The Life and Times of Nehemiah #2 – Nehemiah – A Man of Concern

INTRODUCTION: A. In this series of lessons it is our aim to notice the various characteristics and actions of Nehemiah that enabled him to be successful in his endeavors for the Lord. 1. We should want and need to be successful as Christians 2. Nehemiah will help us in this area. B. Nehemiah was a […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Redemption | Redemption Through His Blood

Sermon on Redemption Introduction: 1. Ephesians 1:7 sets our topic forward: Redemption in Christ! Redemption through His blood. 2. An Old Testament topic (Job 19:25, as well as the New Testament. 3. Definition: a “buying back … setting free … deliverance.”

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Judging – Motes and Beams


SUBJECT: Passage

TITLE: Motes and Beams

PROPOSITION: To set forth the Lord’s teaching regarding fault finding.

OBJECTIVE:That we not be fault finders.


1. Read: Matthew 7:1-6.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Studies in Daniel – God's Punishments

Date written: November 4th, 2007 Scripture ref: Daniel 5:1-9 SUBJECT: Passage Study TITLE: Daniel Chapter Five – God’s Punishments PROPOSITION: In this lesson we’ll look at Daniel chapter five. We’ll notice from this chapter 1) The Folly of Feasting, 2) The Fault of Fouling Holy Things, 3) The Foolishness of False Idols, 4) The Failure […]

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Blessed are the Peacemakers Sermon Outline by Tom Moore

INTRODUCTION: Read Matthew 5:9

A. Our study of the Sermon on the Mount has focused so far upon the beatitudes

1. The beatitudes serve as an introduction to the Sermon on the Mount – it is a basic primer on the content to follow

2. The beatitudes are also a description of basic characteristics that the man or woman of God must possess to have a saving faith

a. Remember Hebrews 11:6

b. But remember also Matthew 7:21

c. James 2:24

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Church of Pergamum Sermon – Jesus’ Letter to the church at Pergamum


TITLE: Asian Churches — Pergamum

PROPOSITION: In this study we will examine the letter to the church at Pergamum. In it we learn about Jesus. He is He who 1) wields the sword, 2) testifies of faithfulness, 3) rebukes evil, and 4) gives blessing to those who overcome.

OBJECTIVES: Each will be able to understand and explain the letter along with some significant historical information.

AIM: To better familiarize all with Christ’s letter to Pergamum.


1. Read: Revelation 2:12-17

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“Every Word That Proceedeth out of the Mouth of God”

Introduction: Read Matt. 4:4.

1. Jesus refers Satan to God’s Word. To be preferred over physical bread.

2. What is it about God’s Word that makes it more sufficient than bread?


I.   God’s Word is Truth

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Textual Sermon Outlines

Four Paradoxes of the Christian Life

SUBJECT: Passage

TITLE: Four Paradoxes of the Christian Life

PROPOSITION: In this sermon, we will study Galatians 2:20 and notice the four paradoxes it contains for the Christian life: 1) Perpetuation–The dead are alive; 2) Identification–I am not myself; 3) Location–I am in two places at the same time; 4) Distribution–Life is given by life being taken away.

OBJECTIVE: To teach the sacrifices involved in the Christian life.


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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Blessed Are They That Mourn | Sermon Outline on Mourning

Blessed Are They That Mourn Sermon – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on they beatitude from Matthew 5:3-10 on mourning for sin and the comfort that comes to those that properly mourn.

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Sermon on God’s Promises – Studies in Genesis – God Promises a Son

Sermon on God’s Promises Date written: September 23rd, 2007 Scripture ref: Genesis 18:1-15 SUBJECT: Faith, God’s Promises TITLE: Studies in Genesis – God Promises a Son PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study God’s promise of a son to Abraham. OBJECTIVE: To understand that God keeps His promises, but in his own way and time. […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on the Heart – How To Fill An Empty Heart

INTRODUCTION: Read Matthew 12:43-45

A. In Matthew 12:43-45 we will find Jesus describing the spiritual condition of the generation of His day

1. He had just described them as “evil and adulterous” (Matt. 12:38-39)

2. He also described how they would be condemned by the Ninevites and the Queen of Sheba in the Day of Judgment (Matt. 12:41-42)

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Nehemiah 4 Sermon – They Had a Mind to Work



Two boys were riding a bicycle built for two and they came to a big steep hill. It took a great deal of struggle for the boys to complete what proved to be a very stiff climb. When they got to the top the boy in front turned to the other and said, “Man, that sure was a hard climb.” The boy in back replied, “Yes, and if I hadn’t kept the brakes on all the way we would certainly have rolled down backwards.”

