Barbs …. With A Point
The following barbs of wisdom come from The Sword and Staff publication, 2010, Volume 48, Number 2; pg. 13 (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added):
The following barbs of wisdom come from The Sword and Staff publication, 2010, Volume 48, Number 2; pg. 13 (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added):
Comedian Henny Youngman once stated: “I’ve got two wonderful children — and two out of five isn’t bad.”
As every serious Bible student knows, simply “reading” the Bible is not sufficient to guarantee that one will understand what the Bible teaches. It is not even enough for one to have memorized the entire Bible. The Bible student must know: 1) What the Bible says. 2) What the Bible means. The Use Of Correct […]
The Greek philosopher, Plato once stated: “When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them” (source). Similarly, the inspired writer Peter tells us:
Can I divorce my husband because he is not the leader financially, emotionally, or physically? For three years now I have been the head in my house. I feel as if I am the man and he is the woman. Prior to getting married I knew I should not have married him but thought it […]
2 Samuel 24 records the sin of David in numbering the fighting men of Israel and Judah. The “counting” itself was not wrong because earlier in Israel’s
Who decides what day is the first day of the week? If the first day of the week somewhere else is not Sunday, what day do they worship upon? God has decided what the first day of the week is by deciding what the seventh day of the week is. That is, the first day […]
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903, British philosopher, sociologist, and evolutionist, announced before his death that there are only five “manifestations of the unknowable” in existence — time, force, action, space, and matter. This was hailed as a great announcement and
As the first-century religious elite was spending their lives arguing the finer points of the Law, we meet a refreshing man by the name of Nathanael in John 1:43-51. This man didn’t need to sift through Jesus’ pedigree or speculate regarding the latest Messianic prophecies in order to arrive at a proper perspective of Jesus […]
The following excerpt from C.S. Lewis’ book entitled, “The Four Loves,“ gives dramatic emphasis to the risks involved in loving others as well as loving the Lord:
The denominational concept of a preacher and his responsibility as set forth in a popular denominational creed-book that reads:
It’s nice to be reminded of this account of Clyde Thompson who went from death row inmate to child of God and Gospel preacher. I Was Sentenced to Death in the Electric Chair ““ A True Story : Check it out. The Meanest Man in Texas: A True Story Based on the Life of […]
Do we notice how quickly things get old or outdated? New automobiles become old after driving them off the car lot. Computers become outdated in six months or less. Houses deteriorate and need repair. What’s new today will be old tomorrow.
Author and cartoonist James Thurber once made this insightful observation about life: “All men should strive to learn before they die, what they are running from, and to, and why”
The story is told of a young married lady who once was fixing a fancy ham dinner for her husband. As she was about to place the ham into the oven, she took a knife and cut off the end of the ham.
It’s a good thing that in our local school district libraries where I work, students are given a grace period before the computer starts charging for overdue books, because in the elementary libraries, the parents of students check out books sometimes by the dozen, and then forget to return them back before the due date. […]
Confronting people with their sins has never been a pleasant task, plus living in a feelings-based culture only multiplies that difficulty. In today’s society, hurting someone’ feelings gets us labeled “mean-spirited” and “extreme.” When the gospel message pierces a sinner’s heart by convicting him or her of sin, it will definitely contradict the world’s warm, […]
Morality — the human ability to appreciate the distinction between right and wrong (or good and evil), has always posed a problem for atheist philosophers and evolutionary theorists. If there is no God, where does our moral consciousness come from? It’s easy to see why this
Reading through the news today, I came across an article on one of the presidential candidates wherein one of his former military commanders had said that he was a “loose cannon.” Just the other day, one of our members was telling me about a man who claimed to be a “loose cannon” religiously; we took […]
Too many people are looking for a church that pleases them rather than a church that pleases God. When the standard of excellence in the church is “what I like,” there is a horrible tyranny of selfish pursuit. People deceived by this approach think they are being liberated, but they are really being enslaved. Freedom […]