Blessed Are They That Mourn | Sermon Outline on Mourning
Blessed Are They That Mourn Sermon – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on they beatitude from Matthew 5:3-10 on mourning for sin and the comfort that comes to those that properly mourn.
Blessed Are They That Mourn Sermon – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on they beatitude from Matthew 5:3-10 on mourning for sin and the comfort that comes to those that properly mourn.
Sermon on God’s Promises Date written: September 23rd, 2007 Scripture ref: Genesis 18:1-15 SUBJECT: Faith, God’s Promises TITLE: Studies in Genesis – God Promises a Son PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study God’s promise of a son to Abraham. OBJECTIVE: To understand that God keeps His promises, but in his own way and time. […]
INTRODUCTION: Read Matthew 12:43-45
A. In Matthew 12:43-45 we will find Jesus describing the spiritual condition of the generation of His day
1. He had just described them as “evil and adulterous” (Matt. 12:38-39)
2. He also described how they would be condemned by the Ninevites and the Queen of Sheba in the Day of Judgment (Matt. 12:41-42)
Introduction: Read John 6:26 1. There is great folly in seeking from Jesus what He does not offer. 1) Vindication of your false doctrine. 2) Health and wealth, name it and claim it. 3) Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, non-judgmental, even “gay” Jesus, etc. 2. Jesus came with a particular purpose in mind, Luke 19:10 […]
Date written: August 15th, 2004 Scripture ref: Luke 15:25-32 The Other Prodigal Son SUBJECT: Evangelism TITLE: The Other Prodigal Son PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will take a look at the other prodigal son. 1) His knowledge, 2) His attitude, 3) His true possessions. OBJECTIVES: Each should understand from Luke 15:25-32 the attitude that the […]
INTRODUCTION: Hebrews 4:12-13 A. Hebrews 4:11 1. Here is a succinct summary of all that has been said in Hebrews 3:7 – Hebrews 4:10 2. We need to be diligent to enter our heavenly rest 3. Or we may fall short of our rest, just as many Israelites fell short of their Canaan rest. B. […]
Introduction: Read Acts 8:12
1. Pentecost (Acts 2) gives us a great example as to what to preach.
1) Every word designed to awaken faith in Jesus.
2) Then to motivate the audience to faithful obedience.
2. But did the next evangelists follow the same pattern? It is good to notice what the next evangelists preached because THAT’S what WE need to preach.
3. About the text:
1) Christians were scattered because of the persecution in Jerusalem (Stephen, Acts 7).
2) They didn’t scatter and hide, they scattered and preached (Acts 8:4), and so we find Philip in Samaria.
3) The Lord worked miracles through him so that the people would believe, John 20:30-31, Mark 16:20; Heb. 2:3-4.
4. The content of his preaching is critical
1) The things concerning the Kingdom of God.
2) The name of Jesus Christ.
5. When they heard these things they believed and obeyed.
6. Because we have been given the job of world evangelism (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:46-47), just like Philip we ought to examine what the New testament has to say about the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ.
SUBJECT: Passage Study, Miracles, Faith, Correct Standards
TITLE: Lessons from the Feeding of the 5000
PROPOSITION: From the story of the feeding of the 5000 we learn about 1) The Ministry of Jesus, 2) The Methods of Man, 3) The Miracle of Feeding.
Objectives: That each would understand the feeding of the 5000 and the lesson that it teaches.
1. Read: Mark 6:35-44
INTRODUCTION: Genesis 3:1-24
A. Have you ever wondered how one could allow a moment of pleasure to destroy his/her marriage or reputation?
1. What causes one to mortgage his life to pay the high price of sin?
2. What causes one to turn his back on God, his family or his brethren?
3. Genesis 3 will give us some insight into these questions.
B. The Bible is a book about sin.
1. Genesis 1 & 2 sets forth man in his innocence.
2. The remaining 1,187 chapters depict man as a sinner, and as one who is in need of grace – the salvation that can only be found in Christ.
3. In this lesson I want us to go back in our minds to the garden of Eden, to a time when sin first entered the world, and notice some very important points that will help us in our daily walk as a Christian.
Sermon on Discouragement — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from Jude 5-11 on the discontent then raging in the congregation Jude was addressing.
Bible Text: Matthew 7:7-11
A. Why do some people…
1. Succeed in having their prayers answered?
2. Have a greater understanding of the Bible?
3. Reach more souls for Christ?
4. Is it skill, genius, or luck?
INTRODUCTION: A. If ever there was a present-day subject that needs, in the worse way, to be salvaged by and for the Savior, it is this one: “The Folly of Living for Self.” 1. All to many are living “Me-Deep In Self” 2. Too many are plagues with the disease of “Me-ism” B. It is […]
A. Matthew 7:24-29
1. As this passage begins with “therefore” it is certain these statements of the Lord are rooted in the preceding passage.
2. In fact, they are a fitting conclusion to the entire “Sermon on the Mount.”
3. If we do not put these sayings of Christ to practice, i.e. the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, our spiritual house will fall in this life and come to utter ruin in the world to come.
SUBJECT: Worship
TITLE: Singing to God
PROPOSITION: To talk about the need to sing, the nature of New Testament singing, and to impart some helpful notations concerning singing to God.
OBJECTIVE: To teach the scriptural way to sing and to enhance our song service.
1. Read: Psalm 100
2. About the Text:
1) We sing to praise God.
2) God is worthy of our praise.
Date written: August 18th, 2007 Scripture ref: Exodus 20:8-11 SUBJECT: Ten Commandments TITLE: “Remember the Sabbath” PROPOSITION: As we study the fourth commandment let us consider 1) The Rule, 2) The Rationale, 3) The Relevance. Objectives: That we will become more familiar with the ten commandments and that we will understand the meaning of the […]
Date written: March 11th, 2006 Scripture ref: Matthew 5:1-12 SUBJECT: Peace, Beatitudes TITLE: Beatitudes — Blessed Are the Peacemakers PROPOSITION: Christians ought to be peacemakers because 1) God is the God of peace. 2) Jesus was and is a peacemaker. 3) Christians are instructed to be peaceful. Objectives: That each would understand what it means […]
Blessed are the poor in spirit — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from the beatitudes defining what it means to be poor in spirit and an heir of the kingdom of Heaven.
Date written: February 19th, 2005
Scripture ref: Isaiah 21:11, 12
SUBJECT: Evangelism
PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at Isaiah 21:11, 12 and the question “Watchman, what of the night?” We will note: 1) The watchman, 2) The night, and 3) The message.
Objectives: Each should understand their responsibility to God in reference to teaching and preaching the whole truth during the course of evangelism.
Aim: To help everyone understand that we must preach the whole counsel of God to be God’s watchman.
1. Sometimes people will stop at nothing to prevent the work of the Lord from being accomplished.
2. What we see unfolding in Nehemiah 6 is Sanballat and company’s conspiracy to stop Nehemiah’s efforts in doing the work of the Lord. Nehemiah 6:1-2
3. The work of Nehemiah was nearly complete, and in a last-ditch effort to stop the work – Sanballat and company resort to conspiracy.
4. Let us now consider the various acts of conspiracy that Nehemiah had to overcome in doing the work of the Lord.
SUBJECT: Unity, God the Father
TITLE: Things That Unite – One God and Father
PROPOSITION: The God of unity is 1) a Particular God, 2) a Paternal God, 3) a Present God.
Objectives: That everyone understand how having One God and Father who is ever present compels unity in the body.
Aim: To teach that unity may be achieved because we have one God.
1. Read: Ephesians 4:1-6