The Soul at Death


A. We are keenly aware of the reality of death

1. I am sure that we have had friends and loved ones who have ceased to have life in the body.

2. Hebrews 9:27

B. The body is said to be “mortal” (Rom. 8:11)

1. The word “mortal” means that it is subject to death, or dying is in its nature.

2. However, such is not said concerning the soul … 2 Corinthians 4:16

3. Thus man has a dual nature — of body and soul

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Sermon on Elders in the Church – The Elders That Lead Us


TITLE: The Qualifications and Responsibilities of Elders

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we want to study the qualifications and responsibilities of elders. We will look at

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to locate and discuss the New Testament passages dealing with the office of the elder.

AIM: In light of the appointment of new elders, I hope to be able to focus thought upon this office in preparation of the appointment process.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Matthew 5:17-20 | Jesus’ Mission and the Old Testament



A. There are many today in the church who believe that sermons ought to be characterized more by positive presentation than by negative correction.

1. But, Jesus’ own sermons demonstrate otherwise.

2. Beginning in Matthew 5:17, Jesus begins a lengthy discourse directed against those religious leaders who were guilty of perverting Old Testament teaching.

B. The scribes and Pharisees were accusing Jesus of speaking evil of the Law of Moses, and that He came to destroy the law.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Accounts of Conversion – The Ethiopian Eunuch

Date written: September 1st, 2007 Scripture ref: Acts 8:26-40 SUBJECT: Salvation TITLE: Accounts of Conversion – The Ethiopian Eunuch PROPOSITION: From this account of conversion we learn the following great truths 1) God wants people, 2) God uses preachers, 3) God’s proposal is Jesus, 4) God’s plan includes baptism, 5) God’s plan produces joy. OBJECTIVE: […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Assurance of Salvation – Blessed Assurance

Blessed Assurance — Sermon Outline by Steven Haguewood on the assurance we have of salvation.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Tragedy: God Is Trying To Tell Us Something

PROPOSITION: To teach the things God is trying to tell us in tragedy.

OBJECTIVE:To inform the hearer of God’s message to be found in tragedy.


1. Many things about this world make it a place in which tragedy can happen.

1) Human selfishness. Freedom of choice.

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Sermon on Forgiveness – 3 Fail Proof Modes of Forgiveness

Sermon on Forgiveness — Sermon outline on the 3 fail proof modes of forgiveness in the scriptures. Forgiveness of Sin, Forgiveness as an attitude, etc.

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Noble Bereans – A Demonstration of Nobility

SUBJECT: Bible Study

TITLE: A Demonstration of Nobility

PROPOSITION: In this sermon, we will show that praise from God comes from proper conduct in regard to the word–its proving, and its possession.

OBJECTIVES: To help all have a sense of obligation toward engulfing and examining the scriptures.


1. Read: Acts 17:11 “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

Singing as Worship

SUBJECT: Worship

TITLE: Singing as Worship

PROPOSITION: Worshiping God in song involves understanding the role of: 1) Aesthetics; 2) Doctrine; 3) Comprehension; 4) Attitude.

OBJECTIVES: Each person should understand what constitutes proper worship to God in singing.

AIM: To emphasize that singing must be done in God’s way, not ours to worship Him.

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Sermon on the Purposes of God | Studies in Daniel 1:1-7

SUBJECT: Passage Study

TITLE: Studies in Daniel – God’s Purposes

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the first chapter of the book of Daniel and note God’s purposes, namely, that there was: 1) Divine Change, 2) Divine Constancy, and 3) Divine Counsel.

Objectives: That we understand God’s purposes can be accomplished even under difficult circumstances.


1. Read: Daniel 1:1-7

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags:

The Work of the Holy Spirit In The Early Church – Sermon Outline

SUBJECT: Godhead

TITLE: How did the Holy Spirit work in the Early Church

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study the work of the Holy Spirit in the early church. This is a work that was promised by Jesus. This is a work that was performed by the Holy Spirit. This is a work that was propagated by the apostles. This is a work that was perfected and completed during the first century.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be able to understand the work of the Holy Spirit in the early church as it was promised, performed, propagated, and perfected.

AIM: To help everyone understand that the work of the Holy Spirit in the early church was for a limited time only and that the Holy Spirit works only through His word today.


1. Read: John 14:26 “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

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Sermon on False Teachers – They Call it Treason

Sermon on False Teachers — Sermon outline by Tom Moore continuing the series on Spiritual Patriots and discussing the need for vigilant elders, etc.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Sermon on Selfishness

INTRODUCTION: Read Genesis 4:9

1. This question was raised in response to God’s earlier question.

2. The right kind of questions may cause us to think soberly.

DISCUSSION: (Discussion of this sermon on selfishness.)

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on False Teachers – The Downfall of Dreamers

Sermon on False Teachers — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from Jude 8-10 on false teachers and false teaching.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Lessons from the Life of Joshua

Sermon on Joshua Date written: January 4th, 2004 Scripture ref: Joshua 1:1-9 SUBJECT: Biography TITLE: Lessons from the Life of Joshua PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will briefly note four events in the life of Joshua and draw some lessons from those events. We will notice how Joshua’s growth in service to God transformed him […]

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

Christ is the King of the Home

Christ has teaching for family members: 1) Wives, 2) Husbands, 3) Children, 4) Parents, and 5) Servants. Each hearer should be able to state what Christ expects from them as a family member.

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The Old Rugged Cross

At the old rugged cross 1) the dearest and best was slain for a world of lost sinners, 2) some were repelled, but others were attracted, 3) a Savior calls the saved to faithfulness and eternal life. That we would cherish that old rugged cross for what our Savior did for us there.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Song Title Sermons Tags: , ,

Sermon on Fear | 4 Facts About Fear You Need To Know


A. Psychologists tell us that we are born with two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of noise; but we soon develop many more.

1. It would be interesting to know how many different “phobias” are mentioned in the dictionary.

a. Indeed, our dictionaries betray us.

b. Our age is frantic with fear.

2. Members of a psychology class asked 500 people, “What are you afraid of?”

a. Those 500 people listed 7,000 fears!

b. But it need not be that way, for Christ came to deliver us from our fears.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

Parable of the Ten Virgins Sermon | The Ugly Truth on Being Ready


1. The Background of the Parable

a. This parable finds its setting during the week leading up to the death of Jesus on the cross.

b. Matthew 23:37-39 … Jesus leaves the temple for the last time

c. As Jesus leaves this impressive structure and looks back, notice what is said … Matthew 24:2

d. Jesus and His disciples then go up to the mount of Olives, which had an impressive view of the temple, and the Lord’s disciples ask two questions:

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ #6*

INTRODUCTION: A. In previous lessons we have that noticed that I am a member of the church of Christ because: 1. It was founded by the scriptural builder – Christ 2. It was founded on THE scriptural foundation 3. It was founded at the scriptural place – Jerusalem 4. Christ is the founder of only […]

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