Old Person Pride

My brother sent me the following content via email this morning, and so I’m passing it on to my older readers, as I did not want to be the only “old” person receiving it. Actually, being called “old” is not a bad thing as we will see. Old People are easy to spot at sporting […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

“Calling Upon The Name Of The Lord” — A Question

A querist asks, In Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13, we see the phrase, “calls on the name of the Lord.” My question is, How do we “call on the name of the Lord” and what does this phrase mean relative to our salvation?

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Questions About Jesus

A querist asks, “Why did Jesus come here poor and die poor? Why did Jesus leave so many sick and poor people in the world when He left?”

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Giving Glory To Whom Glory Is Due

The ungodly attitude of many folks today, is the desire to usurp the glory that belongs only to God. Ever since he was created, man has always strutted and taken honor that should have been given to the Creator (cf. Genesis 11:1-4; Acts 12:20-23).

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

God’s Rainbow Covenant – God’s Covenant With The World

In Genesis 9:15-16, we read of God’s Rainbow Covenant, God’s covenant with Noah and his sons, “And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. And the bow shall be in the cloud; […]

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Categories: Bible Study Lessons Tags:

Dead But Still Alive

The Bible teaches us that it’s possible to be dead and yet be alive. In 1 Timothy 5:6, the inspired writer Paul tells us regarding the lifestyle of certain widows:

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The Greatest Memorial

Since its completion, millions of tourists have visited the Taj Mahal in India. It is a magnificent structure that took over two decades to complete. Built entirely of white marble, it was commissioned by the

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Charity That Pleases God – The Sermon on the Mount #19


Charity That Pleases God

(Matthew 6:1-4)


A. Are you a charitable person?

1. If so, are you sure that your charity is pleasing to God?

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Romans 7:9 — A Question

A querist asks, “Referring to Romans 7:9, in what sense was Paul “alive without the law?”

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Keep Telling It Like It Is

It is difficult to be the one who is the bearer of unwelcome news isn‘t it? For example, the weatherman can sometimes upset people just by predicting that it’s going to rain on a scheduled football game

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The Measurement Of True Success

Just before Saul was anointed king, he humbly saw himself as a member of an insignificant family in the smallest tribe of Israel (1 Samuel 9:21). However, within a few years, he had erected a monument in his own honor and had become the supreme authority for his actions, instead of following God’s explicit instructions […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

“Buy The Truth And Sell It Not”

In the 2009, Volume 47, Number 4 issue of “The Sword and Staff” publication, editor James E. Gibbons emphasizes the following need in his article entitled, “The Truth — Love It, Or Lose It!”:

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

God's Work Of Repentance

In Jonah 3:10, we see that God did not destroy Nineveh because of the obvious repentance of its people, i.e., “they turned from their evil way….” Their repentance is further indicated in Jonah 3:5 where the record states, “So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the […]

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Categories: Bible Study Lessons

It's A New Day

I grew up with a young man who became a preacher. He had an unusual gift. He could read a sermon and the next day get in the pulpit and repeat it word for word. Needless to say, that ability also helped him in school. I envied that gift until he confessed that two or […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

“Keep Your Fork”

There was a woman who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and had been given three months to live. As she was getting her things “in order” (cf. 2 Kings 20:1), she contacted her preacher and asked him if he would come to her house to discuss certain aspects of her final wishes. She […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Going To Heaven

Our number one priority in this life must be to go to Heaven. Nothing else is as important (Matthew 6:33). Our soul is the most precious thing we have. There is nothing that can equal its value (Matthew 16:26). One certainly does not profit in the tragic loss of his soul.

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Would you explain the meaning of Matthew 10:34-36 as quoted from Micah 7:6?

Would you explain the meaning of Matthew 10:34-36 as quoted from Micah 7:6? Let’s read together Matthew 10:34-36. “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against […]

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Categories: Bible Questions and Answers

Will We Choose Jesus Or Keep Our Options Open?

Recently, while waiting in the drive-through line at the local fast food restaurant, my wife and I found ourselves behind an old pickup truck filled with junk. The truck’s tailgate and rear bumper were plastered

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Exhibiting Empathy Toward Others

The dictionary defines the word “empathy” as: “Identification with and understanding of another’s situation, feelings, and motives.”

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

A Look At The Character Of Diotrephes

We know very little about Diotrephes other than what we read in 3 John 9-11. Although John addressed this letter to Gaius (3 John 1:1), it is obvious that Diotrephes was a representative of authority in the church. It is not known what his spiritual responsibilities were.

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