Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Fundamentals – The Plan of Salvation – Lesson 8

Date written: May 10th, 2002Scripture ref: Acts 16:30 SUBJECT: Fundamentals Bible Class TITLE: Lesson 8 — What must I do to be saved? PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study what the Bible tells one to do to be saved. OBJECTIVES: Everyone should be able to understand the plan of salvation and explain it to […]

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Super Bowl Sunday is Every Sunday

Today is the day that has come to be known as America’s unofficial holiday. Yes, that’s right, it is Super Bowl Sunday. Of course, the Super Bowl is the penultimate sports experience for most people who live in the United States. People start planning weeks in advance for their parties and get-togethers at which they […]

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Was Jesus' “second” miracle really the second?

In John 2, John says turning water into wine was Jesus 1st miracle. In John 3, Nicodemus says he knew that Jesus had done signs. In John 4, John says Jesus did his second miracle. The question is, was it really only his 2nd miracle? I appreciate this question. It shows that someone is thinking […]

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If someone who lives in Africa doesn't know about God or his word and he dies will the man go to hell?

If someone who lives in Africa doesn’t know about God or his word and he dies will the man go to hell? The question that many people often ask is how could God be so unjust as to send someone who has never heard His word to hell? We are very quick to point the […]

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Was Jesus God?

I would like to know if Jesus was God the Father or if he was only the (lower case) son of god. The question restated is as follows: Is Jesus really Deity, or was he a created being like angels, man, and all creation? Jesus was and is Deity. In Him dwelt all the fullness […]

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Do you think that Romans 11:14-32 is a prophecy yet to be fulfilled?

Do you think that Romans 11:14-32 is a prophecy yet to be fulfilled? This is a fairly long passage of scripture to discuss. Let’s look at it and see if we can understand what is being taught in this part of the Bible. This passage comes right in the middle of a discussion regarding the […]

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What is the promise in Acts 2:39?

What is the promise in Acts 2:39? In a previous question, we talked about the gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:38. Summarizing what was said in regard to that question, the gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:38 must be the ability to do miracles. The evidence for that is this: 1) […]

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What is the difference between body, spirit, and soul?

What is the difference between body, spirit, and soul? First, I am assuming that you are referring to an individual person. Second, I am also assuming that you are asking this question in reference to what the Bible teaches or some particular Biblical passage and not what men have said through the many years these […]

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Must a Christian widow marry a Christian?

In 1 Corinthians 7:39, Paul writes, ” The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.” Does “in the Lord” in this verse mean that the wife, who is free […]

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Can I light a candle patriotically?

After September 11th, many of us felt the need to show our patriotism. There was recently a rally held at the courthouse in which people from all over the community came to show support for our country and to remember those who had died. At this rally people from all religions were present. We lit […]

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Fundamentals – The Inspiration of the Bible – Lesson 4

Date written: February 21st, 2002 Scripture ref: 2 Timothy 3:15-17 SUBJECT: Fundamentals Bible Class TITLE: The Bible, Its Inspiration PROPOSITION: To set forth evidence for the inspiration of the Bible by God. Namely that there are some things in the Bible that could only have come from God. These things are: 1) specific scientific foreknowledge; […]

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Fundamentals – The Existence of God – Lesson 2

Date written: February 8, 2002 Scripture ref: Romans 1:20 SUBJECT: Christian Fundamentals: Bible Class TITLE: The Existence of God PROPOSITION: To prove the existence of God with three sound arguments. OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to repeat the arguments to show others that God exists. AIM: I do not want there to be any […]

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A Pillar of Cloud by Day and a Pillar of Fire by Night

After over 400 years of bondage, 9 great plagues, and the death of the firstborn of the Egyptians, God lead the children of Israel out of Egypt with a high hand under the leadership of Moses: “And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued after the children of Israel: […]

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What is Sin?

Author’s note: I received a question on the web site not too long ago from an individual asking why we didn’t have more information on the subject of sin on our web site. I was a little at a loss as to the question because not a single article or outline is posted that doesn’t […]

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Why Declare Membership At A Local Congregation?

This question recently came up in some of my Internet studies with online friends. The question centers on whether or not it is necessary to be identified as a member of a local congregation. The Bible doesn’t have a process whereby one may “join” the church such as are followed in the denominational world. However, […]

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How Do You Do It All?

Someone recently asked me this question on the Internet. The question wasn’t, “how do you, Kevin, do it all?” The question was, with all of life’s demands, (i.e. God, work, home, and recreation) how do you balance it all, keep up with it all, do it all? It is a good question and a question […]

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You might say that I enjoy a good potluck just as much as the next person. In fact, were one to take a good gander at my physique, I would dare say that the conclusion would be that I don’t miss too many meals. And judging from some of the other men in our congregation, […]

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“Ane furthermore, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh,” Ecc. 12:12. Here is warning from Divine wisdom. The nature of books is that they can be either good and useful or destructive and bad. The nature of the words in the […]

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Can we have morality without God?

Why do so many educated people find it so hard to take personal responsibility for their actions and morality? Looking to primitive superstitions for an answer to every moral dilemma seems to remove the need to develop our own mental tools for dealing with the problems that living in modern societies present us. Do you […]

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The Nature of Biblical Edification

What does it mean to be edified? Without doing a scientific survey, my guess is that most people would say that being edified means to be encouraged, to make to feel better, or to have a more positive attitude. So, I did some searching on the Internet to see if my guess was accurate or […]

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