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The Visit of the Magi Sermon – Matthew 2:1-12

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INTRODUCTION: Read Matthew 2:1-12

1. There are events in a town, city or region’s history that cannot be forgotten.

1) In Austin it’s the Tower shooting, August 1, 1966.

2) Texas City remembers when the ship exploded in Galveston Bay in 1947.

3) Killeen will never forget the Luby’s shooting.

4) New Orleans will never forget Hurricane Katrina.

2. An unusual star guided the magi to Jerusalem and then to the exact spot in Bethlehem (6 miles south) where the new King of Israel lay.

1) Likely everyone in the greater Jerusalem area knew of it, even decades later.

2) It was further made memorable by Herod’s killing of the innocents in Bethlehem.

3. This record in Matthew’s Gospel account simply has to be true.

1) There were simply too many people still alive who would have remembered.

2) If it didn’t happen, the Gospel account would’ve been rejected long ago.

4. Matthew cleared up the matter for many people.

1) This event was one of the marks of the expected Messiah.

2) It’s perfectly reasonable to have such a stupendous, miraculous occurrence attached to the coming of the King of kings and Lord of lords.

5. So, what is God trying to tell us in this account?



1. Who but the Messiah would be afforded such privilege, such honor, 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 5.

1) He is the centerpiece of all human history.

2) He is the means by which mankind can be saved.

3) He is God in human form, John 1:1-3, 14.

4) Peter said…, Matt. 16:16

5) John said…, John 20:30-31

2. The Magi were scholars of various forms.

1) How did they know to attach the Messiah to the star?

2) Can’t discount direct revelation, but…

3) The Bible in Greek had been published many years before, Isa. 9:6-7; Dan. 2:44.


1. God would not allow Herod to thwart His plans, Dan. 4:34ff.

2. The lesson of Balaam, Num. 22:22ff.

1) God’s will reigns supreme.

2) He won’t be thwarted from giving you salvation, either.


1. He highlights this truth by the reference to Micah 5:2. These are the fingerprints of God, 2 Tim. 3:16-17

2. The birthplace would be in Bethlehem and indeed it was.

3. This is why we can count on God’s Word.

4. This is another reason why Jesus is qualified to be the Messiah. He was born where God said He would be.


1. This is a passage of great wonder, of intense tragedy and able to build a great faith.

1) Jesus is the Messiah.

2) God is in control.

3) The Bible is God’s Word.

2. God flexes a muscle and there is a star to guide the wise men, a jealous king is thwarted, and the Messiah is recognized.