Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Women’s Role In The Church

A querist asks, “My question is regarding that of leadership. There are churches that see nothing wrong in women’s role as a leader in the church. For example, women taking on the role of Sunday school

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“…..She Shall Be Saved In Childbearing” – What Does It Mean?

A querist asks, “Can you please provide my wife and I the proper interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:15?” This passage states, “Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue

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Does Baptism Remove Sin In An Adulterous Marriage?

A querist asks, “If a man and woman get married then get divorced, then the man goes and remarries, we know that he (and his new wife) has committed adultery. But say him

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Degrees Of Judgment, Or Compassion And Mercy?

A querist asks, “Does Matthew 5:7, James 2:13, and Matthew 18:21-35 state that there are degrees of judgment; that some souls will be judged more leniently than others; that some will “get away” with more than others?”

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“Well, Nobody’s Perfect!”

When some folks want to excuse their personal imperfections (whatever they are), and make them acceptable, they sometimes say, “Well, nobody’s perfect!” This is far from

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The Historical Christ

A querist asks, “How do i prove to a non-believer that Jesus really existed, historically?” There is more documented evidence that Jesus is a historical personage than any other person in history. If there existed a Julius Caesar, Plato, or Alexander the Great, there

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After Death – Then What?

A querist writes, “I know that we will all be judged someday at the time of Christ’s return. My question is, what happens to people after they die, while the soul waits for judgment?” The Bible teaches that there is an intermediate state (hades – Luke 16:23). Hades is the realm or region of departed […]

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Spiritual “Mondegreens” – What Are They?

Sometimes we have to listen very closely to understand the lyrics of some of our modern day songs. This is especially true with some of the rapid-fire lyrics of rap artists, who are nearly impossible to follow even with the printed lyrics in front of us. Of course this isn’t anything new.

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Biblical Love Is Unselfish Love

Biblical love is unselfish love. One of the best illustrations of love is found in Romans 15:1-2-ESV where Paul states, “We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings

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“There’s A Hangnail On My Pinky!”

It’s really surprising what a hangnail on the pinky can keep a person from doing. Of course, it doesn’t keep a fellow from playing golf or going fishing, nor does it keep a woman from making a trip to the shopping mall for a 75% discount sale. It doesn’t even hinder a teenager from driving […]

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He Went and Preached To The Spirits In Prison?

Some sincere religious folks believe that while Jesus was in the grave for three days, He journeyed to Hades and personally preached the gospel to the “spirits” which were imprisoned there. As a proof-text, they use 1 Peter 3:19. In I Peter 3:17, Peter uses our Lord as an example of “suffering for well doing,” […]

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Esau – A “Profane Person”

When we study various Bible characters, we quickly see their character flaws, similar to the flaws in character that men and women have today. As we study the character of

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Denominational Vs. Bible Teaching

1) Denominational Teaching – Many Bodies or churches.

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Different “Types” Of Christians

This writer would like to share Bro. Gary Summers’ thoughts as he challenges each one of us in the following article, by describing the various “types” of Christians as described in the New Testament (at least in principle). If, after reading Bro. Summers’ article, we find ourselves as the wrong “type” of Christian, may we […]

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“Keynotes” Of Ecclesiastes – Malachi

Book – Ecclesiastes Key Words – “Vanity” and “under the sun” Key Verses – Ecclesiastes 2:24; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Key Phrase – “Vanity of vanities; all is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 1:2; Ecclesiastes 12:8).

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“An Honest Man's Word”

Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish novelist, playwright, and poet, the creator of Don Quixote, the most famous figure in Spanish literature, is quoted as saying, “An honest man’s word is as good as his bond”.

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Why Did David Call Him, “LORD”?

In confronting the Pharisees, Jesus often “questioned” them for the purpose of teaching them the truth (John 17:17). We find one such example in Matthew 22:41-46. After our

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What We Are Saved By

There is much confusion in the religious world as to the avenues of our salvation as described in the Bible. Through the use of a good concordance (this writer used Young’s

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What Is The Gospel?

The Gospel in the NT is referred to in Acts 13:32 – KJV as “glad tidings” and refers to the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 13:29-30,33-37; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). According to “Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and NT Words,”

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What Is That In Thine Hand?

In Exodus 4:1-2, the text reads: “And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The LORD hath not

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