Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

How Will Folks Remember Us?

After the South lost the US Civil War, John Wilkes Booth (see article) wanted to be remembered as its avenger against the North. Some scholars speculate that because he was an actor, Booth’s planned assassination of President Lincoln was, in his mind, his greatest “performance.”

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Undergoing A Spiritual Checkup

Given a choice, I’d probably not voluntarily visit my doctor for a physical exam. I’m inclined to assume that everything is okay and not bother my doctor about it.

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“To the preacher, life’s a sermon, To the joker, life’s a jest, To the miser, life is money, To the loafer, life’s a rest.

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The Time To Trust

“When is the time to trust? Is it when all is calm, when waves the victor’s palm, And life is one glad psalm of joy and praise? “Nay, but the time to trust is when the waves beat high, When storm cloud fill the sky, and prayer is one long cry, ‘O, help and save.’

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The Power Of Christian Song

There’s something about a fine old hymn That can stir the heart of a man; That can reach to the goal of his inmost soul Such as no mere preaching can.

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It Only Takes One Generation

The life of Howard Hughes started with great potential, but sadly ended in a heart-breaking condition. Even though he was one of the wealthiest men in the world, he died as a spiritually bankrupt individual.

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A Synopsis Of The Bible

The following is a synopsis of the Bible found in New Testaments that are left in motels and hotels by The Gideon organization. I have added appropriate Scriptures and article links:

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Satan's Devices

Those of us who have bad allergies more than likely have consulted an allergist. The allergist will usually suggest allergy shots which seem ludicrous at first. Nevertheless, allergy shots are designed to cause the body to tolerate the very thing it will not tolerate.

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A “Worry Box” Or God's Hands?

The story is told about a woman who kept a box in her kitchen that she called her “Worry Box.” Every time something troubled her, she would write it down on a piece of paper and put it in the box. She resolved not to think about her problems as long as they were in […]

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What Does “Baptized For The Dead” Mean?

A querist asks, “In 1 Corinthians 15:29 KJV, what does the phrase, “baptized for the dead” refer to in this verse?” Using the King James Version, the text reads: “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?“ […]

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We Are Strangers And Pilgrims On The Earth

In 1 Peter 2:11, the word “pilgrims” in the Greek is “parepidemos” (Strong’s 3927), which is a combination of three words: para — (alongside of), epi – (upon), demos — (people of a foreign country or city).

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Is There A Certain Posture In Praying?

God’s word commands us to pray (cf. Philippians 4:6; Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18; 1 Timothy 2:1; 1 Timothy 5:5). In prayer, there is a recognition that one must approach the throne of God with reverence (Hebrews 12:28).

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When God Gives Us Up

When man refuses to see the abundant proof of God’s eternal power and divine attributes in the created world, he “glorifies Him not as God, neither is thankful.” (Romans 1:21). In reading Romans 1:20, we learn that God has a divine nature. All who recognize God’s divine nature, glorify Him with the honor so justly due […]

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Let Us “Die In The Lord”

In Acts 7:59-60, Luke records that when Stephen was stoned, he “fell asleep.” Our English word “cemetery” comes from this same Greek word (koimao – Strong‘s 2837), which means “to put to sleep.”

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Considering What A Passage Does “Not” Say

When we study the Bible and consider what a passage does “not” say, God’s truth becomes vividly impressed on our minds. For example, when the Jews on the day of Pentecost asked Peter and the rest of the apostles what to do to be saved, Peter did not say, “You are already saved since you […]

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“And Let Us Not Grow Weary”

Many times in our Christian walk, it becomes very discouraging to continue to do good and receive no word of thanks or see no tangible results. However, Paul challenges us to keep on doing good because in due time we will reap that eternal reward.

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We've Got To Keep “Movin' On”

As individual members in the Lord’s church, we must keep “movin’ on” to greater accomplishments, never being content with how far we’ve come with past accomplishments (Philippians 3:13-14).

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The Key Virtues Of The Lord's Kingdom

In comparing Isaiah 2:1-5, Isaiah 11:6-9, and Micah 4:1-4, we see the coming kingdom of the Lord dramatically portrayed, as a kingdom of peace. In Romans 14:17, Paul adds two other key virtues of the kingdom,  righteousness and joy.

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Our Tendency Toward Complacency

One of the greatest difficulties in serving God in this country is the tendency toward complacency. In America, we are blessed with laws which protect us from persecution, and we are individually blessed with a wealth which exceeds almost any country in history. Even today, much of the world would be amazed at what we […]

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Keeping The “Ice” Off Our Bow

John was a professional salt-water fisherman. He explained to his good friend Jack, how he cruised out to sea each morning, coming back each evening with his catch. Jack asked, “Is there a part of the year you can’t go out?” John replied, “The winter is too risky. Below freezing, the spray of the water […]

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