A Definition Of Religion
From The Fellowship Room, comes today’s Nudge which asks, “Give your best definition of religion.” The Online Etymology Dictionary gives us the following definition of religion:
From The Fellowship Room, comes today’s Nudge which asks, “Give your best definition of religion.” The Online Etymology Dictionary gives us the following definition of religion:
Here in El Paso, we are approaching forty-one days of one hundred degree temperatures or above. Senior citizens have been cautioned to stay inside their homes, if they possibly can, in order to prevent dehydration and possible heat stroke. The Psalmist compared physical thirst with spiritual thirst when he stated:
Along with Brotherhood Bloggers, Brotherhood Lectureships, Brotherhood News, and Brotherhood Publications, I’ve added Brotherhood Podcasts to my homepage.
Isn’t it amazing what the human race substitutes for the will of God? Notice some of the reasonings of Eve. Instead of continuing to remember God’s command she reasoned, “That looks tasty.” Instead of remembering the multitude of things that God had freely provided that she was authorized to eat, she thought, “How lovely it […]
Most of us have read about the infamous John Wilkes Booth who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865. But have we ever read about Edwin Booth, John’s eldest brother? Edwin Thomas Booth was a well-known American actor who one day was waiting at a Jersey City train station. All of
Jesus taught great moral truths by using great human tragedies. One such episode is His parable of the rich fool in Luke 12:16-21. Like many of us, this man nobly earned an honest living through hard work and toil, but unfortunately, like many of us, he failed to realize that God was the source of […]
An astronomer once remarked to Fulton J. Sheen, “To an astronomer, man is nothing but an infinitesimal dot in an infinite universe.” “An interesting point of view,” Sheen responded, “but you seem to forget that your infinitesimal dot of man is still the astronomer.”
Please explain to me where is “the church” at Christ’s second coming, and what happens to it? Will the church suffer thru the sufferings of gods wrath in the book of revelations? Thanks for your question. The church is the “bride” that God takes up to heaven at the end of the book of Revelation. […]
A querist asks, “I am finding a lot of Bibles that seem to discount the last part of Mark in 16 and I believe verse 9 and following to be not reliable as scripture. Can anyone help me
Personal or public sin is never easy to confess because of pride or ego — but it is necessary in order to get our lives right with God (Isaiah 59:1-15). The following are some aspects of confession that we may or may not have thought of:
Would I be called a Christian if everybody knew My secret thoughts and feelings and everything I do? Would they see the likeness of Christ in me each day?
Not too many years ago in our society, one would not have expected to publicly encounter many individuals with odd body piercings or an assortment of tattoos. The few tattoos that one saw were either related to military service or biker gang association. Such, however, is not the case today. Just about anywhere you go […]
After condemning those who would find fault in judging others, not seeing their own faults (Matthew 7:1-5), our Lord said:
How do we feel about someone who starts a job but never gets around to completing it? What do we think when a member of the church promises us something, but doesn’t fulfill his or her promise? How do we expect to win the prize, if we quit and fail to cross the finish line?
I had the opportunity to preach for the brethren at Hyde Park in Austin this last Sunday. It was a wonderful experience. I didn’t have time to prepare anything new so I used outlines already posted. In the morning I preached on Rahab and Salvation. This sermon was recorded but the copy I got wasn’t […]
Premillennialists are certain that the Lord will return to set up a physical kingdom in Israel and rule from David’s literal throne for one thousand years. Other interesting and bizarre doctrines surround this core idea but that really is premillennialism reduced to its core: we are living before (“pre”) the millennia (thousand year reign of […]
The following are seven aspects of the coming judgment of God that are important for us to consider:
The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (469-399 BC) believed that if an individual was truly wise, he would not be obsessed with possessions. Practicing to an extreme what he preached, he even refused to wear shoes. However, Socrates loved to visit the marketplace (see video) and gaze with admiration at the great abundance of products on […]
A couple of years ago, I read a news story of a lady bartender in Kansas who had been waiting on one of her steady customers. He had always tipped her well, sometimes leaving as much as half the tab. But one day, he gave her a $10,000 tip for a $26 meal. Can we […]
The information that we gain through reading (whether it is from the printed page or from a computer screen), comes into our minds through our senses. In a sense, we are all sponges, soaking up raw materials of knowledge in all our waking hours.