What is God’s Plan for Me?

This lesson discusses what the Bible has to say about God’s plan for our lives. Everyone will understand that God does not have a specific plan for our lives, but that He has given us life and freedom.

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The Four Accounts of the Gospel

This lesson will review the four accounts of the gospel: 1) Matthew 2) Mark, 3) Luke, and 4) John. Each person will become more familiar with the four accounts of the gospel. To help new Christians learn more about the gospel accounts.

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Being Spiritual as a Mature Couple (Part 2)

Couples need to consider these possibilities as they get older, make the appropriate plans, and be committed to their relationships. The worse the situation is, however, the greater one’s ability to demonstrate the true love of Christ in one’s life. Sacrificial love does not give up on a spouse.

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Categories: Bulletin Articles, Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags:

How to Make the Church Strong

Sermon on Edification of the Church INTRODUCTION: 1. There are strong churches and there are weak churches. 2. There are experts to show us how to make the church strong. Actually, all they do is make a weak and dying church look strong. Gimmicks. Titles, fundraisers, loosen up the dress code, special music, classes on […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon The Blood Speaks of Better Things – The Blood of Jesus

SUBJECT: Christology

TITLE: The Blood That Speaks of Better Things

PROPOSITION: To make a brief, but thorough study of the blood of Jesus.

OBJECTIVES: To help all understand the importance, significance, and seriousness of the blood of Jesus.


1. Read: Genesis 4:1-10

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

The Virtue of Perseverance

Bible Text: Matthew 7:7-11


A. Why do some people…

1. Succeed in having their prayers answered?

2. Have a greater understanding of the Bible?

3. Reach more souls for Christ?

4. Is it skill, genius, or luck?

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags:

Bearing the Infirmities of the Weak

Introduction: Read Rom. 15:1 1. There can be things we do or say that would destroy a weaker brother or sister. 2. The things I’m talking about aren’t sin, necessarily, but appear so to the uninformed, Rom. 14:14-23. 3. We can destroy the weak with our liberty. DISCUSSION: I.   The Weak May Be a New Christian […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons

Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ #1*


A. Why are you a member of the church of Christ?

1. If you are not a member of the church of Christ, why are you a member of the religious organization that you are?

2. Is it because that was the one your Dad and Mom were members of?

3. Is it because that is the one closest to your home?

4. Is it because it has the nicest building in town?

B. Illustration: The husband asks his wife who asks the mom, who asks the grandmother, why the end of the ham is cut off…

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Obedience – When Obedience is Hard

Sermon on obedience. Sermon outline by Tom Moore. Gives Bible examples of those who obeyed even though obedience was not the easy thing to do.

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The Greatest Command

Listen Date written: July 1st, 2006 Scripture ref: Deuteronomy 6:1-5 SUBJECT: Love, Obedience TITLE: The Greatest Command PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study what Jesus calls God’s greatest command looking at its 1) Imperative nature, 2) Intention and Instruction for living, 3) Intensity of application, and 4) Impression on our lives. OBJECTIVE: That each […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Are you Really God?

1. If a man came to town claiming to be God and therefore great in authority how could he convince others? 2. Anyone coming to this cynical world with those kinds of claims had better be able to prove it or be thrown into an institution. 3. Jesus made claims of deity, John 8:58. 4. […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

The Sirens Songs

In this lesson, we will focus on four common temptations that people hear and why these temptations are lies. To help equip everyone to better deal with the thoughts of temptation that come their way.

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Being Spiritual as a Mature Couple (Part 1)

God wants faithfulness “’til death do us part.” This will require some amount of planning. Additionally, couples must be faithful to each other to continue to set the example for adult children who decide to marry and rear their own children. Our purpose of bringing up godly children does not end when the children leave the home. We set an example of godliness until death.

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Categories: Bulletin Articles, Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags:

Pray for Strength, Pray for Patience, Pray for Joy


1. Turn in your Bible to Colossians 1:11.

1) Colossians 1:11 is a continuation of the prayer that Paul begins in verses nine and ten.

2) In verses 9&10 Paul mentions eight things that Christians should pray about.

3) In verse eleven Paul mentions additional things that Christians should pray about.

2. The things that Paul prayed for those of Colossae are things that every generation of Christians should pray for.

3. In this lesson we will discuss the things, from verse eleven, that Paul prayed for on behalf of the Christians at Colossae.

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Categories: Expository Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags: ,

A Christian is One Whose Life is a Sermon

INTRODUCTION: 1 Pet. 2:11-3:7. 1. The purpose of our lesson this evening is to show the importance and power of Christian influence. 2. There is great power in influence for good or for bad. 1) There is power for evil in the wrong kind of influence. It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

The Call of Abraham

Sermon on Abraham INTRODUCTION: Read Genesis 12:1-9 A. The Lord called Abram to leave his homeland for the promise of a new land. B. Abram was to begin a new nation which would result in blessing for the world. C. The Gentile people, though, were steadfastly working to get as far away from God as […]

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

Salvation and Noah

Noah’s salvation mirrors our own salvation today in that Noah was saved 1) By Grace, 2) By Faith, 3) By Obedience, 4) From Destruction. Each person should be able to explain how Noah was saved. All should understand that God worked in the days of Noah just as he does today. God’s principles are the save though his methods are different.

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The Parable of the Talents

In the parable of the talents we see 1) Ability, 2) Responsibility, 3) Accountability. Each person should be able to understand the parable of the talents and how it relates to his/her life.

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Being a Spiritual Father (Part 2)

Children do not get automatic updates downloaded to their systems. God created parents to educate them. Fathers are instrumental in developing children so that they become what God wants them to be. Fathers must teach the truth and provide good spiritual examples to their children because children identify with their fathers—not just boys, but girls too! Their behaviors, speech patterns, habits, goals, level of engagement with people, work ethic, spirituality, and other attributes that are essential to one’s identity are formed through paternal modeling.

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Categories: Bulletin Articles, Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags:

Sermon on Joy | For The Faithful Christian Joy Is Possible

Date written: Feb. 9, 1997
Scripture ref: Phil. 4:4

SUBJECT: Happiness

TITLE: Sermon on Joy – Christian Joy

PROPOSITION: The Christian has much in which to rejoice because of his 1) Past, 2) Present, 3) Future.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to quote the Scripture Ref: and state why his Past, Present and Future give him reason to rejoice!

AIM: To encourage the brethren by outlining why the Christian has much to rejoice about.

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