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Fundamentals – The Authority of the Bible — Lesson 5

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines, uncategorized

Date written: February 28th, 2002
Scripture ref: Colossians 3:17

SUBJECT: Fundamentals Bible Class

TITLE: The Bible–Its Authority

PROPOSITION: In this lesson, we will BRIEFLY look at four aspects of Bible authority: 1) That the Bible is authoritative, 2) That the Bible constitutes a pattern for faithfulness to God, 3) That to receive the blessings of God we must abide within His authority, 4) That we can know we are living within God’s authority by understanding how God authorizes.

OBJECTIVES: The student should have a basic understanding of Bible authority and be able to state in his own words these four concepts.

AIM: I want to set forth the idea that in order to be faithful to God we must respect and abide by God’s authority.


1. Read: Colossians 3:17

2. About the Text:

1) This is a universal statement.

2) It applies to all.

a. It applies to all actions. All actions that one does (whether in word or in deed) must be an action that is “in the name of the Lord.”

b. It applies to all men. All men must bring their lives into such a state so that they are both saying and doing things that are “in the name of the Lord.”

3) “In the name of the Lord” means by the authority of the Lord.

4) Policeman illustration.

3. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.


I.   The Bible is Authoritative–What does this mean?

1. It means that it came from God–1 Corinthians 2:10-13

2. It means that no other standard is adequate.

1) Self–Proverbs 3:5, 6

2) Others–Exodus 23:2 “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.”

3) Traditions of Men–Matthew 15:1-9

4) Conscience

a. It is not our standard–Acts 23:1

b. It functions to serve us–Romans 2:15

c. We should not violate it–Romans 14

5) Science–1 Timothy 6:20

6) Sincerity–It is necessary, but not sufficient–John 4:24

7) Religious Experience–Consistently, the Bible says one must be converted by hearing the word!

a. Acts 2:40

b. Acts 4:4

c. Acts 8:12

d. Acts 9:6, etc.

3. It means that it contains everything we need for life and godliness–2 Peter 1:3

II.  The Bible constitutes a pattern for faithfulness to God.

1. Is the Bible a “Pattern” today? Some say that it is not.

2. What does “Pattern” mean? — A form or model proposed for imitation.

3. Is the Bible a form or model proposed for imitation? YES!

4. 2 Chronicles 34, 35–Josiah and the Restoration

1) 34:15–found the book.

2) 34:31, 32–stand to it.

3) 35:4 (2 Kings 23:21)–As it is written.

4) 35:18–No Passover kept like that since the days of Samuel.

5. 2 Timothy 1:13

6. What about today? Does God expect us to live by his pattern?

1) For worship?

2) For the church?

3) For salvation?

III. We must respect God’s authority to receive God’s blessings. If we go beyond God’s authority we will not receive God’s blessing.

1. Noah–Genesis 6

2. Nadab and Abihu–Leviticus 10

3. Naaman–2 Kings 5:1.

IV.  We can know we are living within the authority of the Bible by understanding how God authorizes.

1. But, how do we know when the Bible authorizes something–how do we ascertain Bible authority?

2. We must respect direct statements.

1) There are imperative statements–commands.

2) Interrogative statements–questions.

3) There are indicative statements–declarations.

4) In the Greek there are 11 different kinds of direct statements.

3. We must respect examples–examples authorize.

4. We must respect implication–implication authorizes.

1) Acts 17:30 — All men are men that are commanded to repent.

2) I am a man.

3) Therefore, I must repent.

4) God has authorized me to repent by implication.

5. We must respect expediency.

1) Jesus said, “Go.” — Matthew 28:18-20.

2) How can we go? Walk, Ride, Swim, Run–Wagon, Boat, Car, Plane

3) Because I may ride, I may ride in a Boat, Car, or Plane. What is the most expedient given my destination?


1. We have BRIEFLY looked at Bible authority

1) The Bible is Authoritative.

2) The Bible constitutes a pattern for faithfulness to God.

3) We must respect God’s authority to receive God’s blessings.

4) We can know we are living within God’s authority by understanding how God authorizes.