Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Jesus As Our Advocate

In writing to Christians in 1 John, the apostle John urges them not to sin, but if they should sin through weakness or ignorance, they have an “Advocate” who stands in their behalf before the Father. In 1 John 2:1, the word “advocate” refers to an attorney who speaks for an accused person to gain […]

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Proverbially Speaking

In the 2011, volume 49, number 1 edition of The Sword and Staff publication, pg. 2, comes the following proverbs of wisdom (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added): If you have never become a Christian, you are not a Christian. If you would know the Father, first become acquainted with the Son (John […]

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Barbs …. With A Point

The following barbs of wisdom come from The Sword and Staff publication, 2011, Volume 49, Number 1; pg. 13 (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added): Most people like a “lite” generic gospel message because that is the way they respond (if they respond at all), not wanting to get down to specifics.

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The Importance Of Healthy Eyes

The amount of light received and distributed to the body depends on the power and accuracy of the eye that receives it. A diseased eye will prevent the access of light and the darkness becomes profound to those who are accustomed to light.

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Four Famous Quotes

The following famous quotes are significant, in that all of the four well-respected men listed, agree that the key to our continued prosperity and freedom in this country is dependent upon parents to: Teach their children to read and have appreciation for the Bible at an early age (2 Timothy 3:15; cf. 2 Timothy 1:5). […]

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Our Working On Immortal Minds

Daniel Webster, one of America’s greatest statesmen, once made the following remarks about making a lasting impression on mankind: “If we write upon marble, it will perish. If we work upon brass, time will efface it. If we rear temples, they will crumble into dust. But if we work upon men’s immortal minds, if we […]

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“Thinking” On God's Word

The Christian religion is a “thinking” religion, and every faithful Christian must be a “thinking” Christian. The disciple of Christ acts as he does, believes what he believes, and teaches what he teaches, not because of what his feelings dictate, but because his mind has thought these things out based upon what God has spoken […]

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Living A Life Of Regret

In his book entitled, 101 Hymn Stories: Kregel Publications, 1982, page 52, Kenneth W. Osbeck records the following sad story of Robert Robinson (1735-1790), the author of one of the most beautiful hymns in hymnology, “O Thou Fount Of Every Blessing”:

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Avoiding Foolish Disputes

As a young lawyer, Abraham Lincoln was called on to be the arbitrator in many disputes. On one occasion, two men had been arguing for hours about the correct proportion of the length of a man’s legs to the size of his body.

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“Let Another Man Praise You”

There’s an old fable that tells the story of two geese who were about to start southward on their annual autumn migration, when they were entreated by a frog to take him with them.

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Displaying Natural Affection

In Romans 1:31 KJV, Paul is describing the extreme wickedness of the Gentiles. Among other deficiencies, he said they were “without natural affection.”

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Are We Really Serious About Going To Heaven?

Are we really serious about going to heaven? The story is told of a amateur golfer who once asked a local golf pro if taking golf lessons from him would guarantee a better score. The wise old pro replied, “Not until you get serious about golf!”

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A Look At A Sorrow That Saves

One of the most difficult of God’s commands is repentance (Luke 13:3; Acts 17:30). A simple definition of repentance is: A change of heart [attitude] resulting in a changed lifestyle. The man who would alter his lifestyle without altering his attitude faces an almost impossible task. On the other hand, changing the will not only […]

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“One Thing You Lack”

All three of the synoptic gospels record the parable of the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-22, Mark 10:17-22; Luke 18:18-23). Matthew’s account tells us the man was young, and Luke’s account notes that he was a ruler from a wealthy and socially prominent family. All three writers record that the young man was rich.

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What Jesus Is

To the artist, He is the one altogether lovely (Song of Solomon 5:16). To the architect, He is the chief cornerstone (I Peter 2:6). To the astronomer, He is the sun of righteousness (Malachi 4:2).

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Only Twelve Minutes A Day

Think you don’t have time to read the Bible? Have you ever thought about how much time it would take to read from Genesis to Revelation?

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Spiritual Lessons Learned From An Ox

In Isaiah 1, we see a pronouncement of judgment by God upon Israel. Even though God had provided for their every need, the nation rebelled against God’s law and became corrupt and sinful. They are described as a person with open sores, with no ointment to heal them (Isaiah 1:1-6). Because of their sinful rebellion, […]

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Serving The Lord With Enthusiasm

Henry Ford once stated, “You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars. Enthusiasm is the spark in your eye, the swing in your gait, the grip of your

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“In Everything Give Thanks”

Well-known Bible scholar, Matthew Henry, once made the following comments after he had been robbed:

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There's A Detective Story Worth Looking Into

Looking up the meaning of words is a great way to increase our vocabulary. For example, the word “whodunit” means “detective story.” The most important detective story of all time is the question of creation.

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