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Sermon on Heroism – Jesus, The Hero of Calvary

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

sermon on heroism

Sermon on Heroism — Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins on our response to heros and what our response should be to Jesus Christ.

PROPOSITION: To emphasize what we should be like if we have the proper view of Jesus and what He has done for us.

INTRODUCTION: [Beginning of this sermon on heroism.]

1. Heroes cause us to want to better ourselves.

1) They endow us with the drive to excel.

2) They change what we believe our limits are.

3) How much punishment can we take for a just cause?

4) How far will we go when our friends and family are in danger?

5) How much better can we be at what we do?

6) Our heroes set those limits and then new heroes smash them.

2. There are so many kinds of heroes as well. They are people who go above and beyond. They are more devoted, they climb higher, they endure longer, they perform better, they learn more.

3. There is a phenomenon concerning heroism. Those who see it recognize it but the hero claims he or she just did what they were supposed to.

4. But when we see it, it’s obvious.

1) We want to know more about the hero.

2) We want to be closer.

3) We want to know how they do what they do.

a. How can we attain that skill?

b. How can we endure like they did?

c. How do we do what they do?

5. Today I want to introduce you to THE hero.

1) If you take this lesson as intended:

a. You will want to be like Him.

b. You will want to spend more time learning about Him.

c. You will want to spend more time in His service.

d. You will want to spend more time being with others who are devoted to him.



1. The mention of devotion brings images and tears to our eyes.

1) The wife who wouldn’t leave her husband’s side.

2) The father who went hungry so his family could eat.

3) The mother who “really loves chicken necks” and “really doesn’t like pie all that much.”

4) The mother who cared for her child when she was sick.

5) As a Texan I “Remember the Alamo” where 186 Texians died so that freedom would live.

6) Men like Audie Murphy and Alvin York who did great things risking their lives for others.

2. We see the devotion of Jesus in His cleansing of the Temple, John 2:13-17.

3. We see the devotion of Jesus in His temptation, Matt. 4:1-11.

4. We see the devotion of Jesus in His prayer in the Garden, Matt. 26:38-42.

5. He came to seek and to save the lost, Luke 19:10.

6. He came to do the Father’s will, John 4:34.

7. He came to lay down His life, John 10:17-18; John 15:13.

8. He will never leave you or forsake you, Heb. 13:5.


1. Our founding fathers come to mind when we think of this kind of heroism. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin.

2. We are staggered by the cost and magnitude of the leadership of Lincoln.

3. We cannot forget the price paid by men like Roosevelt, Churchill, Truman, Marshall, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Bradley, Patton, Nimitz and Halsey.

1) They led armies, navies and nations in the preserving of Western civilization. They shouldered the burden.

2) Their characteristics are studied and emulated today.

4. The life of Christ is the greatest study of leadership ever seen.

1) Commands given 2000 years ago are followed today.

2) He is studied in detail around the world.

5. Why do we follow Him?

1) Because of His authority, Matt. 28:18; 1 Tim. 6:15.

2) Because He leads by example, 1 Pet. 2:22; 1 John 3:5.

3) Because we know he loves us, 1 John 4:19; John 15:13.


1. A lady approaches a pianist after an amazing performance, “I’d give my life to play like you.”He answers, “That’s what I gave.”

2. We’ve all seen or heard amazing performances.

1) We’ve been moved to tears by great speeches, dramas, movies.

2) We’ve been amazed by great athletes, Hershel Walker, Bo Jackson…

3) I saw Earl Campbell up close.

3. Did you ever shout, “DID YOU SEE THAT?” Magic, Dr. J, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan.

4. Weren’t you amazed at McGwire’s 61st? 70th?

5. Jesus made no claims to greatness in these arenas.

1) But no man spake like this man, John 7:46.

2) He had the words of eternal life, John 6:68.

6. When it comes to our greatest need he is in a class by Himself, Acts 4:12.

1) His gospel is the power of God unto salvation, Rom. 1:16.

2) His promises are the stuff of hope, 2 Pet. 1:4.

3) His resurrection is the single greatest event in human history. The tomb is empty.

4) Forgiveness is in His name, Acts 2:38.

5) We are cleansed by His blood, Rev. 1:5.

6) He works for us even now, 1 John 2:1; Heb. 4:14-15.


1. Is it right if your love has grown cold?

2. Is it right if you have lost your sense of awe?

3. Is it right if you seek reasons to be away from His service?

4. Just in case you missed it, the answer is no.

1) He deserves your adoration.

2) He deserves your obedience.

3) He deserves your time.

4) He deserves your treasure.

5) He deserves your service.

6) He deserves your allegiance.

5. A man by the name of Thomas came face to face with the facts we face today about our Lord, John 20:24-28.

CONCLUSION: [Conclusion of this sermon on heroism.}

1. In an old song book there is a song, “Hero of Calvary.” It goes:

Why should I not love Jesus?
Jesus who died for me!
Why should I not adore Him,
Hero of Calvary.
Seated in glory, I see Him now,
Highest arch angels before Him bow;
Earthward He came,
Bearing my shame,
Ever I’ll love His name.

2. Invitation