Dispensationalism — A Definition
A querist asks, “Can you give me an easy definition of Dispensationalism?” Dispensationalism is the theological teaching that Christ will return to the earth to
A querist asks, “Can you give me an easy definition of Dispensationalism?” Dispensationalism is the theological teaching that Christ will return to the earth to
Jesus taught great moral truths by using great human tragedies. One such episode is His parable concerning “The Rich Fool” in Luke 12:16-21. Like many of us, this man nobly earned an honest living through hard work and toil, but unfortunately, like many of us, he failed to realize that God was the source of […]
Our Lord stated in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them,” His statement is generally used in the sense of His special presence at our assemblies when we gather to worship. Does this interpretation fit the context? In this article, let […]
Some folks who would never think of wearing shorts or any other apparel that insufficiently covers their bodies, leave their souls without a stitch on them. This is a shameful condition, just as physical nakedness has always stood as a symbol of shame (2 Samuel 10:4; Isaiah 20:4). If physical nakedness is a shame, how […]
A querist asks, “I’ve heard several TV evangelists state that after an individual gets saved they should make an effort to join a good church. My question is, Does an
14) Know The Meaning Of Words And Sentences If we want to know the “exact meaning” of God’s Word, we certainly must know the exact meaning of the words God chose. Each word is a symbol of His thoughts. In the Bible we are taught to “hold fast the form of sound words” (2 Timothy […]
The apostle Paul tells that we are to “cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit” (2 Corinthians 7:1). Even though it may seem to people around us that we are living a clean moral life, within our spirit we may be harboring an attitude that displeases the Lord. Because
Some folks are heard to say, “We will not influence our children in making choices and decisions in matters of religion” (see article). To which statement, we reply, “Why not?” The TV will! The movies they watch will! Their peers will! Their teachers will! The music they listen to will! The video games they play […]
Around the Amarillo, Texas area, there is an abundance of armadillos. In fact, as you drive along the roadway, you’ll see some dead ones that have been run over by vehicles. I’ve often wondered, “Are these guys just dumb or plain unobservant?”
My grandmother loved reading about the history of England, its various castles, and aristocrats. She would have enjoyed reading the following lines, which were found
When folks are facing trials and problems in life, they often turn to prayer only as a last resort. I recently read of a man who was fighting a valiant battle with cancer, but was gradually loosing the battle. Referring to his doctors, one of the man’s friends said, “Well, they’ve tried everything
Any brother in Christ who engages in the leading of a public prayer takes on a weighty responsibility. His prayer must be the prayer of all those whom he
As Christians, we should watch TV with the realization that God is watching us! (Hebrews 4:13). When we watch television, we should always remember that the device that is in our hand (the remote control), is one of the most dangerous devices in our house! (Ephesians 6:10-13).
“Don’t ever quit!” These words resound the most when it’s important. “Finish your education.” “Stay at your post.” “Keep moving forward.” Most people regard a quitter as one of the most despicable characters on earth. We admire a person who, against all odds, keeps on struggling till the contest is ended; who keeps on running […]
As I was surfing the Internet this week, I came across an interesting site containing “The Toddler’s Creed”. The words of the creed state:
This epistle is the conclusion of Paul’s last message to his most faithful co-worker, Timothy, and all other faithful servants of Christ to (1) preach the word (2 Timothy 4:2)
A brief introduction to the book of Acts in preparation for a series of posts on the text of the book.
When Isaiah saw the heavenly scene recorded in Isaiah 6:1-4, he admitted his inadequacies when he said: “Woe is me! for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts” […]
April Fool’s Day has a very interesting history. It is a day in which people play pranks on other people in order to try and “fool” them into believing a situation is real when it is not. Two prime examples, are “fooling” people into believing their shoes are untied, or a piece of their clothing […]
From the very day of its establishment, the Lord’s church erupted like a blast of dynamite in the first century world of the Roman Empire (Acts 2:41; Acts 4:4; Acts 5:14; Acts 8:1,4). The church was such a dynamic, spiritually militant force that it was referred to as those who had “turned the world upside […]