The Book of Jude
Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines CommentsDate written: March 27th, 2004
Scripture ref: Jude 1-3
SUBJECT: Passages
TITLE: The Book of Jude
PROPOSITION: To set forth an expository study of the book of Jude.
OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be familiar with the book.
AIM: To help each one have a better understanding of the books of the Bible.
1. Read: Jude 1-3
2. About the Text:
1) The book of Jude is one of the smaller letters in the New Testament.
2) Jude calls himself the servant of Christ and the brother of James (Mat.13:55). Jesus’ half brother.
3) He writes to those who are sanctified and preserved in Jesus Christ-faithful Christians.
4) The occasion was one in which false teachers were creeping into the churches.
5) He writes to exhort them to contend earnestly for the faith.
3. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.
DISCUSSION: In the book of Jude we see…
I. A Reminder of the End of the Wicked (3-7)
1. He explains that certain men have crept in unaware.
1) They were ordained to this condemnation (on account of their teaching.)
2) They are ungodly men.
3) They change grace into licentiousness.
4) They deny the only Lord God, Jesus.
2. He exhorts them to remember how God dealt with such people in the past.
1) After having rescued the children of Israel out of Egypt, he destroyed those who did not believe.
2) Angels who sinned were cast down into prison.
3) Sodom and Gomorrah
a. Fornication
b. Strange flesh
c. Suffer eternal fire.
II. A Condemnation of the Wicked (8-16)
1. A description of these false teachers.
1) Filthy dreamers.
2) Defile the flesh
3) Reject authority (dominion)
4) Speak evil of dignitaries.
2. A contrast to the wicked — example of Michael the archangel.
1) Disputed with the Devil
2) Would not bring a railing accusation.
3) Said, “The Lord rebuke you!”
3. Cont. description of these false teachers.
1) Speak evil of what they don’t know.
2) Corrupt themselves with carnal knowledge.
3) A Woe is pronounced upon them.
a. Gone in the way of Cain – Rejected authority.
b. Ran greedily after Balaam – caused Israel to commit fornication (Rev. 2:14).
c. Perished in the rebellion of Korah – spoke evil of dignitaries.
d. Spots in your love feasts.
e. Clouds without water.
f. Autumn trees without fruit.
g. Raging waves of the sea.
h. Wandering stars.
4. Enoch’s warning of Judgment regarding their destiny.
1) God will come with ten thousand of his saints.
2) This judgment will be upon all.
3) This judgment will convict.
4) This judgment will expose ungodly deeds.
5) This judgment will expose all ungodly words.
5. Cont. description of these false teachers.
1) Grumblers
2) Complainers
3) Walking by their own lusts.
4) They speak great swelling words.
5) They speak flatteries to gain advantage.
III. An Exhortation to the Faithful (17-24)
1. Exhorted to remember the words of the apostles.
1) They said mockers would come in the last time.
2) They said these would walk in their ungodly lusts.
3) These are sensual – given over to their sensual delights.
4) These cause divisions.
5) These don’t have the Spirit.
2. Exhorted to keep themselves in the love of God.
1) By being built up in the faith.
2) By praying in the Holy Spirit.
3) By looking for the mercy of Jesus to salvation.
4) By having mercy on some.
5) By saving some with fear, hating their fleshly deeds.
3. Exhorted to regard God’s power and glory.
1) God can keep you from stumbling.
2) Present you faultless.
3) Before his presence with joy.
4) Praise for God’s greatness.
IV. Lessons Learned
1. We must contend for the faith. Ephesians 6:12ff.
2. We must learn from the Old Covenant so that we do not repeat those mistakes. Rom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:1-11
3. False teachers are constantly trying to creep into the church.
1) Those who approve immorality are false teachers.
2) Those who reject authority are false teachers.
3) Jesus warned us: Matthew 7:15-20
4. God will bring all deeds and words into judgment one day. 2 Cor. 5:10
5. The apostles warned of false teachers. 1 Tim. 4:1-3
6. We must stay learned in the faith of Christ to avoid being swayed by false doctrine. 1 Tim. 4:16
7. We must work to restore those who have been swayed from the truth. Gal. 6:1
8. God has the power to save if we will submit to His will. Rom. 1:16,17
1. Let us learn from the book of Jude….
1) To remember the end of the wicked.
2) That God will condemn the wicked.
3) That God will save the faithful.
2. Invitation
1) If you are a Christian….
2) If you are not a Christian….
a. Hear the word; Romans 10:17 “Faith comes by hearing…”
b. Believe with all your heart; Hebrews 11:6 “For without faith it is impossible….”
c. Repent of your sins (Acts 17:30).
d. Confess Jesus as the Son of God (Matt. 16:16).
e. Be Baptized for the remission of your sins (Mark 16:15,16).