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Sermon on Works of the Flesh – Crucifying The Flesh

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Sermon on Works of the Flesh


A. Galatians 5:19-23

1. Concerning the “works of the flesh” Paul:

a. Said they were “manifest,” i.e. they are very apparent, clear, well-known, clearly perceived to be works of a fleshly nature.

b. Provides us a list

c. Pointed out the significance of them — “they who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God”

2. Concerning the “fruit of the Spirit” Paul also gives us a list

a. These touch three beautiful basics to Christianity:

1) Godly living — living right with God

2) Righteousness — living right with others

3) Being sober — living right with self

b. It is upward, outward, and inward living at its best.

c. Then Paul says, “against such there is no law.”

1) First of all, the phrase “against such” indicates that this is by no means every Christian virtue — BUT a sampling

2) Secondly, we need to realize that neither God nor man makes laws against such qualities and virtues, because they work good to all, and ill to none.

B. Galatians 5:24-26 — Paul tells us that for the fruit of the Spirit to be produced in the life of a Christian, certain requirements are required.

1. We must put to death the lusts that cause the works of the flesh

2. We must be influenced by the Spirit and show that we are

3. We must not be inconsistent with our profession.

C. Let us now look at these requirements more closely, so as to understand how to produce the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.



1. Galatians 5:24

2. When Paul says, “and they that are Christ’s,” he has reference to those belonging to Christ.

a. This expression is one of possession, as is seen in other passages:

1) Ye are Christ’s (1 Cor. 3:23)

2) We are the Lord’s — Romans 14:8

3) God’s own possession — Ephesians 1:14

4) This is why Paul said — 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

b. A true Christian belongs to Christ

c. How do we become a possession of Christ?

1) We must obey the gospel plan of salvation

2) This involves the crucifying of the flesh

3. For us to produce the fruit of the Spirit we must “have crucified the flesh”

a. This crucifixion is best described in Romans 6:1-12

1) In baptism we will die to sin

2) We hang the old man of sin on the cross of Jesus

3) If we truly belong to Christ we will have put to death (destroy) fleshly desires — they will no longer have power over us

b. Baptism is suppose to mark the complete separation between the old life of sin and the Christian life, and we MUST have this separation

1) Galatians 6:14

2) Romans 8:13

c. Furthermore, the Bible says we are to continue to die to sin:

1) Galatians 2:20 — the world is to no longer live in us — But Christ is!

2) Colossians 2:20 — we must keep ourselves separate from worldliness and worldly philosophies

3) Colossians 3:3-6 — we must never allow sinful lusts to resurrect in our lives

4) 2 Timothy 2:11-13 — again we have the thought of keeping sin dead in our lives

5) 1 Peter 2:24

d. Dying to sin means that we will be willing to deny self

1) Matthew 16:24

2) Luke 14:26-27

3) The Bible gives us examples of those who forsook all for Christ

a) Luke 5:10-11

b) Luke 5:27-28

e. Consider seriously these words of Jesus — Luke 14:33

f. So, are you REALLY a possession of Christ???

4. “And they that are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with the passions and lusts.”

a. “Passions,” (“affections” — KJV) comes from paqhmaon and has reference to uncontrolled evil desires. It is the inward state that leads to sin. It seems to be a passive term

b. “Lusts” comes from epiqumiais and are evil desires ready to express themselves in action. It is a natural tendency toward evil things. These lusts are not necessarily base and immoral, but evil in the sense that they are not consistent with God’s will. It is an active term

c. These must be put to death!!!


1. Galatians 5:25

2. Those who claim to live in the Spirit should walk according to the directions of the Spirit

a. The only way we can know how the Spirit wants us to walk is to read what He has reveled to us in the Bible

b. Ephesians 3:3-4

c. Romans 10:17

d. 2 Timothy 2:15

3. We must live up to what we claim to be — we must “walk in the Spirit”

a. We must not be hypocritical

1) Matthew 23:27-28

2) Titus 1:16 — we will not do this if we are truly walking in the Spirit

b. Matthew 5:16

c. James 2:17-18 — walking in the spirit is seen in action

d. 1 Peter 2:11-12


1. Galatians 5:26

2. When we Produce the fruit of the Spirit, we will not be “vainglorious”

a. None one should boast in their attainment in the field of the fruit of the Spirit

b. We are not to be conceited of filled with self-esteem

c. Galatians 6:3

d. “But now ye glory in your vauntings: all such glory is evil” (Jam. 4:17)

e. Philippians 2:1-3

3. When we produce the fruit of the Spirit, we will not be “provoking one another”

a. When we have the spirit of conceit, we will irritate others

b. Galatians 5:15

c. 1 Corinthians 3:1-3

4. When we produce the fruit of the Spirit, we will not be “envying one another”

a. Conceit, too, brings this about

b. Envy is forbidden in the Scriptures

1) Proverbs 14:30

2) Romans 13:13

3) “Love envieth not” (1 Cor. 13:4)


A. Do you belong to Christ?

1. Have you been crucified with Christ?

2. Have you crucified the flesh?

3. Are you walking in the Spirit?

4. These are a must if we want to produce the fruit of the Spirit