The Internet and Evangelism, Part 1
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RealAudio (Low Bandwidth) MP3 Download, The Internet and Evangelism, Part 1 RealVideo (Broadband only)
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You heard it here first friends — the end of the world — the day of Christ’s revealing and God’s final judgment will occur on April 5, 2007. How does this writer know? I read it on the Internet, of course. An 80-year-old Sanford, North Carolina man named Frank J. Potter, is proclaiming Christ’s second […]
A querist asks, “Is Psalm 110 a Messianic Psalm? The problem that Jesus posed to the Pharisees in Matthew 22:41-46, gives clear evidence that the Jews accepted Psalms 110 as being Messianic. Jesus was able to use the passage
The Lord’s Day is unlike any other day of the week. When John received his vision from the Lord of future events while exiled on the island of Patmos, he spoke of it as
One day when the Pharisees saw Jesus eating with publicans and sinners, they asked Jesus’ disciples, “Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?” (Matthew 9:10-11). When Jesus heard what they said, He replied to them, “They that be whole
A querist asks, “Does the phrase, ‘second death’ in the book of Revelation, imply in any way the doctrine of reincarnation?”
God has always been willing to reach out to sinful man (John 3:16-17; Romans 5:8; Titus 2:11; 2 Peter 3:9; cf. Ezekiel 33:11). As Christians, we can be assured that if we ask, we
In Revelation Chapter 10, John was told by the angel to take the little book and “eat it up” (Revelation 10:8-10 KJV). Upon eating it, it would taste in his mouth as honey, but it would be bitter in his stomach. As with John, the prophet Ezekiel was given a similar command to master the […]
A querist asks, “How did women in the Old Testament enter into a covenant relationship with God? What was the confirming sign of the binding agreement between women and God?”
A querist asks, “Did we have a choice to exist before we were born? I’m experiencing serious doubt and chaos in my heart about my existence upon this destitute place called earth. After all, I didn’t want to come here to begin with.”
A querist asks, “I recently learned that one of my cousins, in another state, has been attending a local church where they share a common cup during the communion portion
When Jesus revealed His divinity to the Jews residing in Nazareth, they questioned His authority (Matthew 13:53-58). This was not unexpected, considering they only knew Him
A querist asks, “Does anyone view Matthew 5:27-30 literally, and if so, do you practice it?” In Matthew 5:27-30-NKJV, the text reads: “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you, That whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already […]
Bible Procrastination “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring” (Proverbs 27:1 ESV). When I was learning the Spanish language, I was told a joke. Seems that there were some workers who were asked to do a certain task and they would always answer “mañana” (which is assumed […]
A querist asks, “In Genesis 6:3, does the phrase, ‘yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years’ mean that man’s earthly body won’t last more than 120 years (as opposed to all of the men that lived to around 900 yrs. old in Genesis 5)?”
A querist asks, “Are there scriptures in the Bible that tell us why men and women get married, and how to stay married to your spouse?”