Not Just Ticket Punching (Audio)

Not Just Ticket Punching Do we come to church merely to check it off of our list of things to do? We must have an involved attitude when we worship God. Apathy and mental neglect of worship results in vain worship. Simply getting our ticket punched isn’t going to be pleasing to God.

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Winning The Battle Against All Odds

The ambush has proven to be one of the most successful war tactics ever devised. At God’s instruction, Joshua used this tactic with great success in the second attack on Ai

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

What About Those Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

A querist asks, “What about those who have never heard the gospel – is their fate the same as the disobedient?”

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The Value of the Church

When Jesus stood before Pilate, He was asked the question, “Art thou the king of the Jews?”, (John 18:33). In reply to that question Jesus said, “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world,” (John 18:37). Jesus also told Pilate that His kingdom was “not of this world.” […]

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Categories: Bible Study Lessons

Can a homosexual be saved?

The Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin according to several New Testament passages such as Romans 1:26-32 and 1 Corinthians 6:9. In that regard, homosexuality is no different from any other sin. If one lives a life of sin then one cannot expect to be saved as the wages of sin are death (Romans […]

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Categories: Bible Questions and Answers

Gay Or Odoriferous?

Today, in our politically correct and culturally imposed atmosphere, so-called “religious” leaders, who used to condemn sin, are now supporting immoral behavior. Sadly, adultery, fornication, and homosexuality have been upgraded to acceptable status by some

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

“He Has Become the Judge!”

From all appearances it seemed to be a fine morning. Hena had awoken and begun his morning routine. Last night was a blast. He and his friends had literally ravished the city; it was their common diversion. As he made his way to the local market to buy some bread, he remembered what his friends […]

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Categories: Bible Study Lessons

Women’s Role In The Church

A querist asks, “My question is regarding that of leadership. There are churches that see nothing wrong in women’s role as a leader in the church. For example, women taking on the role of Sunday school

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The Sin of Presumption

Listen Presumption is a sin that many do not consider. In religious matters many presume that God will be pleased with whatever they think regardless of what God’s word actually says. In life, many people presume that whatever decisions they make are right with God without ever bothering to consult His word. In this lesson […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

“…..She Shall Be Saved In Childbearing” – What Does It Mean?

A querist asks, “Can you please provide my wife and I the proper interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:15?” This passage states, “Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Does Baptism Remove Sin In An Adulterous Marriage?

A querist asks, “If a man and woman get married then get divorced, then the man goes and remarries, we know that he (and his new wife) has committed adultery. But say him

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags:

God Has Given! Will You Receive?

Before the children of Israel crossed over the Jordan into the Promised Land, Moses spoke to them to encourage them to remain faithful to God. This series of speeches that Moses gave are recorded in the book of Deuteronomy. Near the beginning of the book Moses says the following: “The LORD your God hath given […]

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Categories: Bible Study Lessons Tags:

1 Timothy Chapter One

I.   Paul's Greeting, vv. 1-2 1. The epistle is from Paul, the apostle, v. 1. 1) Apostle by the command of God, our Savior. 2) Apostle by the command of Christ, our hope. 2. The epistle is to Timothy, Paul's true child in the faith, v. 2. 3. The Greeting. 1) Grace, mercy and peace, […]

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Categories: Bible Outlines

Degrees Of Judgment, Or Compassion And Mercy?

A querist asks, “Does Matthew 5:7, James 2:13, and Matthew 18:21-35 state that there are degrees of judgment; that some souls will be judged more leniently than others; that some will “get away” with more than others?”

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Genesis 14, The Character of Abram

Our text concerns the character of Abram, the friend of God (James 2:23). This chapter reveals his love for family, his willingness to take risks for the right cause, his leadership capabilities, his humility in victory and his motives for going to war. For love of family Abram was willing to attack the armies of […]

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Categories: Bible Study Lessons

“Well, Nobody’s Perfect!”

When some folks want to excuse their personal imperfections (whatever they are), and make them acceptable, they sometimes say, “Well, nobody’s perfect!” This is far from

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The Problems of Preachers (Audio)

The Problems of Preachers In recent news, we’ve seen some very serious problems with a preacher and his family. Preachers are people just like anyone else and they have problems just like anyone else. In this lesson we will look at preachers and some of their problems and understand how the Bible distinguishes between the […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The Historical Christ

A querist asks, “How do i prove to a non-believer that Jesus really existed, historically?” There is more documented evidence that Jesus is a historical personage than any other person in history. If there existed a Julius Caesar, Plato, or Alexander the Great, there

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Does God Know How We Feel?

Bible lesson by Kevin Cauley reminding us that God cares when we sorrows and he knows our griefs.

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Categories: Bible Questions and Answers, Bible Study Lessons Tags:

After Death – Then What?

A querist writes, “I know that we will all be judged someday at the time of Christ’s return. My question is, what happens to people after they die, while the soul waits for judgment?” The Bible teaches that there is an intermediate state (hades – Luke 16:23). Hades is the realm or region of departed […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles