Seven Aspects Of The Judgment
The following are seven aspects of the coming judgment of God that are important for us to consider:
The following are seven aspects of the coming judgment of God that are important for us to consider:
The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (469-399 BC) believed that if an individual was truly wise, he would not be obsessed with possessions. Practicing to an extreme what he preached, he even refused to wear shoes. However, Socrates loved to visit the marketplace (see video) and gaze with admiration at the great abundance of products on […]
A couple of years ago, I read a news story of a lady bartender in Kansas who had been waiting on one of her steady customers. He had always tipped her well, sometimes leaving as much as half the tab. But one day, he gave her a $10,000 tip for a $26 meal. Can we […]
The information that we gain through reading (whether it is from the printed page or from a computer screen), comes into our minds through our senses. In a sense, we are all sponges, soaking up raw materials of knowledge in all our waking hours.
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As I was walking my little Dachshund dog this afternoon, I noticed a young man in his teens smoking a cigarette while standing upside a concrete fence. Looking at him smoking reminded me of my high school years, when my peers
On successfully dwelling with our wives, Peter issues us as husbands this challenge:
Many of the younger generation believe that getting older means becoming obsolete. However, it can mean serving, growing, and maturing in the Lord’s service to the end of our days (cf. Philippians 3:12-15; 2 Timothy 4:7). T.S. Eliot once stated: “Old men ought to be explorers,” to which this writer is in complete agreement.
While substituting in a local middle school library a few years ago, a young female student came into the library, set down at one of several computers, and asked me, “Are there any games on these computers?” To which I replied, “To my knowledge, there is only one game on these computers.” The young lady asked, […]
In Romans 8:35-37, the apostle Paul who was beset by problems on every hand (2 Corinthians 4:8-18) stated: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Even as it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day […]
Offering various rewards as an incentive to motivate folks to do something, permeates today’s society. We’ve all seen parents in grocery stores think only in terms of rewarding their children — even rewarding them for bad behavior.
Our careers often demand much of our time and attention, but our Lord has an interesting way of interrupting our business agendas. In fact, He invites us to be an active participant in His
There are times when animals seem to have more sense than people. Because of their awareness to natural phenomena, they have at times helped man to avoid certain disasters (also see article).
Evolution teaches that the creation of the universe was self-generated; that it just “happened” (Big Bang Theory). It also teaches that mankind “evolved” over eons of time separating the initial “big bang” from the commencement of the human family. These two ideas can easily be refuted by the following biblical evidences:
While reading the “Opinion” section of the local newspaper this morning, I noticed an article by the “Reverend” Kati L. Houts, the senior pastor, Metropolitan Community Church
The above article title by an unknown author, provides us with the following description of the qualities that should be resident in a “man’s man” (the apostle Paul was such a man). Related Scriptures are included:
The problem of eating food offered to idols must have been a major concern of the Apostle Paul because he devotes various verses of three chapters in his letter to the Corinthians to deal with this issue (see 1 Corinthians 8-10).
Under the Mosaical sacrificial system, there were five main sacrificial offerings that were required to be offered on various occasions, underscoring a certain purpose. Under the law of Christ, there are
The story is told of a tight-rope walker in a circus who once asked his audience this question: “How many of you believe that I can walk backwards?” Everyone in the audience
In ancient times, conquering kings gained access to newly acquired territories through elaborate highways built for their troops. The prophet Isaiah had this in mind when he declared: