Qualifications of an Elder #2 – His Character
Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon OutlinesSee First: “Qualifications of an Elder #1 – Experience, Home and Habits“
A. This is a very crucial time for the church in Port Lavaca.
1. The well-being of the church in the future depends on our actions today – the picking of qualified men to lead us as elders
2. Be prayerful and study seriously the qualifications of an elder.
B. Read
1. 1 Timothy 3:1-7
2. Titus 1:5-9
C. We need to be careful not to:
1. Add qualifications
2. Take away qualification
3. That these qualifications of an elder must be had to perfection
1. Experience in Life
a. Apt to teach (1 Tim. 3:2)
b. Holds to the faithful word which is according to the teaching (Tit. 1:9)
c. Abel to exhort in the sound doctrine and to convict the gainsayers (Tit. 1:9)
d. Not a novice (1 Tim. 3:6)
e. Desire the office (1 Tim. 3:1)
2. Domestic Relations
a. Is the husband of one wife (1 Tim. 3:2)
b. Has children that believe, or believing children (Tit. 1:6)
c. Ruleth well his own house (1 Tim. 3:4)
d. Having his children in subjection with all gravity (1 Tim. 3:4)
e. An elder’s wife must be grave, not slanderous, temperate, faithful in all things (1 Tim. 3:11)
3. Habits of Life
a. Temperate or vigilant (1 Tim. 3:2)
b. Orderly or of good behavior (1 Tim. 3:2)
c. Not a brawler or not given to wine (1 Tim. 3:3)
1. Must have good testimony from them that are without, or have a good report of them which are without (1 Tim. 3:7)
a. Must have a good reputation in the community
b. It is a fact that those outside the church are very critical of those within the church; for this and others reason the elders must guard their manner of life
2. Without reproach or blameless (1 Tim. 3:2)
a. Having unquestionable integrity
b. Sinless perfection is not required of Christians, nor of elders
c. A man against whom no charge of immorality, or of holding false doctrine, is alleged.
3. Just (Tit. 1:8)
a. Upright, reliable, honest, ethical, fair
b. One who keeps the commands of God
4. Sober-minded (1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8)
a. Safe and/or sound in mind
b. One who is not under the control of passion.
c. The idea is, that he should have his desires and passions well regulated. Perhaps the word prudent would come nearer to the meaning of the apostle than any single word which we have.
5. Holy (Tit. 1:8)
a. Devoted and separated to God
b. Pious, or devout. Faithful in all his duties to God.
6. Lover of good, or of good men (Tit. 1:8)
a. This applies to anything that is good. It may refer to good men, as included under the general term good; and there is no more essential qualification of an elder than this.
b. A man who sustains the office of an elder, should love every good object, and be ever ready to promote it; and he should love every good man.
7. Given to hospitality or a lover of hospitality (1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8)
a. Courteous, friendly, kindly disposed
b. The ability to warm and cheer others – enjoying having people in your home
c. This is one of the things that helps an elder to get to know the flock
8. Self-controlled or temperate (Tit. 1:8)
a. Having power or control over all his passions and desires.
b. “Mastering one’s self”
c. Keeping one’s desires, actions and thoughts under proper restraint
9. Not a striker (1 Tim. 3:3; Tit. 1:7)
a. An elder is not to be hot-headed, or have uncontrolled temper
b. Not contentious or quarrelsome
c. The local congregation will loose confidence and trust in such a man
10.Not greedy of filthy lucre (1 Tim. 3:3; Tit. 1:7)
a. An elder is not to be a lover of money
b. Not covetous
c. One who is not devoted to money – to be such would tempt one to use his position for ungodly gain
11.Not self-willed (Tit. 1:7)
a. Not selfish or self-seeking
b. An elder should not be dominated by self-interest
c. He is to be considerate of the thoughts and feelings of others – willing to listen to others
12.Not soon angry (Tit. 1:7)
a. Does not loose his temper quickly
b. Literally, “Not prone to anger”
c. An elder is not to be quick to “fly off the handle,” and make rash statements
13.Gentle (1 Tim 3:3)
a. Refined in manners – not harsh, but tender in demeanor
b. Polite, courteous, and peaceful
c. Gentle men has much greater success than those who are harsh and unpleasant
14.Not contentious (1 Tim. 3:3)
a. “Brawler” – KJV
b. Inspiration considered temper so terrible thing for anelder to have that it is mentioned in three different ways in these qualifications of an elder
c. An elder is not to be given to altercation in words
d. He is not to have a factious and quarrelsome spirit
A. An elder must have all these qualifications
1. Not to perfection, but possessing each quality
2. Not a combined group qualification – but individually
B. Remember also, that the grooming of elders should be a never ending process