Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

What About Fasting Today?

A querist asks, “Are we commanded to fast, just like we are to pray. Is this something that people have forgotten about doing because it is not practiced as often as it should

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The Submissive Heart Of Rahab

We are introduced to Rahab the harlot in Joshua 2. Most us us are familiar with the story of Rahab hiding the spies sent by Joshua to spy out the land (Joshua 2:1). Rahab made some interesting comments in her discussion with the spies when she went up to the roof before they lay down […]

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The Priceless Woman

The prophecy that King Lemuel’s mother taught him over twenty-seven hundred years ago concerning the virtues of a godly woman in Proverbs 31:10-31, is just as true today as it was then. Woman’s Role The subjective, submissive role of women in the home and church has never lent itself to public accolades or front-page

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The One New Testament Church

In 1 Corinthians 1:10 the apostle Paul makes the following plea: “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions

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The Bible – Our MOSOP (2)

3) There are those who hold that “dreams” or “visions” constitute an objective “standard” which should be recognized. When asked why they are convinced that they

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The Bear And The Red Hot Stove!

Once in a dense forest a big bear broke into a cabin of some hunters. They were out at the time but had left a fire in a pot-bellied stove. The bear saw the red hot stove and

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The Spirit-Filled Christian

There is a scriptural way of determining whether or not a person is “filled with the Spirit” and it is not by observing how much emotions are openly displayed. Being “filled with the Spirit” is not a “high” that

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Submitting To Unjust Governments

A querist asks, “How are we supposed to submit to unjust governments?” According to the Scriptures, we are to “be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power

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Soldiers Of Christ Arise!

A song we often sing in our worship to God is, “Soldiers of Christ, Arise.” One verse of this song states, “Stand, then in his great might, with all his strength endued; But take

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Sharing Our Hope!

In the stress filled moments of our lives, having no visible means for encouraging strength, our desperate hands often clutch for that intangible called, “hope.” Hope tells

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Saved By The Blood Of Christ!

Most (if not all) professed Christians of whatever creed or belief agree that there is a time when an alien sinner is separated from God. They are not agreed, however, on where reunion takes

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Our Spiritual “Hearing Aid”

Joshua, a precocious 2-year-old, watched his mother baking cookies. “Please, may I have one?” he asked hopefully. “Not before supper,” his mother replied. Joshua ran tearfully to his room, then reappeared with this message: “Jesus just told me it’s okay to have a cookie now.” “Jesus didn’t tell me!” his mother retorted, to which Joshua […]

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No Excuse Sunday!

The following parody by an unknown author will hopefully make us “think” with regards to our attending worship services:

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Is One Church Just As Good As Another?

When you were seeking a wife — Was one just as good as another? When you last called the doctor — Was one just as good as another?

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Helping Others — A Biblical Principle

A querist asks, “Where does it say that we are to help others and expect nothing in return?”

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God’s Work Of Repentance

In Jonah 3:10, we see that God did not destroy Nineveh because of the obvious repentance of its people, i.e., “they turned from their evil way….” Their repentance is

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God’s Provision Of Ample Warning!

In Psalm 20:7-11, the Psalmist writes: “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring […]

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God's Peculiar People

In Titus 2:14 – KJV, Christians are deemed as a “peculiar people.” For most folks, this term means “weird” or “unusual,” and in a sense this meaning is not altogether foreign

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God In Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd (That’s Relationship!) I shall not want (That’s Supply!) He maketh me to lie down in green pastures (That’s Rest!) He leadeth me beside the still waters (That’s Refreshment!) He restoreth my soul (That’s Healing!) He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness (That’s Guidance!) For His name’s sake (That’s Purpose!) […]

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Four Flaws In “The Four Spiritual Laws”

Have you ever read the tract, “The Four Spiritual Laws”? It was written by Dr. Bill Bright, the president of Campus Crusade for Christ. Approximately 1.5 billion copies of this tract

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