What Were The “Traditions” In 1 Corinthians 11:2?
A querist asks, In 1 Corinthians 11:2 – ESV, Paul admonishes the Corinthian brethren to “maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you.” What were the “traditions”
A querist asks, In 1 Corinthians 11:2 – ESV, Paul admonishes the Corinthian brethren to “maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you.” What were the “traditions”
The picture showed multiple columns of smoke billowing into great clouds of flame, ash, and dust behind what would typically be considered a sprawling urban neighborhood with houses lined up one after another. In the distance a helicopter could be seen flying in front of the roiling tumult showing the magnitude of the raging fiery […]
During the past four years, we’ve spent more time than we could ever imagine watching television or listening to the radio regarding the war in Iraq. As Christians, we continue to
Marie Curie holds her place in history as a pioneer in the study of radioactivity. In 1903, she was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in physics. Then in 1911, she received a
A querist asks, “Would you please give us an exegesis of Psalm 127:1-KJV. What ‘house’ is the Psalmist referring to and what does the phrase, ‘keep the city’ refer to?”
In January 2004, reporter Craig Bird of the Associated Baptist Press, authored an article entitled, “Even in Churches of Christ, There’s No Sign of Ceasefire in Worship Wars.” He wrote:
The apostle Paul”™s use of the word “departure” in 2 Timothy 4:6 is a nautical term which carries great significance for the Christian. It gives us the idea of “loosing” or
A querist asks, “A preacher of the denominational persuasion was teaching on television that God does not look upon us as being righteous in and of ourselves but looks upon the
The following article by an unknown author will hopefully motivate us as Christians to think about the importance of doing the Lord’s work both individually and collectively:
A querist asks, “There are different words used in the New Testament to describe those who have the oversight of the church:
A querist asks, “Could you show me a scripture in the Bible where it talks about homeless people, and why people become homeless?”
We may not realize it, but the first sermon preached on Sunday is not by the pulpit minister, but by each member of the Lord’s church! Let’s look at and think about a few of
After their death, the lives of former presidents have been honored by various ceremonies of remembrance. For example, we were impressed with the pageantry with which President Ronald Reagan was remembered, and moved by the warm sentiments expressed
A querist asks, What is “the doctrine of baptisms” mentioned in Hebrews 6:2-NKJV?
A querist asks, In my study of the New Testament, I’ve noticed the phrase, “in Christ” mentioned many times. My question is, What does it mean to be “in Christ?”
As Christians, we probably know of some member who used to be a faithful disciple of Jesus, but who has reverted to worldly ways (cf. 2 Timothy 4:10). As difficult as it is for us
According to a Wall Street Journal article dated January 21, 2006, at least a dozen multimillionaires have left money to themselves in “personal revival trusts” with the
When Japanese General Yoshijiro Umezu came into the presence of General Douglas MacArthur, on board the battleship Missouri to sign the Instrument of Surrender on
There is a lot of spiritual truth in Aesop’s fable, “The Tortoise and the Hare.” In the long run, it’s not our ability, energy, or excitement that accomplishes most in the Kingdom of heaven — it’s the patient, steadfast, and day-in-day-out faithfulness — the determination to keep on keeping on! (cf. Matthew 10:22; Mark 13:13; […]
A querist asks, “Looking at Acts 5:21 – KJV, what individuals made up the “council” and the “senate of the children of Israel?”