1. I wonder how many of us have the brakes on with God?

2. I wonder how many of us are working against one another?

B. There are many things that keeps us from working together as we should, but what ever they are – they need to be resolved and/or worked through

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Verily, Verily and Bread From Heaven

Introduction: Read John 6:26 1. There is great folly in seeking from Jesus what He does not offer. 1) Vindication of your false doctrine. 2) Health and wealth, name it and claim it. 3) Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, non-judgmental, even “gay” Jesus, etc. 2. Jesus came with a particular purpose in mind, Luke 19:10 […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Textual Sermon Outlines

The Other Prodigal Son

Date written: August 15th, 2004 Scripture ref: Luke 15:25-32 The Other Prodigal Son SUBJECT: Evangelism TITLE: The Other Prodigal Son PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will take a look at the other prodigal son. 1) His knowledge, 2) His attitude, 3) His true possessions. OBJECTIVES: Each should understand from Luke 15:25-32 the attitude that the […]

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God's Powerful Sword

INTRODUCTION: Hebrews 4:12-13 A. Hebrews 4:11 1. Here is a succinct summary of all that has been said in Hebrews 3:7 – Hebrews 4:10 2. We need to be diligent to enter our heavenly rest 3. Or we may fall short of our rest, just as many Israelites fell short of their Canaan rest. B. […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Preaching – Preaching to Bring About Faith

Introduction: Read Acts 8:12

1. Pentecost (Acts 2) gives us a great example as to what to preach.

1) Every word designed to awaken faith in Jesus.

2) Then to motivate the audience to faithful obedience.

2. But did the next evangelists follow the same pattern? It is good to notice what the next evangelists preached because THAT’S what WE need to preach.

3. About the text:

1) Christians were scattered because of the persecution in Jerusalem (Stephen, Acts 7).

2) They didn’t scatter and hide, they scattered and preached (Acts 8:4), and so we find Philip in Samaria.

3) The Lord worked miracles through him so that the people would believe, John 20:30-31, Mark 16:20; Heb. 2:3-4.

4. The content of his preaching is critical

1) The things concerning the Kingdom of God.

2) The name of Jesus Christ.

5. When they heard these things they believed and obeyed.

6. Because we have been given the job of world evangelism (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:46-47), just like Philip we ought to examine what the New testament has to say about the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ.

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Sermon on Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand – Lessons from the Feeding of the 5000

SUBJECT: Passage Study, Miracles, Faith, Correct Standards

TITLE: Lessons from the Feeding of the 5000

PROPOSITION: From the story of the feeding of the 5000 we learn about 1) The Ministry of Jesus, 2) The Methods of Man, 3) The Miracle of Feeding.

Objectives: That each would understand the feeding of the 5000 and the lesson that it teaches.


1. Read: Mark 6:35-44

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Genesis 3 Sermon on the Fall of Man

INTRODUCTION: Genesis 3:1-24

A. Have you ever wondered how one could allow a moment of pleasure to destroy his/her marriage or reputation?

1. What causes one to mortgage his life to pay the high price of sin?

2. What causes one to turn his back on God, his family or his brethren?

3. Genesis 3 will give us some insight into these questions.

B. The Bible is a book about sin.

1. Genesis 1 & 2 sets forth man in his innocence.

2. The remaining 1,187 chapters depict man as a sinner, and as one who is in need of grace – the salvation that can only be found in Christ.

3. In this lesson I want us to go back in our minds to the garden of Eden, to a time when sin first entered the world, and notice some very important points that will help us in our daily walk as a Christian.

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Cunningly Devised Fables

Cunningly Devised Fables. Sermon outline on the evidentiary power of witnesses. Others would have us believe that the Gospel is cunningly devised fables. Peter and other witnesses say it is true. By G. E. Watkins. Introduction: 2 Pet. 1:16 1. Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code is back in the news with the release of the […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Discouragement – A Season of Discontent

Sermon on Discouragement — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from Jude 5-11 on the discontent then raging in the congregation Jude was addressing.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines