Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Qualifications of an Apostle | Modern Day Claims for Apostleship

There are at least two major religious bodies today who claim apostleship or apostolic like authority for individuals in their religion. The Mormons plainly state that they have living apostles in The Quorum of the Twelve. These, they claim, have apostolic authority just as the apostles of the New Testament. The Catholic church doesn’t claim […]

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The Little Ones

I heard a story this week about a little boy in Texas who is currently residing in a children’s home. When I inquired about why he was in the home, I was told that his Father placed him there on account of a new wife who didn’t want to be bothered by the boy. When […]

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Matthew 3:7-12

Please open your Bibles to Matthew 3:7-12 Vs. 7 – The Pharisees were the dominant religious party among the Jewish people. Their views of scripture were often distorted by the fact that they allowed religious tradition to dominate their thinking as opposed to the actual scriptures themselves (see Mark 7:3-13). They were hypocrites because they […]

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Happy Mother’s Day

Today is the day that we know and celebrate as Mother’s Day. It is the one time out of the year that we set aside a day to remember and honor our mothers. More telephone calls home are made today than any other day of the year. Many will be taking their mother someplace special […]

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Conscience is our moral sense of ought. For it to function properly it must be trained and exercised. A good example is found in the person of Daniel (Daniel 1:8). It being our own personal moral sense of ought (right or wrong), it is possible for it to be deceived. For example, the apostle Paul, […]

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God's Tools

This past week, I have had several things to repair around the house. I have also been laboring to get a new hitch installed on my SUV so that I can attach a new product that I recently bought for our family vacation. For each job, I needed some tools. At one point I needed […]

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God's Great Bubbles of Protection

Have you ever thought how amazing it is that the Earth seems to be perfectly situated as a habitat for man? Man needs water to survive, and the Earth has a hydrology system that cleans and purifies water on a regular and consistent basis. Man also needs food, and in every part of the Earth […]

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What does Luke 10:21 mean?

In Luke 10:21, is Jesus saying you don’t have to be a doctor in Theology to understand the word of God as some religions would have us believe? Luke 10:21 says, “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these […]

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Can The Bible Mean Just Anything?

We live in a society that seeks to “interpret” everything. When the President or some other important official makes a statement, news commentators are quick to point out what was said and what wasn’t said. Did he mean this or did he mean that? The analysis is endless. Many take words that were said, rip […]

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The Lord's Supper – The Christian's Holy Meal

Recently in a ladies Bible class we were discussing things considered holy today. Our study was centered upon the Valley of Achor where Achan took of the devoted thing and desecrated it (Joshua 7). One of the discussion questions at the end of our study was as follows: “How is it possible for us to […]

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Never Forsaken

Never Forsaken God has promised to be with the Christian if the Christian is faithful to him. What a wonderful blessing to know that we have security and safety while we remain in the love of God. God has always desired to dwell with His people and so He desires to do today. John Davis […]

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The Mission and Work of the Church – Edification

Last week we discussed the work of the church that deals with reaching out to those who have never been saved. This is the work of evangelism. However, the church has an equal responsibility to minister to the saved. There are those among the saved who may be tempted to leave the church and return […]

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The Parable of the Two “Waters”

Suppose that you were dying in the desert and you came upon a tent. Inside the tent were two people. One of those people appeared friendly, warm, and inviting. The other person appeared ugly, cold and repulsive. In front of both people were large baskets and inside one of those baskets was life giving water, […]

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Zealous Mediocrity

I suppose if there were ever an oxymoron to be considered, the title of this article would be within the top ten. It would be there along with apathetic concern, charitable covetousness, and slothful industriousness. We generally use oxymorons when, in our language, we fail to find the appropriate description for something in terms of […]

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Learning Math and Etc.

I’ll be the first one to admit that when it comes to math I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. This means I have to apply myself a bit harder and pay closer attention to my mathematics. I have had the privilege of working with Charlie’s third grade class on multiplication and while there […]

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Pattern Theology

The plea of churches of Christ today is to restore New Testament Christianity into the lives of as many as will receive the gospel message. It is not sufficient to merely preach the gospel, without expecting those who claim to believe it to restore to their lives the truth that is contained within that gospel. […]

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Would you explain the meaning of Matthew 10:34-36 as quoted from Micah 7:6?

Would you explain the meaning of Matthew 10:34-36 as quoted from Micah 7:6? Let’s read together Matthew 10:34-36. “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against […]

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What does “my judgment” mean in 1 Corinthians 7:25 and 40?

Please explain the phrase, “my judgment” in 1 Corinthians 7:25 and 40. How could Paul be giving his opinion and also be inspired of God? Some translations (such as the NASV) render the word judgment in this passage as “opinion.” There are others as well. Most speak of this “judgment.” But whether we use the […]

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Can an erring and lost Christian be restored to Christ?

One of your articles discussed that a person who leaves the church and rejects God has no more sacrifice for sin. Can these people be brought back into the fold? Yes, provided they sincerely desire to come back. The book of Hebrews deals more with this issue of falling away than does any other book […]

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Angels are heavenly beings created by God (Colossians 1:16). They are immortal (Luke 20:36), they worship God (Psalm 148:1-2), and they are subject unto Christ (1 Peter 3:22). Colossians 1:16: “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, […]

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