Are We Ready To Go?
A Navy corpsman (medic) had told his parents that he thought it would be several months before he would be departing for Iraq. Then the phone rang late that night — the young
A Navy corpsman (medic) had told his parents that he thought it would be several months before he would be departing for Iraq. Then the phone rang late that night — the young
On June 15, 1957, a brand-new Plymouth Belvedere was buried in a concrete vault under the courthouse lawn in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In June 2007, the car was unearthed as the city celebrated Oklahoma’s 100th year of statehood.
One of several rulers of the Northern Kingdom of Israel was Jeroboam (926-909 B.C.). He is a prime example of one who usurped God’s
It is reported that Abraham Lincoln once stated: “I do not boast that God is on my side, I humbly pray that I am on God’s side.”
In Acts 28, we see the recorded account of Paul’s shipwreck on the little island of Malta. This great apostle to the Gentiles, preacher to thousands, worker of miracles, and writer of much of the New Testament, was stuck on this island as a prisoner.
Walking through a religious-based campus one day, a professor came upon a custodian reading the Bible during his lunch hour. The professor asked what he was reading
If man’s greatest need in life was pleasure, then God would have sent an entertainer. If man’s greatest need would have been money, then He would have sent a financial consultant. If man’s greatest need would have been for information, He would have sent an educator. But God in His
Through the years, there have been many unique inventions — the puncture-proof tire being one of them. If we’ve ever driven with ordinary tires, and a nail goes through them — we’ll lose all the air in the tire. But if a nail goes through a puncture-proof tire, a sealant compound begins to run inside […]
Have we ever wondered how bees lead one another to nectar? Scientists say it’s by the “waggle dance.” In the United Kingdom, researchers have used tiny radar transponders
When folks ask me how long my wife and I have been married (32 years and counting), the pronouncement is frequently met with the sort of goggle-eyed astonishment once reserved for the laser show at the
Several months ago, I read about a bride whose grandfather quoted Paul’s inspiring section of Scripture regarding the relationship of husband and wife (Ephesians 5:22-33 – NKJV).
While working for a major gas pipeline company several years ago, I accidentally fell and severely sprained my ankle. Part of my physical therapy routine involved my therapist using weights to
Have we ever heard someone say when they finally found an item they lost, “Wouldn’t you know, it was in the last place I looked?” Someone once said that if it had been in the first place they looked, they wouldn’t have looked in any other place, so that every time an item is found […]
Sometimes when trouble comes into our lives, we feel as if we’ve been hit broadside. We feel desperation and then we think, “Why is this happening to me?”
Have we ever faced a chore that we really didn’t want to do such as mowing the lawn, washing clothes, cleaning the house, washing the car, or even preparing a Bible class lesson? An exhausting work week can make us feel like procrastinating.
Traveling north from El Paso, Texas to Carlsbad, New Mexico is a highway of approximately 160 miles. Many times, my wife and I have driven that lonely and quiet
What’s so amazing about the Bible, is its accuracy even in the physical realm. In 1860, an oceanographer by the name of Matthew Fontaine Maury, established the fact that the
Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacular sights in the world because of the 6 million cubic feet of water it produces each minute.
My wife and I have been married for over 30 years, and in that time we have learned to appreciate each other and enjoy each other’s unique qualities. But even after all these years, she still surprises me from
What do we think of when we hear the word “fresh”? Growing up on a farm as I did, “fresh” means just-harvested fruits and vegetables — not those stale artificial kind found