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Qualities of a True Worshipper – In Spirit and in Truth

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qualities of a true worshipper

Qualities of a True Worshipper — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on true worship, its object, attitude and standard. From John 4.


1. Worship is the response of all that man is to all that God is and does.

1) We do not worship for what we can get out of it, but because God is worthy of it.

2) However, true worship to God does lead to personal enrichment and enablement – the kind of strength that helps the Christian bear the burdens and fight the battles of life.

2. In our study of “True Worship” we have defined it, described it, and have shown what false worship is.

3. We will now begin to discover what true worship to God is by noticing three of its characteristics found in John 4:20-24…

1) The Right Object – God

2) The Right Attitude – Spirit

3) The Right Standard – Truth

DISCUSSION: [ discussion of this qualities of a true worshipper sermon ]

I.   Devotion to the Right Object is one of the Characteristics of a True Worshipper

1. As we have already noted, but will emphasize again, the Bible brilliantly teaches us that God is to be the sole object of our worship.

1) Exodus 20:1-5

2) Matthew 4:8-10

2. Since God is to be the exclusive object of our worship, it follows then that we are not to worship:

1) Departed saints,

2) The devil,

3) Angels,

4) Any person,

5) The riches of this world.

3. Remember, God is the audience of true worship.

4. As we worship God, we must realize that God is “Holy.”

1) Thus, we must approach Him in reverence of godly fear.

2) Isaiah 6:1-8

3) Hebrews 12:28-29

5. Consider what happened when men encountered the holiness of God.

1) Abraham confessed he was “dust and ashes” (Genesis 18:27).

2) Job said, “I abhour myself, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:6).

3) Habakkuk “trembled” in the presence of God (Habakkuk 3:16).

4) Ezra 9:6

6. A true worshipper will not approach God in worship in a flippant manner.

1) We ought not to be passing in and out, passing notes, whispering – acting like we are at a ball game – it is a time of reverence.

2) Many have more reverence and respect at a funeral than they do in the presence of the living God.

7. Because God is holy, we will approach Him in gratitude.

1) Because He does not give us what we deserve for sin – immediate death.

2) Because God is holy He gives us the opportunity to share in His mercy.

3) A worshiping soul is a grateful and penitent soul.

II.  Worship in Spirit is one of the Qualities of a True Worshipper

1. Worshipping in Spirit begins with the life of the worshipper.

1) The attitude of the true worshipper begins long before he gets to the assembly.

2) Worship has a close and intimate relationship with life.

a. Remember, though, all of life is not worship,

b. But our conduct and attitudes relate to our worship.

3) A life of disobedience makes our worship unacceptable, for example:

a. Isaiah 1:11-15

a) What was the problem with their worship?

b) Isaiah 1:16-18

b. Amos 5:21-23

a) Why? What was the problem?

b) They were not righteous and had left off judgment (Amos 5:24).

c. Private devotion, prayer and moments of meditation – coupled with a godly life, prepares for a rich and meaningful worship in the assembly of the saints.

2. The spirit of the worshipper.

1) This has reference to attitude – what we think about and how we feel as we worship.

a. True worship involves more than just the right externals.

b. We are to offer up spiritual sacrifices (1 Peter 2:5).

c. We are to draw near to god with a “true heart” (Hebrews 10:22).

d. Psalm 103:1

e. Matthew 15:7-9

f. “Sing and make melody in your hearts to the Lord” (Colossians 3:16).

2) How can we prepare in heart so as to be prepared to worship in spirit? How can we prepare so that:

a. We’ll not be bored and indifferent?

b. We’ll not have cold and calloused hearts.

c. We’ll not be hurried in a rush to get it over with and out of here.

d. We’ll be attentive and focused, and not have our minds on other activities.

e. We give true worth to God.

3) Principles that will help:

a. Develop a spiritual-mindedness; as opposed to having a mind focused on fleshly things.

a) Philippians 4:8

b) Psalm 119:97

b. Maintain a worshipful atmosphere.

a) Psalm 89:7

b) Habakkuk 2:20

c. Center our attention on God.

a) Not on the building, someone’s clothes, etc.

b) We are easily distracted – keep distractions to a minimum – learn to focus.

c) Cultivate a deep awareness of God – Proverbs 15:3

d. Pray for a united heart.

a) Psalm 86:5-11

b) “…unite my heart to fear thy name” (v. 11) – the idea is, unite my heart in worship.

c) The opposite is a divided heart.

III. Worship According To Truth is a Characteristic of a True Worshipper

1. Worship has always been a matter of divine stipulation.

1) Under Patriarchal Law.

a. For example: The worship of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4).

b. Genesis 4:3-5. Why?

c. Hebrews 11:4

d. Remember that… Romans 10:17

2) Under the Law of Moses.

a. Leviticus 10:1-2

b. God had specified requirements for worship.

3) Under the Law of Christ.

a. Acts 2:42

b. Ephesians 4:14

c. Colossians 3:16

2. Colossians 3:17

3. 1 Peter 4:11

4. We are to worship according to truth – not according to our own wants.

5. God authorizes 5 items of worship…

CONCLUSION: The Qualities of a True Worshipper

1. Devoted to the right object.

2. Must be accomplished in spirit.

3. Must be according to truth.

see also: Worship in Spirit and in Truth at Church of Christ Articles