“Jesus, The Loving Shepherd”
Categories: Sermon OutlinesDate written: August 28th, 2004
Scripture ref: Psalm 23
TITLE: “Jesus, The Loving Shepherd”
PROPOSITION: Jesus is the loving Shepherd because 1) He supplies all of our needs (providence), 2) He defends us from harm (protection), 3) He lays down his life for us (preservation).
OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to state why Jesus is the loving Shepherd and give one scripture that supports their answer.
AIM: To encourage each to understand Jesus as the loving Shepherd.
1. Read: Psalm 23
2. About the Text:
1) Here is a very familiar passage of scripture to us all.
2) We see pictured in this Psalm, the Lord as Shepherd.
3) It was an occupation with which David was familiar.
4) The Psalm illustrates for us God’s providence, protection, and preservation of His people.
5) Many believe that this Psalm is Messianic.
6) Jesus said in John 10:11, 14 “I am the good shepherd.”
7) There were two words for “good” in the Greek language.
a. AGATHOS signified that which was morally good.
b. KALOS signified that which represented excellence.
c. Jesus is the good (KALOS) shepherd