Sermon on Infant Baptism | We Don’t Practice Infant Baptism


1. A mother comes to worship with deep concern for her baby. She can’t bear the thought of her child being lost. She wants him to be baptized.

2. This morning we are going to assure that mother and be instructed ourselves as to why we don’t practice infant baptism on those precious little ones.

1) It’s not because we don’t value them.

2) It’s not because of lack of concern for their souls.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

The Golden Rule

SUBJECT: Attitudes

TITLE: The Golden Rule

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will examine the golden rule. It’s optimism; its reflection of God; its practical love toward other men; its proactive nature.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should have a better understanding of what the golden rule means and how to apply it.

AIM: To cause us to consider, reflect, and think more often about the golden rule.


1. Read: Matthew 7:12

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Noah | Lessons From the Life of Noah

PROPOSITION: This life of Noah sermon shows that Noah’s salvation mirrors our own salvation today in that Noah was saved 1) By Grace, 2) By Faith, 3) By Obedience, 4) From Destruction.

OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able to explain how Noah was saved.

AIM: All should understand that God worked in the days of Noah just as he does today. God’s principles are the save though his methods are different.


1. Read: Genesis 6:8-10

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

The Natural Man vs. The Spiritual Man

Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley showing the difference between the natural man and the spiritual man. We should reject the natural man.

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Self-Centeredness – When Self Is at the Center

INTRODUCTION: A. Philippians 2:3-4 B. Self-centeredness is a very, very old problem 1. The first sin in the world was committed when Satan talked Eve into thinking that her own will was self-sufficient 2. Genesis 3:1-6 C. Yet, self-centeredness is a peculiarly modern way of thinking, too. 1. Humanism, the prevailing philosophy of the modern […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Discipline in the Church | Exactly What is Church Discipline?

Sermon on Discipline in the Church –Sermon outline by Tom Moore on withdrawing fellowship, disfellowship, or what exactly church discipline is.


A. Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a society where citizens could flaunt the rules and absolutely no consequences would follow/no fines, no imprisonment, etc.?

1. Can you conceive of a home environment where children are allowed to do whatever they please with utterly no discipline imposed?

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

God’s Ledger of Life

INTRODUCTION: A. Most of us are familiar with the principle of bookkeeping 1. We have, assets and liabilities. 2. When liabilities outweigh assets, we have a problem. 3. Assets and liabilities have a much wider application today B. People in a company, or in religion, may be an asset, or a liability. 1. Too many […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Do You Have a Relationship With God? | Sermon

Relationship With God Sermon – Sermon outline by David Hersey on having a right relationship with God.

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The True Meaning to Life #9. A Study in Ecclesiastes


A. Previously in Ecclesiastes 7:1-10 Solomon provided counsel for a better life showing that:

1. Honor is better than luxury

2. Death is better than your birth

3. A funeral is better than a party

4. The end is better than the beginning

5. The present is better than the past

6. This counsel is designed to make the best of life, especially since life “under the sun”is vanity

B. Now in Ecclesiastes 7:11-29 Solomon provides us with even more counsel to help us in life “under the sun”

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Power in Prayer | The Bible Tells Us What Prayer Can Truly Do?

Sermon on the Power of Prayer – Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins on the very basic things that prayer is designed to do.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

Lawlessness – Part 2

In 1 John 3:4, the ASV reads, “Every one that doeth sin doeth also lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.” That one verse tells us why we live in a lawless world today, because we live in a sinful world today. The world doesn’t have to have cattle rustlers, corrupt sheriffs, or saloon bosses to be lawless (though it often does). Sin, in and of itself, does the job. Truth be told, we probably don’t think of people’s sins as being lawlessness, but they are.

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Categories: Bulletin Articles, Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags:

Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ #5*


A. In previous lessons we have that noticed that I am a member of the church of Christ because:

1. It was founded by the scriptural builder – Christ

2. It was founded on THE scriptural foundation

3. It was founded at the scriptural place – Jerusalem

4. Christ is the founder of only one church – His church

5. It is scriptural in name.

B. This morning we will notice that I am a member of the church of Christ because it is scriptural in organization.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Preparation – Preparing for Christ

INTRODUCTION: Read Mark 1:1-8

1. Concerning the text.

1) When we think of John we think of preparation. His duty was to prepare the nation of Israel to receive the Christ.

2) This he did by preaching, by conversion, and by example of a godly life.

3) It will be much to our advantage to study what this text says about his job of preparation. We have a preparatory work of our own to do.

4) Jesus is coming again!

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Music In The Church — Its History

SUBJECT: Worship

TITLE: Music in the Church–Its History

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will examine music as historically used in the church. We will look both at sacred history, and secular history.

OBJECTIVES: Each member should be able to understand what kind of music was used in the church until modern times.

AIM: To educate every member on the history of music within the church.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

The Joy of Worship

Date written: March 27th, 2005 Scripture ref: Psalm 100 SUBJECT: Worship TITLE: The Joy of Worship PROPOSITION: Worship should be joyful because 1) The Christian has every reason to rejoice, 2) Worship itself is designed to be joyful, 3) I can do something about being more joyful in worship! Objectives: Each should understand why we […]

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Attitudes for Success

Scripture ref: Joshua 1:1-9

SUBJECT: Bible Success

TITLE: Attitudes for Success

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we’ll note and study the attitudes that God wanted Joshua to have prior to his entering the land of Canaan. In essence God tells Joshua to do the following 1) Adopt Aplomb, 2) Avoid Anxiety, 3) Accept Assurance.

OBJECTIVE: That each would know God’s formula for spiritual success as it was given to Joshua and be able to apply these principles to our lives so that we may be successful in our Christian walk with God and in our life each day.


1. Read: Joshua 1:1-9

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags: ,

Our Standard for Authority

SUBJECT: Bible Authority

TITLE: Our Standard for Authority

PROPOSITION: The Bible and only the Bible must be our sole standard for spiritual authority today because 1) Only the Bible is Inspired of God, 2) Other standards are woefully inadequate, 3) The Bible is all sufficient to meet every spiritual need.

OBJECTIVE: The hearer should be able to state why other standards are lacking, understand Bible inspiration, and state why the Bible is all sufficient.

AIM: To establish in the mind of each hearer the importance of letting the Bible settle all spiritual questions today.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on the Authority of God – by Bill Jackson

Sermon on Authority – Sermon outline by Bill Jackson in which he reasons from the nature of God his authority and the authority of His word and our obligation to obey

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Growing and Abounding Spiritually

Sermon on Spiritual Growth. Sermon Outline by Foy Forehand exhorting us to grow and abound spiritually.

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Sermon on Christian Influence | Our Christian Influence

Sermon on Christian Influence SUBJECT: Attitude TITLE: Our Christian Influence PROPOSITION: Our Christian influence 1) should reflect good, not evil, 2) is wielded through our example of words and actions, 3) can be seen through our associations, 4) should be obvious to all, 5) will ultimately affect our salvation. OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able […]

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