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The Beginning of the Church of Christ

Categories: Sermon Outlines | Comments

Date written: January 14th, 2005
Scripture ref: Acts 2:14-24


TITLE: The Beginning of the Church of Christ

PROPOSITION: In this study we will look at Acts 2 in relationship to the beginning of the church of Christ.

Objectives: To teach what happened when the church of Christ began.


1. Read: Acts 2:14-24

2. About the Text:

1) Prior to this day, Jesus had prophesied that He would build His church (Matthew 16:18).

2) He prophesied that He would give Peter the keys to the kingdom (Matthew 16:19).

3) He prophesied that the kingdom would come in the lifetime of the disciples and that it would come with power (Mark 9:1).

4) He told the disciples in Acts 1:8 that the power would come with the Holy Spirit.

5) In Acts 2 we see the coming of the Holy Spirit.

6) We also see the coming of the power.

7) The apostles were still alive.

8) The kingdom, the church, came to life on this day and Peter opened the doors with the keys.

3. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: At the beginning of the church of Christ we see…

I.   The Presence of the Holy Spirit – Acts 2:1-4

1. Jesus prophesied the presence of the Holy Spirit.

1) Acts 1:8

2) John 16:13

2. So the Holy Spirit came.

1) It was the day of Pentecost.

2) The apostles were all together in one place.

3) The sound of a rushing mighty wind filled the house where they were.

4) The appearance of tongues of fire sat on each of them.

5) They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.

6) They spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave to them.

II.  The Proof of the Apostles’ Inspiration – Acts 2:5-13

1. The coming of the Holy Spirit supplied the proof the apostles needed for their message to be believed.

1) Mark 16:20 “These signs shall follow….”

2) Hebrews 2:4 “God also bearing witness….”

3) The presence of the Holy Spirit was to produce signs that would confirm the word.

2. So the Spirit indeed produced those signs.

1) In Jerusalem were men from every nation.

2) The loud noise attracted them to the house where the apostles were staying.

3) They heard the apostles speaking in their own native tongues.

4) They knew that they were not educated in these tongues because the apostles were Galileans.

5) This was a miracle of the tongue, not of the ear.

6) Vs. 11 tells us they heard the apostles “speaking” in their own language.

7) So they asked, “What does this mean?”

8) Some, however, mocked the apostles.

9) This prompted an explanation from Peter.

III. The Prophecy that was Fulfilled – Acts 2:14-21

1. Jesus had stated that the prophesies would be fulfilled – Matthew 5:21.

1) The prophecies concerning Jesus as the Messiah were fulfilled – Luke 24:44.

2) Now it was time for the prophecies concerning the church to be fulfilled.

2. How were those prophecies fulfilled?

1) Peter denies that they are drunk but rather says that they are fulfilling prophecy.

2) Peter refers to Joel 2:28-32 and quotes it.

3) The prophecy refers to God pouring his Spirit out.

4) The prophecy refers to God’s people doing signs and wonders.

5) The prophecy states that it will be in this day that “whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

6) Peter says that this is that day.

IV.  The Preaching of the Apostle Peter – Acts 2:22-36

1. Jesus told the apostles that they were to preach repentance and remission of sins in His name – Luke 24:47.

2. Peter began to do exactly this.

1) He preached that God had approved Jesus Himself by signs and wonders.

2) He preached that lawless men had taken and slain Jesus.

3) He preached that God resurrected Jesus from the dead.

4) Peter quotes from Psalm 16:8-11 to teach that prophecy again had been made and fulfilled in Jesus.

5) Peter made it clear that this prophecy was not about David himself because David was still in the tomb.

6) Peter preached that God raised up Jesus and all of the apostles were witnesses of this event.

7) Peter preached that it was Jesus Himself that was responsible for pouring forth these things.

8) Peter preached that Jesus is Lord and Messiah!

V.   The Penitence of those who Believed – Acts 2:37-39

1. Jesus also told the apostles what to preach for men to be saved – Mark 16:15-16, Matthew 28:18-20.

2. At this point many believed the message.

1) They were convicted of their sin.

2) They cried out “What shall we do?”

3. Peter preached the message that Jesus had given to him to preach.

1) They were to repent.

2) They were to be baptized.

3) These actions would bring about the forgiveness of their sins.

4) They were also promised the gift of the Holy Spirit.

5) And they were told that God’s promise of salvation was to all of their children as well.

6) Peter then continued to preach to them with many other words exhorting them to “save yourselves from this crooked generation.”

VI.  The Population of the church of Christ – Acts 2:40-41

1. Jesus had prophesied that the church would begin and grow.

1) Matthew 16:18-19

2) Parable of the mustard seed – Matthew 13:31-32.

2. The church grew.

1) The response of those who believed was immediate.

2) Those who gladly received the word were baptized.

3) Those who were baptized were added, by the Lord, to the church.

4) There were 3000 who so responded.

VII. The Practices of the church of Christ – Acts 2:42-47

1. Jesus had taught the apostles what was to happen in the kingdom (Matthew 28:20).

2. So now the apostles used that knowledge.

1) They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine.

2) They broke the bread and partook of the Lord’s Supper.

3) They prayed.

4) The apostles continued to prove their message with the signs that followed.

5) The church showed genuine love and concern for each other through benevolent activities.

6) They met with one another in the temple daily.

7) They were glad and happy with God’s blessings.

8) They praised God.

9) The people favored them.

10) The Lord continued to add to the church those who were being saved.


1. Here is the beginning of the church of Christ.

1) The church of Christ did not begin in the early 1800s as many claim.

2) It began on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.

3) Today, we can be the church that God wants us to be simply by doing the things that the church in that day and age did.

2. Let’s all remember the beginning of the church.

1) The presence of the Holy Spirit.

2) The proof of the apostles’ inspiration.

3) The prophecy that was fulfilled.

4) The preaching of the apostle Peter.

5) The penitence of those who believed.

6) The population of the church of Christ.

7) The practices of the church of Christ.

3. Invitation