Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Five Questions From a Baptist Friend

Question 1: Must a person be baptized to be saved? Question 2: Can one lose his or her salvation? Question 3: Are the members of the church of Christ the only ones going to heaven? Question 4: If one loses their salvation, what do they have to do to get it back? Question 5: If […]

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Mercy, Not Sacrifice

Our Lord was no stranger to difficult situations. The Pharisees and Sadducees would often present him with questions regarding various different aspects of the Old Law. Each time, our Lord answered with the utmost wisdom and absolute truth. Perhaps one of the most difficult (if not the most difficult) situations into which these enemies of […]

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Have you ever been manipulated by someone to such a degree that when the entire thing is over you feel like an old bath towel that has been hung out to dry, just kind of waving back and forth in the wind? I know that I have and I don’t really care to relive those […]

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Having just returned from a week’s vacation in which we drove approximately 1500 miles, I can attest to the fact that we would not have arrived at our intended destinations were it not for some kind of directions. Directions can be a set of instructions that you have that tell you where to go to […]

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On The Old Covenant

SUBJECT: Mosaic Law TITLE: On The Old Covenant PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will discuss three things concerning the Old Covenant 1) Its Application, 2) Its Aim, 3) Its End. OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to state why we live under the new covenant and not the old covenant today and cite appropriate scripture […]

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Please tell me more about the bride of Christ.

What does it mean when we become the Bride of Christ? Are we already a Bride when we believe and born again? Revelation speaks of Christ coming for His Bride? Please tell me more about Bride of Christ. Thanks for your good question. The idea of being the “bride of Christ” is *symbolic* of our […]

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What does S, T, P, O, and A stand for in your sermon outlines?

What does S, T, P, O, and A stand for in your sermon outlines? Those are the first letters of the Subject, Title, Proposition, Objective, and Aim of the sermon. I refer to those items at the end of the introduction, so I have a note at the end of the introduction to remind me […]

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In my mind this word conjures up scenes of family members around a dining room table. On that table sits a roast turkey, giblet gravy, mom’s homemade dressing, sweet potatoes, and grandma’s hot pecan pie. A thanksgiving prayer is said unto our Creator for the bounteous blessings he bestows upon us daily. A blessing is […]

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Should a Christian swim in public?

Should a Christian be at a public swimming pool or water theme park? The scriptures do not directly answer this particular question and so we must understand some principles that are set down within the scriptures in order to get to an appropriate answer. The Bible says that God has given us all things to […]

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Demise and Redemption

The demise of man very quickly began Soon after he was placed in the garden, For, Adam’s wife Eve, Satan did deceive, And, for them, there was found no pardon. Satan told her a lie to get her to try The fruit God forbade them to eat. She was tempted and then she ate and […]

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Why do Christians worship on Sundays?

Please give some thought on why we worship on Sundays or the importance of the Sunday worship. Why not on other days? Why do we meet on Sunday, the first day of the week? Our meeting upon the first day of the week is neither by accident nor by arbitrary selection. There are some scriptures […]

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Biting and Devouring

“But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.” (Galatians 5:15). Somewhere between A.D. 48 and A.D. 58, the apostle Paul sat down to write a letter to the churches of Galatia. This letter was written to address one particular subject: the erroneous teaching that Gentile […]

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I Am NOT A “Church of Christ” Preacher

In the last few days I have been deluged with sectarian, denominational remarks. Most of these remarks have been out of the mouths of those who should have known better. One of the most bitter, cruel, malicious and ignorant is “Church of Christ Preacher.” Don’t misunderstand me; I believe there are some “Church of Christ […]

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Confessing the name of Christ before men is a necessity for our eternal salvation (Matthew 10:32; Romans 10:9-10; 1 John 4:15). However, this confession must be coupled with obedience to all of the will of God (Matthew 7:21; Hebrews 5:9). Matthew 10:32: “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before […]

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Does the Bible teach “Once saved, always saved?”

I was talking with a friend about the once saved, always saved issue and I could not find any good scriptures to show him on the topic. He used Rom 8:37-39 and some others that I can not recall to back his view. I was wondering if you could give me some scriptures and any […]

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How can someone be greater in the kingdom?

Jesus speaks of how great John the Baptist is and makes the statement that even as great as he is, the lesser (least) in God’s Kingdom is greater than he. My question (and one that was asked of me) is, “Are there degrees of acceptance into the Kingdom? How can anyone in the Kingdom be […]

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Is Denominationalism A Viable Christian System? (3 of 3)

Last week we noted that denominationalism doesn’t recognize the inherent division within its organization because it fails to acknowledge any other doctrine of the Christian faith as truly important and grounds for unity except belief in Jesus as the Christ. On this account, denominationalism fails to realize that there could be any distinguishing marks that […]

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Questioning One's Salvation

In preparation to teach our high school class about the beliefs of the various denominational bodies, I have noticed one common and consistent practice among them. While most denominations varies widely in their unique doctrines, when it comes to the plan of salvation they mostly agree on the doctrine of faith only. Typically associated with […]

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Is singing during the Lord's Supper scriptural?

Is singing during the Lord’s Supper scriptural. There are no scriptures that suggest that singing during the Lord’s Supper is something that the early church did. In 1 Corinthians 11:23-34 Paul gives the pattern that we are to follow when observing the Lord’s Supper. One of the things that he says we are to observe […]

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Discouragement in the Bible | How To Fight Discouragement

Recently, I have received several questions from our web site on the subject of discouragement. One person writes, “I am an evangelist but I feel let down, not wanted?” Another writes, “I am really confused right now. Everybody I ask is going to give me a different answer and I don’t know which one is […]

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