Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Do We Say “I Believe” — Or “The Bible Says?”

If you were to go up to someone on the street and ask them what one needs to do to be saved, they would probably respond, “I believe…” You could probably ask that same question to someone in the Lord’s church and receive the same kind of answer, “I believe…” You might be wondering what […]

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Always Hold On To The Unchanging Hand Of God

The story is told of an elderly woman in her 90’s who one day decided to tell her life story to her preacher who wanted to know about the difficulties she had experienced during her long lifespan. She told him of the many trials and tribulations she had faced — the loss of her spouse […]

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God Only Needs One Person

History is replete with documented evidence of wicked rulers whose design was to rule and manipulate the masses. Through historical documents, we can clearly see the horrible progression of events that led to genocide, persecution, and virtual slavery.

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Reminding Our Children Of “Who” They Belong To

Today, sending children away to college is as frightful for parents, as it is wondering “how” they will pay for their college education. In today’s world of evolutionary thought and the various “isms” being proclaimed, parents are also concerned about “what” their children will learn at these so-called institutions of “higher“ learning.

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We Must Become “As Little Children”

In Matthew 18:1-6, Jesus gives some very important qualifications for those who would enter the kingdom of heaven. Among those qualifications are the following: “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little […]

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“Don’t Go Ridin’ On That Long Black Train”

Country music has always been one of my favorite genres of music, simply because its lyrics usually express some kind of moral truth. The following such lyrics are those expressed in Josh Turner’s “Long Black Train.” Closely observe the words:

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When Is A Man A Liar?

In Acts 5:1-4, we read the following narrative: “But a man named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property, and with his wife’s knowledge he kept back for himself some of the proceeds and brought only a part of it and laid it at the apostles’ feet. But Peter said, “Ananias, why […]

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“Keep Your Fork — The Best Is Yet To Come”

The story is told of  a woman who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and had been given three months to live. As she was getting her things “in order” (cf. 2 Kings 20:1), she contacted her preacher and asked him if he would come to her house to discuss certain aspects of her […]

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The Love Of Christ Compels Me!

Why have we made the effort to assemble with the saints on the Lord’s Day? Why have we chosen to spend these moments in this way, instead of in a hundred other things we could have elected to do? It’s a question well worth asking. It’s one that I try to remember to ask myself […]

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There Is “One Body”

Our Lord’s spiritual body (kingdom) is the church (Matthew 16:18-19; Colossians 1:18,24). “And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Ephesians 1:22-23).

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Our Bank Account For One Day

The following thoughts are from a selected short article in The Sword and Staff publication, Vol. 42, 2004. The message it presents should be of utmost importance to us as we teach and preach the saving gospel of Christ to others:

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How To Change The Minds Of People

The mission of the church is to change the minds of people. Our object should never be that of just winning an argument or making a point. Our goal should never be just to “put down” someone; rather, we want them to change their minds and their lives to conform with the saving gospel of […]

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Memorial Day — 2011

The following are some Memorial Day videos and related articles that express the gratitude of all true Americans for the sacrifice, dedication and commitment of our service men and women in keeping our nation free from all enemies, both domestic and foreign:

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On “Singing Unto The Lord”

As King Hezekiah restores God’s pattern of worship in 2 Chronicles 29, we read in 2 Chronicles 29:30, “.…And they sang praises with gladness, and they bowed their heads and worshipped.“

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The Difficulty Of Surrendering One's Will

“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his live shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:24-25).

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Our Greatest Purpose In Life

Champion cyclist Lance Armstrong is an inspiration to millions. After a life-threatening bout with testicular cancer that had metastasized to his lungs and brain, Armstrong recovered to win the exhausting Tour de France bicycle race — not once, but seven times. Doctors familiar with the severity of Armstrong’s medical condition, have thought this feat virtually […]

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The Marvelous Unity Of The Bible

Anyone who is a student of the Bible can readily see the great unity and harmony that exists within the pages of God’s inspired word. Today, it would be virtually impossible to find forty uninspired men, separated by centuries and from all walks of life, to have the ability to write sixty-six books void of […]

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A Question About Zechariah 8:23

A querist asks, “In Zechariah 8:23 KJV the phrase, “take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew” is a very interesting phrase. Can you please tell me what this phrase refers to?” The “skirt” of a Jew was one that had a fringe and blue ribbon upon it (Numbers 15:38; Deuteronomy 22:12) […]

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On Distorting The Truth

Have we ever thought about how prone mankind is to lying? (Jeremiah 17:9; cf. Psalms 109:2). With a stroke of an exaggeration here, an omitted detail there, or a misleading silence, we tend to distort the truth, do we not?

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A “Legend In His Own Mind”

In the character of Naaman, we see a man who was truly a “legend in his own mind.” Many are misunderstanding and rejecting God’s Word today because they desire to please self instead of pleasing God (2 Kings 5:11-12).

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