G. E. Watkins Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Seeking the Old Paths

This sermon is about the value of the old paths. These are the ways that have been laid down by God. Being old they are not obsolete. We should be seeking the old paths because they are timeless. PROPOSITION: To set forth the commandment of God to “seek the old paths.” INTRODUCTION: Read Jeremiah 6:16-21 […]

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The Facts of Life


1. Sometimes it’s necessary to put things in a very basic, plain way.

2. Some won’t understand the importance of eternal matters without some plainness.

3. Once a famous football coach was upset with the performance of his team and decided to explain things from the very simplest matters. He began his speech, “This is a football.”

4. So, with this idea in mind let’s note some basic facts of life that we must know.


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Sermon on Light | When Jesus Arrives Light Arrives

INTRODUCTION: Read Matt. 4:12-17

1. Jesus begins His ministry.

1) Returns to Nazareth (family concerns?)

2) Moves to Capernaum to begin.

2. At the beginning of His ministry He again fulfills prophecy.

3. He is the LIGHT that is to come to the region.

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Why Do We Sing?

PROPOSITION: To answer the question “Why do we sing?”

OBJECTIVE: That the hearer might learn the reasons for our singing in worship.

INTRODUCTION: Concerning Exodus 15:1-19

1. Why was Moses singing to the Lord?

1) He hath triumphed gloriously, v. 1

2) He is my strength and song, v. 2

3) He is my salvation, v. 2

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Answering the Call

Introduction: 1. Throughout Bible history God has chosen individuals to do His work. To perform His tasks. 2. When He does this He doesn’t ask for resumes. He doesn’t ask how prepared you think you are. He doesn’t care about perceived obstacles. 3. He just says to get it done. 4. If God has called […]

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“Hold Fast the Form of Sound Words”

Introduction: Read 2 Tim. 1:13

ASV Hold the pattern of sound words

ESV Follow the pattern of the sound words

NAS Retain the standard of sound words

NKJ Hold fast the pattern of sound words

NRS Hold to the standard of sound teaching

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Sermon | “Do It Heartily”

Introduction: Col. 3:23 1. Do you ever give up or lose heart on things because you see or hear of someone else doing “great” things? 2. We sometimes measure ourselves by the attainments or goals of others. 3. Just because we hear of something great does not mean God thinks it is great. 4. The […]

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Sermon on Church Attendance – Ability as it Relates to Our Attendance

Sermon on Church Attendance – Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins on attendance and the Bible principle stated as “Every man according to his ability.” Introduction: Read Acts 11:29 (Begin sermon on church attendance.) 1. When preaching on attendance in worship I stress the obligation we have to gather when the congregation is called.

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Sermon, “I Will Never Leave Thee, Nor Forsake Thee”

Sermon on Never Leave Nor Forsake You. Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins on God’s Providence.

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Sermon on Proverbs 3:5-6 | “He shall direct thy paths.”


1. Those who are influenced and directed by the sword of the Spirit will produce “the fruit of the Spirit” in their lives … Galatians 5:22-23

1) We noted in our previous study that there is not a plurality of fruits, but one fruit

2) Yes, only one fruit that is made up of several interrelated graces or virtues, all of which will be manifested if one is truly walking in the Spirit

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Sermon on Infant Baptism | We Don’t Practice Infant Baptism


1. A mother comes to worship with deep concern for her baby. She can’t bear the thought of her child being lost. She wants him to be baptized.

2. This morning we are going to assure that mother and be instructed ourselves as to why we don’t practice infant baptism on those precious little ones.

1) It’s not because we don’t value them.

2) It’s not because of lack of concern for their souls.

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Sermon on Power in Prayer | The Bible Tells Us What Prayer Can Truly Do?

Sermon on the Power of Prayer – Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins on the very basic things that prayer is designed to do.

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Sermon on Preparation – Preparing for Christ

INTRODUCTION: Read Mark 1:1-8

1. Concerning the text.

1) When we think of John we think of preparation. His duty was to prepare the nation of Israel to receive the Christ.

2) This he did by preaching, by conversion, and by example of a godly life.

3) It will be much to our advantage to study what this text says about his job of preparation. We have a preparatory work of our own to do.

4) Jesus is coming again!

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Repent or Perish – God Wants To Transform Your Life Now!

Repent or Perish – Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins on the definition of, the requirement of and the motives for Bible repentance. INTRODUCTION: Luke 13:3 1. Matthew 3:2. John–“Repent ye for…” 2. Matthew 4:17. Jesus–“Repent ye for…” 3. Luke 24:46. “Thus it is written and…” 4. Acts 3:19. “Repent ye therefore and turn again…” […]

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Withdrawing from the Disorderly


INTRODUCTION: Read 2 Thessalonians 3:6

1. This passage deals with a specific problem in the Thessalonian church.

2. There were brethren who refused to work for their own living, 2 Thessalonians 3:11

3. These were called “disorderly.” They were without discipline.

4. These did not walk after the tradition received from the apostles. Therefore, they were in sin.

5. We have, in this apostolic injunction, a principle that must be learned by the people of God in every generation. If it is not learned the church withers.


7. Withdraw means to keep away, stand aloof (Gingrich, Shorter Lexicon).

8. This is not something to be taken lightly but with fear and trembling.

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The Birth of Jesus: As Incredible as it Sounds

Introduction: Read Matt. 1:18-25. 1. There are many that balk at becoming a Christian at the story of the Birth of Jesus. 2. They “know” how things work and it’s easier to believe in an impure Mary than a Virgin Birth. 3. We are asked to believe based on the testimony of Mary and Joseph, […]

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The Conversion of Saul


1. The conversion of Saul is given a great deal of space in the New Testament. This speaks to its importance.

1) It shows us what conversion really means. How far do I go?

2) It shows us that God is no respecter of persons in conversion. An apostle had to trust and obey just like you.

3) It shows us that the proper response when one had sinned gravely is submission and not bemoaning that one has sinned too greatly to be saved.

4) It introduces us to the man through whom we would be given so much of the New Testament.

2. This cannot be a study of the life of Paul but must be limited to a study of the conversion of Saul.

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Sermon on Rest | “Come Unto Me”

Introduction: Matt. 11:28-30

1. An invitation from the Son of God, the Messiah, should certainly capture our attention.

1) One whose word is true.

2) Whose intent is pure.

2. This invitation compels us to make a choice.

1) We can reject it but where will we go for blessing?

2) We can accept it and receive the promised rest.

3. Jesus is specific in His invitation. His call is for those who labor under a heavy load.

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Sin Is Crouching At Your Door | The Sin of Cain


TEXT:   GENESIS 4:1-16

THESIS: The purpose of this sermon is to note Cain’s negative example and to take warning from it.

INTRODUCTION: Read Genesis 4:1-16.

1. Cain committed two horrible crimes.

1) He changed God’s worship to suit himself.

2) He killed his brother, Abel.

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Ye are the Salt of the Earth. . .

Introduction: Matt. 5:13

1. It is impurities that cause salt to lose its taste.

2. Clay, sand, etc., might make the salt useless.

3. Impurities cause men to be useless or good for nothing.

4. Jesus is speaking of sin.

5. What makes us impure? 1 John 2:16.


I.   Lust of the Flesh

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