith comes through hearing God’s Word.

2. Hebrews 11:6 notes that faith is necessary in coming to God.

3. Proposition is settled right here.

4. Subject is important to counteract so-called “spirituality” today.

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Can the Church Assist Non-Saints From the Treasury


1. The example of Christ with regard to giving.

1) His miracles a matter of giving. Matthew 10:8

2) He gave His blood. Romans 5:8

2. The teaching of Jesus on giving.

1) The good Samaritan. Luke 10:25ff

2) Give even to your enemies. Matthew 5:43-48

3) The giver serves Jesus. Matthew 25:31ff

4) Give to the poor. Matthew 19:21

5) The return of giving. Luke 6:38

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How to Control Our Tongue

Sermon on the Tongue – Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins explaining how to control the tongue. From James 3:6.

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Sermon on Preparation – Preparing for Christ

INTRODUCTION: Read Mark 1:1-8

1. Concerning the text.

1) When we think of John we think of preparation. His duty was to prepare the nation of Israel to receive the Christ.

2) This he did by preaching, by conversion, and by example of a godly life.

3) It will be much to our advantage to study what this text says about his job of preparation. We have a preparatory work of our own to do.

4) Jesus is coming again!

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Keeping Your Mind On The Lord During His Supper

Subject: Lord’s Supper – Mental Aspect Title: Keeping Your Mind On The Lord During His Supper. Introduction: 1. What do you think about during the Lord’s Supper? 1) Your child’s behavior? 2) Problems at work? 3) The prospects of your favorite football team? 4) The pot roast at Luby’s? 5) Are you thinking about the […]

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Blessed are the Pure in Heart…

Introduction: Matt. 5:8

1. The idea of purity is ridiculed.

1) “self-righteous”

2) “old fashioned”

3) “repressed”

4) “impossible”

2. The world says:

1) Look up to those of the world, “worldly,” “been around,” “street wise.”

2) Pursuing pleasure and convenience is lauded.

3) Filth is IN – music videos, books, movies, magazines. Filth sells.

3. Jesus replies, “Blessed are the pure in heart…”

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Anatomy of a Command

INTRODUCTION: Read Gal. 6:10 1. Many in the world and in the church are confused by how the Bible authorizes actions. 2. Because of this confusion many: 1) loose where God has not loosed. 2) bind where God has not bound. 3. God is not pleased by either of these options. Deuteronomy 4:2 is representative […]

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