Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Improving Our Spiritual Attitudes

The following are nine suggestions designed to improve our spiritual attitudes. If we’ll make application of these suggestions, not only will we experience personal Christian growth, but the Lord’s church will grow as well.

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Do We Want To Call Down Fire From Heaven?

Early in their discipleship, James and John were called, “The sons of thunder” (Mark 3:17-KJV). They had a similar

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A Difference In Attitude

In the following poem by an unknown author, we see two different attitudes illustrated. Let’s seriously think about what the words are saying to us, and then choose the right attitude of heart as we interact with others (cf. Matthew 7:12; Luke 18:9-14).

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The Phrase “All Things” In Romans 8:28

A querist asks, “In Romans 8:28, Does the phrase “all things” necessarily refer to every single event that transpires in a Christian’s life?”

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A Look At Patience In The New Testament

The Greek noun usually rendered “patience” in the New Testament is “hupomone.” Thayer says of the word: “in the

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Want A Happy And Fruitful Marriage?

Do we want a happy and fruitful marriage? The following are ten biblical ways to have and maintain a happy and

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What About “Not Under Bondage”?

A querist asks, “In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul is addressing several groups of people regarding marriage.  I have two questions: Is Paul providing additional instructions for divorcing a spouse other than what our Lord taught in Matthew 5:32 and Matthew 19:9, and what does the phrase, “not under bondage” refer to in 1 Corinthians 7:15?

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Effective Communication And A Merry Heart

The following humorous, but meaningful story comes from today’s Montana Street bulletin, illustrating our need for

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Politeness Is “Benevolence In Small Things”

Politeness has been defined as “benevolence in small things.” A true Christian recognizes the rights and feelings of others,

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Good Manners Demand Courtesy To All

Do we remember the days when a man used to give up his seat to a woman? When young folks showed respect for their elders?

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“You Tell On Yourself”

The following poem by an unknown author gives us insight into what we’re really telling others about ourselves by

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Five Things No One Will Regret On Judgment Day

As Christians, we all have regrets in our lives — things we should have done but didn’t do, and things we shouldn’t

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Do We Really Want To Live In This World Forever?

Some folks have either stated or implied that they want to live in this world forever (scroll down to the Google video link)

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How Does Christ Strengthen Us? Bible Lesson by Mike Riley

How Does Christ Strengthen Us? – Bible Lesson by Mike Riley noting the means by which Christ strengthens us. From Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” In Philippians 4:13, Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” The strength Paul spoke about was an inner […]

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Taking Jesus At His Word

Peter had just returned from an unsuccessful night of fishing in the first portion of Luke 5-NKJV, but at Jesus’

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The Cleansing Of Our Minds

We should encourage everyone to read their Bibles daily, because the very act of immersing ourselves in God’s word

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An Attitude Of Heart

If we learn anything through a study of the Bible, we learn that having the right attitude of heart is of primary importance in God’s eyes (Acts 13:22; cf. 1 Samuel 13:14). Also see Numbers 14:22-24; Joshua 14:6-14). Once when Jesus told a story to illustrate how people receive and respond to His teaching (Matthew […]

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Just Tell It Like It Is!

One characteristic of liberal preaching and teaching, is to speak or write in such vague and ambiguous terms that no one can quite “put their finger” on

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Some Bible ABC's

There are many Scriptures we could have chosen to come up with some Bible ABC’s, but the following Scriptures are sufficient:

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We Haven't Followed The Rules!

Have we ever thought why there is so much religious division in the world? How many times have we heard folks say, “I don’t believe it is possible for

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