Developing A Non-Complaining Attitude

While surfing the Net not long ago, I read about a preacher who gave what seemed to be an impossible challenge to his congregation — to go 21 days without complaining. Special

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God Demands Complete Honesty

In Acts Chapter 4-5, God gives us a sobering example of how He views dishonesty (Acts 4:32-5:11). Some Christians had sold their land and shared all the proceeds with the church. Ananias and Sapphira decided

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

“We'll Never Get Growing If We Never Get Going”

A querist asks, “In James 3:1-2, the statement is made that not many members of the church should strive to become teachers. Is James really advocating that being a teacher is a bad idea?”

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Sacrificing All “So Others May Live”

To be a rescue swimmer for the United States Coast Guard, requires weeks of intensive training. The training prepares courageous men and women for the task of jumping from helicopters to rescue those in danger at sea.

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

God Stands Ready To Forgive And Forget

The story is told of a little boy who had just been tucked into bed by his mother waiting to hear his prayers. He knew that he had been mischievous that day, and now it was bothering him. So he told his mother, ” I wish you’d go now and leave me alone — I […]

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“Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord?”

When the messengers of God told Sarah and Abraham that they would have a son despite their great age — Abraham being ninety-nine years old and his wife Sarah ninety — Sarah’s reaction was perfectly understandable: “Sarah laughed within herself, saying, ‘After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?’” […]

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True Freedom From Sin

A little over two years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, General Gordon Granger and 2,000 federal troops rode into Galveston, Texas on June 19, 1865 and read General Order Number 3:

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

There's Water In God's Saving Plan

In Genesis Chapters 7 and 8, God chose water as the means of destroying mankind with the exception of Noah and his family (Genesis 8:15-18 NKJV; 1 Peter 3:20 NKJV) Thus water became a

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The Coming Of Elijah The Prophet

In Malachi 4:5-6, we read of Malachi’s prophecy regarding the coming of Elijah the prophet:

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Administering Discipline “Speedily”

Like all children, my “growing up” years were sometimes filled with a rebellious spirit. Thankfully, my father was a strict disciplinarian who did not allow any act of rebellion on my part to go unpunished. When carrying out the just punishment, he would do so “speedily” in order to make a lasting impression on my […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

God's Providential Timing

The book of Esther tells a story of love, sacrifice, and God’s providential timing. Being a Jew in exile, Mordecai refused to bow to Haman, second in command to King Ahasuerus. Haman became furious and plotted to destroy Mordecai and all the Jews (Esther 3:1-6). So

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

A Question Regarding Conversion

A querist asks, “What is essential to conversion?” New Testament conversion is begun by the sinner being taught the Word of the Lord (Acts 8:29-39; Acts 17:1-3; Acts 18:24-28). David tells us, “the law of the Lord is perfect,

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

“They're Too Late”

When we read the book of Acts, we see this pattern: From the second chapter of the book onward, we see the word of God being proclaimed, people hearing the word, believing in Christ, and

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

What Our Praying Says About Us

On one occasion, Jesus spoke a parable against those “who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others” (Luke 18:9 – NKJV). The parable depicted a Pharisee

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Headline Chasers Or Heaven's Heroes?

There are Hollywood celebrities who determine which charities they will contribute to, which social functions they will attend, and what acts of generosities they will perform based upon the mass of media coverage. Unless the news media can guarantee their face on the ten o’clock news and their names in the headlines, forget counting on […]

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Having The Attitude Of “Fellow Feeling”

There’s an old English expression called “fellow-feeling” that is an attitude much needed in the Lord’s church today. As the Lord’s people we should be a “fellow feeling” people, with the capacity to feel joy with others when they have occasion for joy, sorrow in times of sorrow, and

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Christ And His Church Are Inseparable

Have we ever seen a head moving around but not connected to a body? Have we ever seen a body moving around but not connected to a head? We understand that if all human

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

“Hold Fast The Pattern”

There are some members of the Lord’s church who hold to the antinomianism concept that we not under law — any law, but are solely under God’s grace. They openly dismiss the New Testament teaching of “pattern theology.”

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles, uncategorized

Defining The Term “Reprobate”

A querist asks, “There are several passages in the New Testament in which the word ‘reprobate’ or phrase ‘reprobate mind’ is used. Can you please provide me a definition of the word reprobate?”

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles, uncategorized

Sitting At Jesus' Feet

As faithful followers of our Lord, we must be willing to “sit at Jesus’ feet” like Mary in order to receive His instructions (Luke 10:39; cf. Matthew 7:24; 1 John 3:22).

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