Ten Essential Tips On Writing
Jeff Goins is the Communications Director for Adventures In Missions, a nonprofit organization. Jeff has written and guest-blogged for various magazines, publications, and blogs (check out Jeff‘s writing portfolio).
Jeff Goins is the Communications Director for Adventures In Missions, a nonprofit organization. Jeff has written and guest-blogged for various magazines, publications, and blogs (check out Jeff‘s writing portfolio).
In the book of Proverbs, the characteristics of a lazy man are thoroughly described. In this short article, let us look at ten of them, make relative comments, and then make a personal spiritual application: 1) He was so lazy that he did not want to get up out of bed (Proverbs 6:9-11) — In fact, […]
After 30 years as a preacher of God’s Word, a New Jersey minister concluded, “The Bible is the best-selling, least-read, and least-understood book in the world.” In his view and experience, “Biblical illiteracy is rampant.” George Gallup, the foremost religion pollster in the United States, agrees with this preacher. “We revere the Bible,” he says, […]
Paul once wrote concerning Trophimus: “but Trophimus have I left at Miletus sick” (2 Timothy 4:20). Trophimus was a Gentile convert from Ephesus and a traveling companion of Paul (Acts 20:1-5; Acts 21:29).
In Matthew 16:13-17, we find Jesus and His disciples in Caesarea Philippi, away from their home territory. It was a place of idolatry and oppression — a threatening place
1) Building on the rock: Safe and solid …. Believe in God (Hebrews 11:6) — We are to believe that “He is” (Exodus 3:14). We are to believe that “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Matthew 7:7-8; Isaiah 55:6-7; Acts 15:16-17). We should believe in God as: (a) the pardoner of our […]
Let me commend to you Tyler Young’s The View From Brokeback Mountain. It’s an excellent analysis of the recent movie that glorifies homosexual love. Tyler Young is the preacher for the Roanoke church of Christ in Roanoke, Texas.
Having studied and played classical piano music for fifteen years, I fully understand the drawing power and beauty of music. I enjoy listening to and playing all genres of music, such
“Last eve I paused beside the blacksmith’s door, And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime; Then looking in, I saw upon the floor,
A query from a reader: Dear Bro. Watkins, I am sending you this message to commend you for the wonderful things you’re doing by spreading the gospel of our Lord via you articles. I greatly appreciate the the opportunity given me to enjoy such an undiluted gospel message from you. Having said that, i’d like […]
A bad habit is difficult to overcome. For example, if we take off the first letter of the word habit, notice that it does not change “a bit.” If we take off another letter, the only word then left is “bit.” If we take off still
O God, when I have food, help me to remember the hungry;
Please explain the phrase, “my judgment” in 1 Corinthians 7:25 and 40. How could Paul be giving his opinion and also be inspired of God? Some translations (such as the NASV) render the word judgment in this passage as “opinion.” There are others as well. Most speak of this “judgment.” But whether we use the […]
On Saturday morning, February 1, 2003, as most of us were awakening, President George W. Bush spoke seven saddening words to the nation: “The Columbia’s lost. There are no survivors.” When an fiery accident destroyed NASA’s oldest space shuttle moments before the scheduled end of its twenty-eighth voyage, seven people – five men, two women […]
The following poem by an unknown author reminds me of the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25:14-30. The one talent man could have at least given his employer a return on his investment, but he was so lazy he didn’t even do that. The one talent man was thus classified as an “unprofitable […]
The Lord once confronted the church in Sardis with these words:
One of your articles discussed that a person who leaves the church and rejects God has no more sacrifice for sin. Can these people be brought back into the fold? Yes, provided they sincerely desire to come back. The book of Hebrews deals more with this issue of falling away than does any other book […]
Have you ever wondered why there are four gospel accounts instead of just one? In this brief article, let us investigate the makeup of each gospel account, determining why each account is necessary. Matthew’s Account – Being a Galilean Jew (Matthew 9:9; Mark 2:13-14; Luke 5:27,29), Matthew wrote primarily to Jews. He quotes many Old […]
There’s something different and unique about the churches of Christ in your community — something that is worth investigating. These churches follow the New Testament
I have a speaking engagement this weekend. I’ll be at the Southside Lectures in Lubbock, Texas. I’m speaking Sunday at 4 p.m.