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“Sin Night”

Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons

1. Local bar advertised on a marquee, “Sin Night.”

1) The usual amount of drinking, carousing, and lusting wasn’t enough.

2) They needed an occasion to sin to entice more customers.

2. Our answer to this is…

1) Sadness – “terror of the Lord,” 2 Cor. 5:11.

2) Outrage – led astray, Matt. 18:6.

3) Warning – severity, Rom. 11:22.

3. We need to be warned, Isa. 59:1-2; Rom. 6:23.

DISCUSSION: With the example of the local bar in mind we ask ourselves if we take occasions to sin.

I.   Holidays and Family

1. Brethren neglected, Lord forsaken.

2. Matt. 12:48-50

II.  Hunting and Fishing

1. Worship in the deer stand?

III. Winter Vacation. An occasion:

1. to be immodest.

2. to consume alcohol.

3. to vacation from worship.


“Flee also youthful lusts” 2 Ti. 2:22

[Notes for a Wednesday night devotional]