Involve Me, And I Understand
As an elementary school teacher for 27 years, my wife had a sign sitting on her homeroom desk that contained a message which emphasized personal involvement in the learning process.
As an elementary school teacher for 27 years, my wife had a sign sitting on her homeroom desk that contained a message which emphasized personal involvement in the learning process.
The core of the gospel can be found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4-NKJV. Paul briefly refers to it in 1 Corinthians 2:1-2-NKJV; cf. Gal. 6:14-NKJV).
From the time David’s popularity in the kingdom angered king Saul, we are told that Saul “eyed David from that day forward” (1 Samuel 18:1-9). After several unsuccessful attempts to have David slain, Saul and 3,000 of his men pursued David into the wilderness of Engedi. While there,
Let’s look at some benefits of soul winning. The purpose of soul winning was the sole cause for the Word to become flesh and dwell among men (John 1:12-14); Luke 19:10). After Jesus provided the means through His atoning blood by which souls might be won and saved from sin (Ephesians 1:7), He sent His disciples […]
British statesman John Lubbock once said, “What we see depends mainly on what we look for.” Having a good attitude and a right focus help us to handle
During the prohibition era, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. Capone was notorious for engaging in bootlegged booze, prostitution, and even murder.
In 2 Peter 1:5-7, the inspired writer Peter lays out a character development plan for those who are followers of Christ. This plan is described by seven different moral qualities known as the “Christian graces” (note the use of the word “grace” in 2 Peter 1:2).
What is the key element that keeps the church alive in every generation? Some say, it is a strong eldership — others would answer it’s a strong pulpit — some believe it to be based on strong
Here in El Paso, we pay more at the pump for gasoline than almost any city in the country, and people are feeling the crunch. Many folks are taking
When we are dating, how can we tell if our girlfriend or boyfriend really loves us? The following are some biblical answers which may help us in that understanding, but first ….. Let’s ask ourselves, “What is true biblical love?” Contrary to popular belief,sexual interest is not the love that is needed. The rapist has […]
The following inspirational quotes are from an email I recently received from a fellow Christian. They are worth meditating on and remembering:
The gospels record that two guilty thieves joined in the derision of Jesus (Matthew 27:44; Mark 15:32). But the penitent thief had a change of heart [mindset] (Luke 23:40-42). The penitent thief took advantage of God’s eternal principle of divine mercy found in Isaiah 55:6-7, and as a result, Jesus promised him a place in […]
The following parody by an unknown author lists some lamentable activities that occur far too often in the Lord’s church. If any of the listed activities hits
The Metropolitan Museum of Art website contains nearly 6,000 works of art, consisting of various prints, drawings, photographs, paintings and sculptures. An individual can search by time period, geographical
Our Lord once stated to the church at Laodicea: “Behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20 NKJV; cf. Luke 12:36-37).
Relative to the subject of marital happiness, Brother Marshall Keeble once said:
In its various forms, the word “steal” appears over forty times in the Bible (not to mention other similar words such as rob, covet, etc.). Regardless of the object, stealing is seen to be wrong. It takes from
Ah, vacation time is here at last! The kids are out of school, trips are being planned, cars are being packed, and folks will be headed off in different directions to “get away from it all.” We may take vacations from the routines of life, but must we take vacations from God and our relationship
Is there a solution to immorality? Regarding any nation’s deteriorating morality, the Psalmist asks this question: “If the foundations be destroyed, What can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3). While America possesses the greatest technology and medical care in the world, our values, morality, and lack of moral fiber indicate that this is not “the best […]
There’s no question that the American Civil War left a tragic aftermath of bitterness, hatred, and resentment. The wounds inflicted in that war were deep and painful. These emotions continued long after the last gun fell silent. Many folks could not forget the blood