Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Some Thoughts For The Upcoming New Year

A man fidgets and paces the floor. He spends sleepless nights wondering and worrying about the future. He fumes, “If only I knew what the future holds, I could make the right decision.”

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The Parable Of The Dropped Vase

The parable is told that one Sunday, near the end of the service, the preacher asked help in moving an urn of flowers from the platform. A young man came to the front and waited for the preacher to hand him the lovely vase filled with roses. Just as he reached up, he dropped the […]

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The Backslider’s Calendar

The backslider’s calendar is a result of the many excuses some members give for not attending the worship services of the church. Our Lord had to deal with folks who gave Him some lame excuses as well (Matthew 8:18-22; Luke 9:57-62; Luke 14:15-20). Sad to say, people haven’t changed too much since then. January — […]

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The “Secretary” Didn't Know How To Spell!

The story is told of man who was not well-educated, his manner being somewhat rough and crude. One Sunday, he

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Let’s Wear A Pair Of Granny’s Glasses!

The story is told of a little boy who was one day conversing with his playmate regarding his grandmother’s glasses. He told his playmate, “When I get older, I want to wear glasses just like Granny’s, because she can see so much more than most people. Why, she can see good in a person when […]

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Is Our Christianity One Of Convenience?

From a practical standpoint, most of us like to hear of things that are convenient and easy to use (those so-called “time saving“ devices). For example, we have microwave ovens, electric door openers, remote control devices, and computers that are “user friendly.”

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The Unique Gift Of Being “Me”

God has given each of us as individuals, unique talents to be used for the benefit of mankind (Matthew 25:14-23-NKJV;

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Can We Put A “Happy Face” On The Cross?

Frederica Mathews-Green, a syndicated columnist for several diverse publications, once asked the following question regarding the church:

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A Look At Laziness And Work

Someone has said, “The lazier a man is, the more he plans to do tomorrow.” If an individual desires to follow Christ, he must be willing to work. Our Lord gave His assessment of the value of work when He stated:

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A Look At Legalists And Liberals

When the Greeks tried to impose their customs on the Jews in the time of the Maccabees (see also ISBE), many of them were ready to conform, but others refused, insisting on strict obedience to the law of Moses.

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No Multiple Choice For Eternity

The following article was written by Brother Dan Gibson, former preacher of the Montana Street congregation. The article title begs the question, “Do we have multiple choices when it comes to eternity and our eternal dwelling place?”

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God's Judgment Or God's Mercy?

According to the dictionary, the term “mercy” is defined as: “compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one’s power” or “the

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No Disaster Can Separate Us

The Old Faithful geyser is one of the most popular geysers in Yellowstone National Park. If we’ve seen it erupt, we know

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More Valuable Than Diamonds

In our world, diamonds are prized for their rarity, beauty, and durability. We often hear it said that “Diamonds are forever.” In fact, there was a James Bond film by that title

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Don’t “Straighten ‘Em Out” — Restore Them!

In Galations chapter 6, the apostle Paul gives us some inspired instructions on how we are to properly restore a

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Some “One Another” Expressions

Central to Christianity, is a personal relationship between an individual and God (Matthew 22:36-37). A healthy and vital relationship with God, eliminates the sin that separates us from

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Addressing The Moral Issues Of Our Day

Brother Steve Higginbotham, preacher for the South Green Street Church of Christ in Glasgow, KY. has written and

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Let's Work Our Wings Off!

Beekeepers know that a bee’s age is determined by the condition of its wings (see Figure 4). Because bees constantly work, their wings get a lot of wear and tear. Young bees have wide well-formed wings, whereas older bees have narrow, torn, and tattered wings. The bee doesn’t die of old age. It dies when […]

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What About Armageddon?

A querist asks, “I’ve heard and read about many speculations and theories regarding the battle of Armageddon in Revelation 16:13-16. Understanding the figurative nature of Revelation, can you please

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A Lesson Learned From The Shark

The shark is a large ocean fish with an equally large appetite. In fact, so large, that he will swallow almost anything he can get into his mouth.

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