Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Sermon on Psalm 119:33-40 – How To Delight in God’s Word

Sermon on Psalm 119 – This sermon outline by Kevin Cauley shows us how to delight in God’s Word from the psalmist in Psalm 119:33-40.

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Ye Are the Light of the World

In this lesson, we will think about the song, “Ye Are the Light of the World.” For Christians to be the light of the world there are some things that they must 1) Avoid, 2) Act, and 3) Adore. Each should understand that he has an influence to use for good. Each Christian should be more cognizant of his example to others in both word and deed.

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Some Spiritual Thoughts about The Fiddler on the Roof (Part 2)

One could also say that while God allows misfortune and is present when it occurs, that He never abandons His child, that misfortune brings people back to Him, and that ultimately God works to redeem them from the idols in their life (Romans 8:28).

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An Issue of Blood

The woman was healed who had an issue of blood: her: 1) Condition, 2) Cure, 3) Closure. Each would understand how to have a living and active faith.

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Attributes of King David – Singer, Soldier, King, Believer

SUBJECT: Biography

TITLE: Epithets of King David

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the epithets of king David. We see in the scriptures the following epithets of David: 1) A mighty man of war, 2) the sweet psalmist of Israel, 3) Thou art the man, 4) A man after God’s own heart.

OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able learn and explain about David and his life.

AIM: To study some of the attributes of David and learn from the positive and negative examples he gives us in the scriptures.

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The Fruit of the Spirit is Faithfulness

The Fruit of the Spirit is Faithfulness: 1) God and Christ are Faithful, 2) Faithfulness to God, 3) Faithfulness to One Another. Each person should understand how faithfulness applies to their relationships with God and each other.

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Some Spiritual Thoughts about The Fiddler on the Roof (Part 1)

He’s inconsistent and petulant, but he’s likable because he’s identifiable, and like all of us, there are some things that Tevya loves more than God, and he should not (Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Matthew 22:37).

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What Does it Mean to be Born Again?

In this lesson we will study what it means to be born again. To be born again means 1) To be born of water, 2) To be born of Spirit, and 3) To enter the kingdom of God. Each hearer should be able to understand and tell others what it means to be born again. To refute the denominational doctrine that the new birth does not include baptism and to teach the truth regarding what it meant to Jesus, John, and Nicodemus.

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The Royal Wedding Feast – Part 3

One must wear the king’s garments. We must put on Christ in baptism. “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27). His righteousness must be our righteousness or we will not enter (Matthew 5:20). Paul said that he wanted to “be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ” (Philippians 3:9).

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Sermon on Meekness | The Amazing Inheritance of the Meek

SUBJECT: Attitudes

TITLE: Beatitudes – The Meek

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at Matthew 5:5, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” We will answer the questions, 1) Who are the meek? 2) How shall they inherit the earth? And 3) What are some practical applications for this verse?

Objectives: Each should be able to answer these questions in their own study.

Aim: That each would understand more about meekness and the blessedness inherent in being meek.


1. Read: Matthew 5:1-11

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Sermon on Freedom in Christ — Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley . The Christian is free from sin, free from the Old Law, and not free from Christ.

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What Purpose Did God Make Us For?

God wants us to fulfill His purposes for us by living for Him every day. In this way, we can grow to be the kind of people that God wants us to be. Ultimately, God wants every single person to grow into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Romans 8:29 says, “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.”

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What We Are For in 2024!

Regardless of how many new technologies we obtain, the focus of the gospel is still the same: people. Jesus was about people; the church is about people; we need to be about people. What does that mean? It means continuing to worship and take care of the saints in the local body, reaching out to others in the community with the gospel and growing the body of Christ. Taking the message of the gospel to the rest of the world as we have opportunity (Matthew 28:18-20).

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Sermon on Jezebel – Lessons from the Wicked Life of Jezebel

Sermon on Jezebel – Sermon outline from 1 Kings 16:29-31 on the wicked life and sins of Jezebel, one of history’s most loathed women. Date written: May 13th, 2007 Scripture ref: 1 Kings 16:29-31 SUBJECT: Biography TITLE: Sermon on Jezebel – Lessons from the Wicked Life of Jezebel PROPOSITION: In the life of Jezebel we […]

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Sermon on Freedom in Christ | What is Freedom in Christ?

SUBJECT: Freedom in Christ

TITLE: Freedom

PROPOSITION: What is freedom in Christ? 1) The Christian is free from sin. 2) The Christian is free from the Old Law. 3) The Christian is not free from Christ.

Objectives: Each hearer should understand what it means to be free in Christ. To understand from what the Christian is free and from what the Christian is not free in order to be able to exercise freedom in Christ.

Aim: To instruct regarding the subject of freedom and warn regarding some erroneous conclusions that some have drawn regarding Christian freedom.


1. Read: Galatians 5:1, 13

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Taking Risks as Christians

SUBJECT: Attitude/Faith TITLE: Taking Risks as Christians PROPOSITION: In this study we will look at different kinds of risks that Christians must take to be Christians. There is the risk of 1) Leaving the ones we love, 2) financial loss, 3) our life and health, 4) public rejection and failure. OBJECTIVES: Each Christian should know […]

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Sermon on John 3:16 – God’s Grace as Shown by John 3:16

Sermon on John 3:16. A textual study of John 3:16 noticing God’s grace as it reveals itself through his motivation, method, message, and mission. SUBJECT: Theology: Soteriology TITLE: God’s Grace as Shown by John 3:16 PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will do a textual study of John 3:16 noticing God’s grace as it reveals itself […]

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Does Jesus Care about Necessities, Loved Ones and Salvation?

SUBJECT: Jesus, Salvation, Love

TITLE: Does Jesus Care?

PROPOSITION: Jesus cares about our necessities, our loved ones, but most importantly, about our personal salvation.

Objectives: Each should understand that Jesus cares about our life, but more about our soul.

Aim: To motivate all to think about their souls and salvation in relationship to the concern God has given for our physical lives.


1. Read: Matthew 8:23-27

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Sermon on Gratitude – For This, I’m Thankful

SUBJECT: Gratitude

TITLE: For This, I’m Thankful

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will note a few things for which to be thankful.

Objectives: That each hearer would consider how they need to be thankful in their lives.

Aim: To reinforce the necessity of thankfulness.


1. Read: Hebrews 13:10-15

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Why Have Unity?

SUBJECT: Unity, Church

TITLE: Why Have Unity?

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will set forth three reasons why we ought to have unity. 1) Jesus prayed for it. 2) Paul pleaded for it. 3) The Holy Spirit prescribed it.

Objectives: That each would desire to have unity within the body of Christ.

Aim: To teach God’s plan for unity among believers and to help all come to a better understanding of what this means.


1. Read: Philippians 2:1,2

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