Increasing Peace
Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon OutlinesSUBJECT: PEACE
PROPOSITION: To set forth the increasing nature of peace in the kingdom of Jesus.
OBJECTIVE: That our peace increase.
1. Read: Isaiah 9:6-7.
2. Regarding the text:
1) There are many lessons in this text.
2) Regarding the identity of this child (Jesus) we see that he is:
a. Wonderful Counselor, 1 John 2:1-2;
b. Mighty God, John 1:1;
c. Everlasting Father, John 14:9; John 8:58;
d. Prince of Peace, Ephesians 2:14-18.
3) Regarding his position:
a. The government is to be upon his shoulders;
b. He is to sit on David’s throne, Acts 2:29-36;
c. He is to establish David’s kingdom;
d. He is to uphold David’s kingdom with
a) Justice, and
b) Righteousness;
e. This position is eternal, that is, filling its allotted time,
f. God’s integrity is the assurance for his doing this.
4) Moreover, there is one word used in verse 7 which shows an important aspect of the life subject to Jesus, the king.
5) Increase:
a. Of His government; and
b. of His peace.
3. Reference to Subject, Title, Proposition and Objective.
DISCUSSION: This “increasing” peace of Jesus –
I. Is His will for all mankind.
1. Everyone wants peace!
1) Gang leaders;
2) Linus;
3) Inherent in each one.
2. Evolution can not account for this desire for peace.
3. God’s creative power alone can account for this desire.
1) Matthew 11:28-30;
2) John 14:27;
3) Philippians 4:6-7.
4. It is God’s will that you have peace.
II. Is obtained in subjection to God’s government.
1. Galatians 5:22.
2. When is The Spirit given, Acts 2:38.
3. John 3:5, born into the kingdom.
4. Hebrews 7:1-2, 15-17, and 22.
5. There are conditions of citizenship IN the kingdom of Jesus.
III. Grows in the Christian life.
1. Growth is a major characteristic of the Christian life.
1) 1 Peter 2:1-2;
2) 2 Peter 3:18.
2. Peace grows in the life of the Christian.
1) Luke 2:14;
2) Romans 2:10-11;
3) Romans 8:6;
4) Ephesians 6:15;
5) Colossians 3:15;
6) James 3:17-18.
3. Peace INCREASES as the Christian matures in Grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1. Isaiah 9:6-7.
2. Do you have the peace of KING Jesus?
3. Is Jesus’ PEACE increasing in your life?