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“Thinking Out Loud” Video Series

Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Brother Neil Richey, preacher for the Piedmont Road congregation in Marietta, Georgia, has produced an excellent video series of short devotional topics entitled, “Thinking Out Loud.”

With people pressed for time, these short videos are a great evangelistic tool in reaching others for Christ via email.

Brethren, let’s use every means available to teach and motivate folks to read and study their Bibles, with a view towards their obeying the saving gospel of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Romans 6:17).

As Brother Neil would say, just “Thinking Out Loud.”

—Mike Riley

Related Videos:

  • House to House (type in “Neil Richey” into the “Quick AV Search” block, then drag any selection from the play list onto the large screen at the top of the page).