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What Is Repentance? See the Truth in Bible Examples

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What is Repentance? — Sermon on Repentance by G. E. Watkins outlining the definition of repent and repentance as exemplified in the Scriptures.

INTRODUCTION: 2 Cor. 7:9-10

1. Sometimes our translations are not helpful enough.

2. We read a word like “repentance” and wonder if we have a clear conception of the meaning.

1) We don’t use it much in conversation.

2) We are acutely aware that the modern meaning of a word may not convey the meaning of the original.

3. This is a word that is essential to understand. Paul associates it with salvation in our text.

4. Luke 13:3, 5 makes us understand that the lack of repentance brings destruction.

5. Repentance and repent are used in pivotal passages, such as Luke 24:46-47; Acts 2:38.

6. What if you don’t understand it?

1) What if you think it is the feeling of sorrow? You’d be wrong!

2) What if you mistakenly thing that it is good deeds? Again you’d be wrong!

7. What I hope to do this hour is to show you, using Bible examples, just what it is to repent.

8. Then, when you examine yourselves and ask, “Have I truly repented?” you’ll know.


I.   What is Repentance? THE CASE OF THE NINEVITES – Matt. 12:41; Jonah 1:1-2; ch. 3

1. They heard the preaching of Jonah.

1) They were challenged with the truth.

2) They came to understand that the God of Heaven condemned their lives.

2. They believed God, Jonah 3:5.

1) They were convinced that Jonah’s message was real.

2) Perhaps they learned about Jonah being in the fish.

3) Perhaps Jonah had been confirmed a prophet many other ways.

3. Their life changed.

1) From pride to humility – sack cloth.

2) From satisfaction to self-denial – fasting.

3) From idolatry to true worship, 3:8.

4) From evil to righteousness, 3:8.

5) The temples closed their doors, the night-life shut down, no drinking, no carousing. Peace and calm envelopes the city.


1) Can’t see repentance, only its effects.

2) Our text (2 Cor. 7:9-10) tells us it’s not godly sorrow.

3) Matt. 3:8 tells us it’s not fruits or works.

4) Yet Jesus told us that the Ninevites repented.

5) Matt. 21:28-30 illustrates nicely. It is the difference between “I will not” and “I will.” Repentance is a change of mind, of will.

6) So, the Ninevites, having heard Jonah and believing God, changed their minds and then changed their lives.

7) At the point of changing their minds they repented.

II.  What is Repentance? THE CASE OF THE PRODIGAL SON – Luke 15:10-24

1. We see in the context (v. 10) that the subject is repentance.

2. He remembered from whence he had fallen, v. 17.

3. He made a determination, v. 18. “I will arise…”

4. He brought it to action, v. 20.

1) He began his journey.

2) He confessed his fault.

5. Where did the repentance come in?

1) Not when he came to himself.

2) Not when he started for home.

3) Not when he confessed to his father.

4) It was at the moment he determined to make a change, v. 18. “I will…”

6. Once again, there is a point after godly sorrow (2 Cor. 7:10) and before fruits or good works (Matt. 3:8) where repentance is found.


1. Since the day of Pentecost God has proclaimed through the Gospel that all men everywhere MUST repent.

1) Peter’s pronouncement, Acts 2:38.

2) Paul’s pronouncement, Acts 17:30.

2. You must ask yourself it you’ve truly repented. This is of grave importance.

1) Did you just make a show of obeying the gospel? (peer pressure, emotionalism, to please parents, to get the girl)

2) Or, was there a moment in time when you determined that you were going to do things God’s way?

3. Even Christians sometimes need to repent. We find ourselves in sin. We are commanded to repent, Acts 8:22.

CONCLUSION: What is Repentance?

1. Repentance is a change of mind, of will that follows godly sorrow, and that is shown by works of obedience.

2. Having heard the call of the Gospel, have you repented?